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February 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…c e'.af Al, VOL. 11.-No. 01. UNIVERSITY OF .MICHIIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1893. KENTUCKY'S BRILLIANT SON, tomorrow evening, made a great and BEST AND JEFFERIS WIN. -- inistantaneouis hit on its original pro-' Sketch of Henry Watterson. the Jduetioii, aiid has since grown steadily Interesting Debate at the Jeffer- Most Distingushed Living inipaublile favor. sonian Contest in Law Lecture Southerner.IT7I , PRICE, THREE CENTS. Her -Vtesn wol...…

February 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…Published Dtaily (Sundays excepted) during the Cullette year. by THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subserittioo~price V.5dl per year, inv-ariably' in advance Olaglecopiea 3 cents. Subscrip- tons may be left at the ottice of the DAILY, at Stofflet't, witth any tof tlte editors or authorized solicitors. tCoamtunicatiuns shoculd resc elloffice by 7 u'cluck Y:n. ifthetey are to appeatr the neut Jay. Address all mnattet' inteaded toe publics- ti...…

February 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. I (Xr, TYE2 fATS A L L O Y E I ( O A T S A T I - O F F . IA LUI SA_ _F F ALLSUIS A ~OF.As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ALL SINGLE PA NTS AT J- OFF. ______Creme styles now ready at See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8, KENNEDY &/ RELILE. "'' T OSAMS Ann Arbor Saving9s Banak PATRONIZE U -f~!~# Excelsior Laundrya Ann Arboremich. Capital Stock, 00(10, OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! \II'20IfIWI'IUUI5EAS ...…

February 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M,. DAIL IFOR Q nIl A Of Philadelphia,) !'s'~A -111KE IS TI " )IiE [,lEST IA NUR:1T TR3 A I SI A O . '4tehegeev, ('tlleti bouneftqes. . Z. t7ONLY $1400. Wtht stttd1I 5ateg alh~ n lpn ae i/ CALKINS. J'I~,A\sI P01RIOT La/lesi Fads ias Fedoras. 3 4 S o . t a t e T d { 'tSt r e e t ) S EiL WIt t .( ) ' N l t l ' S a ________________34___________ ithStatie street, - - ItI7STrAIStS.j t MOORE &WETMRE, BOOK STORE S NO-i6 SOUTH MAIN STREET __...…

March 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…O Aff L IV -11 L Von,. III.--N o. 115. VOL. 11-No. 15. NIVMERSITY OF NfICIIIGAIN, FlI DAY, MfARCH 10, 1893. INTasCN. YRICE, THIaw CENTS. WATERMAN GYMNASIUM~. tered frequently into0 deibate and de- fended the ipresence of United States Will Not Be Completed at Once u11-I less Something Happens-The nsmarshals at the elections ill the Way Things Stand. soultih.Iintile forty-seventh lie was 'lie 11111n 1111111illesthat have rsosbefrad1arnltlo...…

March 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…JC. of 1'Mf. $ Dcti. PIiSished DitaiY (th 1dayts eeti (tduring theColIuleg ar, cc-by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION THE U. OF M. DAILY. not fitted foribhat brancb of exeri ccie.LI E T1 T NTG O Tbat brings op that big side of the LI E J I V b M N Y girn, whirci abruptly backs tip By Going to W'alr & Miller's andc save from --5c, 5oc aind 7 5e oo ever}- against spatce as if it werre 111tiof pair of Shoes as se rost reduce our stock to pla...…

March 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE~ A SPECIAL EFFORT ALL, OYERCOATS AT i OFF. ALL .SUITS AT { OFF. Th!,'educe not, Slaockof 11IITNiA I ,a1 W l I>' 1? f or ic ALL SIN( LE P IANTS AT OFF. See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS, KENNEDY RE ULE. W ,iE Ann Arbor Savings Bank! W ureR F iRH j Ls Ann Arbon t h ('apital Stok,0-0 5040 earns hrough f tos o t t I o' c vF Deposiltbu t n d 1' L. 0. ATWATER,} o4, ('C0, 1 "it 'tec ln 'oin t14 Otu t...…

March 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. 'DAILY o I5 V \ lAA1(! AG reren vtoS C s'h CISO USC iON''LY $14.00. ol ii ISUi1 11(1s'L1 ll(i I.) '4lO IN I'I:O' 1'OI0iI . CALKINS' PHARACY. WILSEY, j :iSout Stae Steet, - TP STAtitIi CLUETT'S NEW COLLAR. AI L ~sr i MOOE WE OEBOOK STORES NO- 6 OUTH MAIN STREET ANE (,() R FS2B00DN~ LA1s'kES T =) 7I S (I 1 HV l Ou) wil t Ii C~omplete arid Our Prices asiLow as' eLo ' .1 Clon!T rC "i^ ;-'REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN BUY ailor oppsite ...…

April 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…Of .10 AL 49. VOL. III.-Nu. 1 41. VOL.111.No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHItGAN, MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1893. leioTr iTS PRICE, TmOKE CENTS. MICHIGAN DEFEATS ALBION_ I such a gathering in this city, and bans Des ffetiv Wok i th ihe so interested Isis Isearers thsat Box-Our Boys Score 10 Runs ttsey will he glad to hear hini again. to Albion's 4. He discussed the freedons of man A large nuniher of spectators, is-an his tendancy to do as tsr pleased cb...…

April 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. r -~osbfet' 21isother edit in the L'Uric (r - - - - - sty, liii Lii diii .iit of hissiniterst ' s -0 iaL i isi'del;ss (' is.1 'i''- >(1, i iIi()rti" l susi e. 5{ 11K_ U. O Gii E' BIDLEV 1 rSS0_1 T1 M taysthe inewv officer s be ree --'(led with a~usiit saccess tn their saliero z -s- 'c.1 ii t 13, i) 1!'as i, vr i 5 ly i i r the coinsg year. tasint irtheIt lii r ' -- ISEE 05ii\ iiWINDiiiW. 48 SOULTH MA%?YI STOIR 'S'. ti tflts...…

April 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…f'Y T . OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE., 'oR ART'Y WEAR ALL OVEIZC()ATS AT'I'J. ___V ALL SUITS AT :L(OFFK ALL SINGLE PANTS ;AlT(OF. See these bargains before buying. Fis aE', (itlii k I 1 ig ( iis vt's, lent (loveso, l '" S >0 '6' , (Clu)sHuse r ess Tio, Shitis, Stusds, All the Latest at WADHAMS, KENNEDY /MEULE. ~ W AM Ann PT IEI C ;AF J5 -Arbor Savings Bank OWrEN'S PAOOI3ZE SHOPHE; AH7 T Excelsior Thu dry, Atn Arbor Mich. Capital Stock, ...…

April 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…THE T, OFf'M. D AILY Shears, T 1 I~NEGLEGEESisr,'i 1ethpSIJRT itahogaay.iCeluliboundtedgesi, In the elPRING STYLE S ad E AsDING SHA'DES hv ive dTeyl are the Everey Articlie Vasested erifOctY finest itt sharts tiescoutryp eeererlacedleant toesale tatly at CAI1 L ITLEs FELLOWS IN PROPORTION.I' It34heathhState Street, .- lUt'sTrAIRS. I EsAtItNG C(9TItttttst ANt1) SlATt. IJuS NAIN STRSEET. mOORE& WETMO RE, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ___ _...…

May 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…IA19M.ddlL MI-Imm vp Ap tt IAL AdL A *-A Vol- III:.-No. 15 7. Foe. 11-No 157. UIVERSITY OF -MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1893. PIETRECNS P-RicE, THREE (TENTS. OUP, ALUMNI WEEKLY. The U. of M. will Have One Nex Year, in Conneotion with The Daily. itf ucei itterest sold Sp 010 tue f131't (? ht -itjtt commiottee of te1 nt11 oIc ae League.e'Ir. Bir id also resteocel liii seer{ trvsllipt lotir iw-s then {"L ! di t o ii te i-l..i] i s1li I TH...…

May 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…ViJc. of W~f. Niai(. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Cllette ytae. by THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscriptionsptic'al'l0 oper tear, iavariably iadrace Single copies 3 renta. Subsceip- tiotns may bec left at the office o1 the Dottyv, at Stottlet's, witch any ofl'the editoet xr authorizedlsolicitors. o tticatitans stoauldlteach the oalte by 7t o'loachke. .aftIheycare to appear the aext jay. Adtdreaasall mactter iateaded t...…

May 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE LATEST AND BEST HERE'S A SNAP.---Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Assortmtaent of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS in the City. Lincoln Bennett & Co.'s Genuime Enlish 5Derby htsalclosiis 14A VE YOU SEEN O1Ii NEW SPING STOCI(?l and this season's shape, that ate said alt sver te Urnitedtitte';sat .o for $3.00. isE is tess sth a ostuti youidon't hick atcil t. It is a pletdidtSheing of it a nttiO vereoats. E xtra V lue at 1 o ics Thisd a S R ...…

May 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY r d ~A FINE DI8LAYGENTS' HALF-HOSE NOTICE' A 2E. saeSFrIlor- - Is ~ Special Sale at NOBLES. favcloijs, Violins., t]Etc. fr-7 t l. li' r31r~ Ciole ad Al. e31 31 3 li ,e31ana ich illlri,,e t~ie ',Four for i1.00.l -A J ' Tne.3 do , Thre o fr $1.)00. 50) CIS., worth To7i5 AlCA KI 'S ILSEY, - The Music Dalr. Etc.,313 033 7 -1 7 _1 +. 6 t130 3 i "Vt 3 0 f J e )0 T 23 R.V" ..r .... . ...y.,.. w ... . F' ,., 13 3 . r '3 5 I I '3ii ,...…

October 10, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…, . a . a . \r~1 IF-NO. 9. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1S93. PRICE. THREE CENTS. A,()r,. I NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1S93. PRicE, THREE CENTS. KNIGHTS OF THE PENCIL, the same duty for the Evening ( RIVAL CLASSES TO CONTEST. E Nes. he Nws as lst earASHBURNU1 TA~ Men who Ifr the World of our ew.Ts Nws altyar The Freshman -Sophomore Field , Doings-Note Their Names represented by a co-ed, Miss Gier- G ay ar...…

October 10, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~I.of iZ. ai . e'iliabed Dily ttassmays eceted) dring the Collee year, by THE U. OF MI. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subcritia price $2.5 pee year, invariably at adeaaie single apica 3 cnts. Sobarip- tiaaa may be letata the atfce of the DAILa at Scarffet,twith ay at the edtra or aathariczed aolicitr. Cttmmniatiaaa hatuld reach the atie by 7 a'clock P. M. it they are ta appear the net iay. Addesas all matter inteded fr pbica- ta...…

October 10, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY.I ORANIE 188. IaOPOATaEDa1886 THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW AH CLEMENT, NI SO. MAINsST. Diretor and Mallaige EXCEL SIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HiUON STREET. Good Forik Gouiianteed. Goods coiled for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. zz 'Wears if tihe Husiaaiess.ofi-' CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt. No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP YOURIi ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATC $AVIflG$ BAI2K+ Use. Main and Washingtoon Streets. A. I.. NOBLEa, Pans. Rosao 5...…

October 10, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. AND HER FURNACE OFJ SJ~ UT, Su indo. ihenif shecsatys tic r:o isw'armo cnough, you ciniii - xth rta t i it isu t" dntfl' }'ionS Slippers Isl.all fh J.alesf o~tylk s. Calkins' Pharmacy AT THE q1L Q iI~ 34 So. SIA3&E STEET..OUTFITTERS, 1BOWdi CX& JYWaftepon , .$TATEc$C ~QOZE~EJ & WOI~8, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIriJ STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortmetto(f NIVE1RSITY TEXT BOOKS, newv and second hand, andl al...…

November 10, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…VO.T-N.33 UIST Y FMCIAFIAY OEBR1,19. RCTRECNS VOL. IV.-No. 36. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1893. PRICE, THREE GENTS. J HE COMES OUT OF THE WEST. Continuing as to his varied career THEY WILL BE FINE. " W VE GOT EMI the Free Press says: Hon. Jerry Simpson, of Kansas, Will The Concerts in the Choral Union A CAR LOAD OF Appear Before the S. L. A. "Congressman Simpson is 51 years Series this Year Cannot To-morrow Evening- old....…

November 10, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. eut fsed D laity (Sundlays excepted) during the Colege year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subacription prier $2.50 per year, invariably in aranceeSine copies 3i rents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the estece of the DAILY, at Stoffiet's,twib th an 01ofthe editors or authoriaed solicitors. Comamunieatisns should reaeh the effiee by ? o'elock P. a. it they are so appear the next Jay. Address sit matter intended f...…

November 10, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY.________ ORGAIZE 180. NCORORAED 886 U. OF M. CALENDAR. THE CHEI7UANEGON ORCHESTRA. _ LEW H. (1.EMEN'1', Fi., Nov. 1?-Seria h loo l~d Jeague 'eries.. 51t So. MALSr S. Dir ec-tor snd Macoger. Pet. Nov. 10.-S. C. A. reeption to the Law Newbery llol,S8p. M. E XC]ELSIO0R LAUNVDRY Sat. Nov. 1.-Senior Literary eection. 2 p. am. 0NHAct'IIUURON ORE '. IRooto A. Good Werk Guorateed. Goods rolled for Sat. Nov. 11,-Jonior ...…

November 10, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ICALKINS' fifc . Z==ZT77 = o" MIXED CH-OCOLATE$ 40 TUESDAY,. '' L q DTqI TENOVEMBER 4th. Kid, Buck and Elk Tanned. See the N EW Y OU M AN at aol mr the.tW ant oudto atrsoatn THlE OUTFITTERS. ot rthisrt.W antpo o r tem.'tBO WDISH sr ___________O Calkins' Pharmacy J 2-vlOc:TOI 8 &WJ EO-RJ NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second .Band, and ...…

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