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December 10, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WED)NESDAY, L7 CEMBER 10, 1902 N.6 bSEOND YEAR. 140. 63 ------------------- z-_ WHY MICHIGAN IS GREAT Written by Fielding 1. Yot, the; Wonderfully Successful Coach of the University of Michigan Football Teamf Fieding Hlan-i Yost. she great coach' °f the university of Michigan's twice- e' ni-p i n football team, ontriltrtis ts' I itr-Ny-ews tihs ssstjaeie ri- ' ihrnis (:ranst in Fototihttl." It is an 'h...…

October 10, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…z; f - t. 7 !. :; - - a , "; _ _. - " ;,' . .;, : m . ..: t t. yy ., t .. }' b . .. 1 _f_. _ _ .- ._ v .y ' f r : y _ ' F ,:- . J:. ;: 4 . I{t ry / .. _.. "c.._:- .J :, . ; : 4 .. k A,, 1 . : - . _ '1_ 7-- .7 -=+ .-^ -- f. -- °" "" ,. / r 7 ii ~22 - -- …

May 10, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…1 V LFL r Xl SItRST YXEAR. 'VARSITY FIELD DAY A NN Al-1(301"t, AlI(lIi., SA TltI-D A 1- NIAYi it, I10402 Ni1<. 7 Baibour Cxvm Exhlbitiotl CHARLES EMORY SMI[fH Seniors W4, Juniois 9. An Intere-ting; and Exilting Contest t 'I'ls' Ii li .lSi ilittti t .tt tiln :t ilt'i Tribute to McKinley---One of the Fill- bie Held on Ferry Filid Today- tlitni i t tt.ttt 111: 11 pril : h est Orations Fver Heaid in Forecast oI Piobable Winners C tl'' l, he'~tl Ct...…

April 10, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…O OKICR17,r M ' ZIVO' All Y. F - ff BASE BALL. SCHEDULE :'....[N .i I O F l II . TI 'NSIX K !.a PR L 10 1 Ga. Toastmaster Finney5 Sp e h .:STRENGTH TESTS DESCRIBED oXi. it lesni'rs Ahead, of 'S ists Garo o o~ ~O00 s I t ,'s '', asitll's,1i H ' rill) T, Si", 5.5 i i ll C Iit X i ll' p 15tit' 1' " i s it1: ; m id5,, i :lit fit51 S it t'ti sd , XX', t ti ~ ) , 7 1l]',, _~ ~ ; r r" . i. l il r w t it t ti .{1 l r_ :I?00,, } , -,,it t tt_ l a ...…

January 10, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…FraSTYEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICII., FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 1902. No. T4 MICHIGAN ALUMNI DINNER. nunntIsly throasgli the ItIii MICHIGAN'S BIG SCHEDULE Meeting of Track Men Last Night. Graduates o is rest a -eld f atiit iwshictheyIa-ls iihli epns ntl is ofthe University Gather tire norpr~n-int:tht, iren a city~ Manager Baird Has Returned From a111lofthle seatsali ifor tcktamil"a- Round tUe Table at Mercantile of i' til 1111551 oertht tsare nt Conference W...…

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