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November 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-five Years of Editorial Freedom P LIE ian I3Iai1ij Glug Colder and rainy, with high tem- peratures just reaching the fif- ties. Vol. XCV, No. 57 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, November 10, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages Suicide pill proponent visits U' By NANCY DOLINKO Jason Salzman, an organizer of the drive to stock suicide pills at Brown University, told a group of University of Michigan stud...…

November 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, November 10, 1984 Black family harassed in Chicago CHICAGO (AP)-The FBI said yesterday that it was investigating possible civil rights violations against a black family that endured two nights of violence, obscenities and racial slurs after moving into an apartment in an all-white neighborhood. Results of the probe will go to the Justice Department, which will decide whether the case is prosecutable, F...…

November 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…I MSA 4ommittee to decide on funds for forum By STACEY SHONK The Michigan Student Assembly will decide today on whether to fund a con- Itroversial symposium that some cam- pus leaders say may offend members of the Jewish community. MSA president Scott Page said the group's budget priorities committee will meet with members of the Muslim student Association which is spon- soring a symposium entitled "Palestine ...Zionism and Racism," to determi...…

November 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Saturday, November 10, 1984 The Michigan Daily The need to control early projec By Jerry Markon "Ronald Reagan has been re-elected president of our United States," CBS anchorman Dan Rather announced during the network's election coverage Although not surprising to pollsters who had predicted a Reagan landslide, and voters who had mysteriously obliged them, Rather's words come over the airwaves at 8 p.m. Eastern Standard...…

November 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 57) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Saturday, November 10, 1984 Page 5 Sound system brutalizes Waitresses By Dennis Harvey There are some things that I wouldn't even wish on Journey or Soft Cell, and one of them is the Michigan Ballroom. Distinguished in its own way as the biggest echo chamber on campus, the Ballroom may be swell for yodellers but it's a rather unfortunate place to have a pop concert, to put it as politely as possible and not resor...…

November 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 57) • Page Image 6

…PAULA DOSCH - Don't stop now! Run on over to the Daily to pick up two free tickets for the State Theatre. dA1110 FOR RENT STORE SPACE ON SOUTH UNIVERSITY-CALL 761-9635. cCtc AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - two room suite in extremely nice older home. Very quiet. $280. 662- 9737; 761-6170; 665-1367. 94C1110 VERY NICE NEWLY remodeled 4 bedroom apt. Near athletic campus. 494-9952. 53C1110 UNIVERSITY TOWERS Furnished Apartments. 536 S. Forest Phone 761-2...…

November 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 57) • Page Image 7

…4 4 I Wrestling Wolverine Open Sunday, Crisler Arena SPORTS Men's Basketball vs. Yugoslavia National team Thursday, 7:30 Crisler Arena r The Michigan Daily Saturday, November 10, 1984 Page7 LITTLE BROWN JUG ON THE LINE 'M' set to bury Gophers By PAUL HELGREN "My players are voting on Wed- nesday whether or not to come." Fear not. Lou Holtz's Minnesota Golden Gophers will show up to battle for The Little Brown Jug today. But a 48-3 t...…

November 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 57) • Page Image 8

…:4 eB- The Michigan Daily - Saturday, November 10, 1984 4 4 DEFE, TT E G;OL E GOP ERS p .i 4 Omx 4 IIICI 4 4 ART BALOURDOS Offensive Champion CLAY MILLER Offensive Hustler 4 4 W4 0 I U FREE LARGE GREEK SALAD when you purchase any m Ad …

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-five Years Of Editorial Freedom .:J- Litv Iai1Q London Morning fog with clearing skies by afternoon, and a high around 70. 'Vo. XCV, No . 30 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 10, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages Mondale harshly criticizes Rleagan in Detroit By BRUCE JACKSON Special to the Daily DETROIT - Walter Mondale rolled into Detroit yesterday afternoon with some predictably harsh...…

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…4 Page2 - TheMichigan Daily -Wednesday, October 10, 1984 FRIENDS fund 'U' patient care improvements I I By LORI GRAY Kidney patients at University Hospital couldn't get television sets to watch during hemodialysis. Patients at the Children's Psychiatric Hospital didn't have a playground. And an in- digent patient couldn't afford a winter coat. The TV sets, playground, and winter coat weren't in the massive hospital budget, but they were pur...…

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…I I Irving tackles political issues The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 10, 1984- Page 3 Entrepreneurs boost student opportunities By STEPHANIE DEGROOTE The world according to author John Irving is a bizarre place. "What I write may be nasty, but not nearly nasty enough. I can't out-bizarre the world," said Irving at a press con- ference at Rackham yesterday as part of the University's Visiting Writer Series. IRVING, whose work includes...…

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Edite dmcbatTenity Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Wednesday, October 10, 1984 The code's fo Vol. XCV, No. 30 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board I A SERIES ON THE PR OPOSED CODE II: The administration's justification F OR MOST OF this century, the University told students how to conduct their private affairs. Housing. of...…

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 5

…Student leaders hesitate on code The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 10, 1984 - Page 5 Westmoreland, CBS libel suit trial to begin flegot at on By ERIC MATTSON Michigan Student Assembly leaders presiden last, night tentatively rejected the ad- negotiate ministration's latest offer of terms for ludicrous negotiations over the proposed code for WHILE non-academic conduct. not byp MSA established three preconditions negotiati tfornegotiatin...…

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 6

…4 ARTS Wednesday, October 10, 1984 The Michigan Daily Page 6 R.E.M. TKOs Ann Arbor By Byron L. Bull Despite the very serious threat of nearly being up-staged by Pete Holsap- ple and the dB's (who put on a damn fine show), R.E.M. took the stage of the Michigan Theater Monday night and put on the sort of memborable evening that is a rare treat for concert-goers. When the band assumed the stage and thundered out the opening chords of "Rad...…

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 10, 1984-- Page 7 dB's do the Mic By Julie Jurrjens HOSE OF you who opted to come late to Monday's REM/dBs show - for shame. You who were tardy missed out on the dBs, despite numerous testimonies of their wonder- fulness from fans and critics alike. While my ears are still ringing from that show, I'd like to thoroughly dress down those of you who are too hip to be anything but fashionably late and 1com...…

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 8

…4 Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 10, 1984 FOR SALE HELP WANTED L MOUNTAIN BIKE HIGH QUALITY 15 SPEED 668-0035 DAYS 769-6172 EVES. 26B1017 BIKE SALE October 8 through October 13. New and used. Student Bike Shop. 607 S. Forest, next to Village Corner. 662-6986 25B1013 JEFFREY PARSONS - Relax with a friend at the State Theater Midnight Movies this weekend. Drop by the Daily offices to pick up two free tickets. dB1010 CHEVY...…

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 9

…I MSA cod poster povokes e The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 10, 1984 - Page 9 Pests gnaw TV wires angermi ,dorm RAs N By LISA POWERS An angry reaction to a Michigan Student Assembly poster opposing the proposed code for non-academic con- duct forced the assembly last night to end its use of the poster and have new ones printed up. "How would you like a new room- mate in November?" the posters asked, referring to the code and its pos...…

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 10

…4 Men's cross country vs. Michigan State Friday at University Golf Course SPORTS Intramural football officials needed Starting pay $4.30 per game Call 763-1313 The Michigan Daily Wednesday, October 10, 1984 Page 10 San Diego: home away I Parrish not happy 4 from home SAN DIEGO (AP) - Alan Trammell grew up here. John Grubb played here. Roger Craig managed here. And Sparky Anderson coached here. Little did those Detroit Tigers know they...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…G 1 4v 4F be Mtcbtg l Ilti Ninety-four years of editorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan-- Friday, August 10, 1984 Vol. XCIV, No. 35-S Copyright 1984 Fifteen Cents Me acco is c final scho 'A unde mer com incr with "T conc dire cam An Uni Merit-based scholarship debate intensifies By ANDREW ERIKSEN stemmed from a survey that examined how admitted erit-based financial aid is becoming a hot issue, 'Some universities are freshmen choose their c...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 10, 1984 Summer conferences hold dorm rates down By DAVID JACOBS While most students are out of town for the summer, a steady stream of visitors and prospective students keeps the dormitories open while helping to cut the cost of student housing during the school year. "We handle 13,000 to 15,000 people. between May 1 and the 20th of August," said Nancy D'Angelo, manager of conference services for...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 10, 1984 - Page 3 AFSCME solicits support in rally By PETE WILLIAMS About 50 members of the University's Local 1583 employees union carried signs that call for higher wages and better work ben fits as they marched in a circle in front of University Hospital yesterday afternoon. Local 1583 is part of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. AFSCME is currently at the bargaining tabl...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 10, 1984 New plot found in old novel IN BRIEF Compiled from Associated Press and United Press international reports BOSTON (AP) - A physician believes he has discovered - and solved - a twist of plot in 'The Scarlet Letter that has eluded a century of literary critics of the classic novel. To most readers, Nathaniel Hawthorne's book is a tale of sin and guilt, subtle in meaning but straight- forwa...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 10, 1984-- Page 5 TEN YEARS AFTER HIS RESIGNATION Nixon returning to public life From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - Ten years ago yesterday, a typed letter was delivered to the secretary of state. "I hereby resign the Office of President of the United States," it said. It was signed: "Sincerely, Richard Nixon." The one-sentence note marked the end of a remarkable period in American history in which an American pr...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…OPINION Page 6 Vol. XCIV, No. 35-S 94 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by Students at The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board Hydroelectric giveaway TN 1937, THE completion of the Hoover Dam became a symbol of the power of gover- nment to contribute mightily to the economic well being of the nation. Now, it seems, the Hoover Dam is about to become a symbol of senseless gover...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…The Michiaan Daily - Friday, August 10, 1984 - Page 7 Lousma 'launches' fight with Levin for Senate From staff and wire reports Republican U.S. Senate nominee Jack Lousma said Wednesday he wants President Reagan and some of his fellow former astronauts to climb on board and campaign for him this fall. Lousma, at a news conference, said his race with U.S. Sen. Carl Levin (D- Mich.) hopefully would bear none of the rancor of his GOP nomination ...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

…ARTS Friday, August 10, 1984 Page 8 The Michigan Daily 'Story' never gets going 4 By Richard Campbell F ANTASY filmmaking has almost regained the respect of serious critics. Not only have millions of eager moviegoers shown their interest in such epics by pouring millions of dollars into the coffers of the major studios, but many gifted directors have recently used the genre in their films. After the cold science-fiction of THX- 1138 and t...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 10, 1984 - Page 9 Local Bands put out records By Dov Cohen "It was whoever had the time and a six pack of beer, and could show up at three o'clock. " So said Jim Gertz in describing the way he chose the band members for his new release, Mr. Largebeat. Mr. Largebeat, a 3 song collection of "space wave music," is just one of four recent releases by local artists. The other three include a boogie woogie piano ...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 10, 1984 Records-- Bonnie Hayes and the Wild Combo-Brave New Girl (Bondage Records) Bonnie Hayes is a longtime San Francisco club favorite whose failure so far to get picked up by a major label seems bewildering, given the fact that her songs usually sound like they ought to be leaping off the FM dial as you cruise the main drag. Of course, ought is the key word here, since most of the girlpop th...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 11

…Books- Marion Fay by Anthony Trollope; edited by R. H. Super University of Michigan Press, 451 pp, $25 Anthony Trollope, the British novelist, is remembered for such novels as The Warden and Barchester Towers. A University professor of English has edited the heavily flawed manuscript of another Trollope novel, Marion Fay, and the University of Michigan Press is publishing the novel, which had been out of print for nearly a century. R. H. Super...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 10, 1984 "AN AMERICAN li If you find your FCWEEWOF UuEEE nome in today's WELONDON "$,. MICHIGAN DAILY INLONDON RohClassified Page YOU WIN "EROTIC INTERLUDE" His TWO FREE TICKETS 2 Maynard St 764-0557 "GIRL FROM S.E.X." Miidln STATE 1- 2- 3 - 4 BOTH XXX MIDNIGHT MOVIES 4 free movie at the State Theater. Come by the Daily topickupyourtickets. dB0810 EARTH AMP - Fender Reverb copy in mint con- dition, $2...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 13

…Continued from Preceding Page 5 BEDROOM HOUSE - Furmse, carpete, washer-dryer, parking. $875 plus utilities. 429-7994. 88C6814 2 BEDROOM unfurnished apartment from $325.00 per month including heat and water. Parking, laun- dry and storage. 1 mile from Diag. 663-4101. cCtc WHITMORE LAKEFRONT HOME: Three bed- rooms. Furnished. Conveniently located in village and on lake. Available September 4 through June 15. $350.00 per month. Quiet setting, i...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 14

…Page 14 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 10, 1984 Lightning kills two at Brighton golf course From The Associated Press Severe thunderstorms packing night in which an El Paso woman tornados and lightning struck southern injured by flying glass. Across Michigan Wednesday afternoon. State border in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, a police said two men were killed by died Wednesday night when a h lightning on the Woodland Golf Course built in a norma...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily- OLYMPIC ROUNDUP Friday, August 10, 1984- Page 15 water polo team gains finals MALIBU, Calif. (AP) - Doug Burke's goal with just 26 seconds remaining gave the United States a dramatic 8-7 victory over West Ger- many yesterday and assured the Americans at least a silver medal in Olympic water polo. The United States faces Yugoslavia, the silver medalist in Moscow in 1980, for the gold medal in tomorrow night's championship...…

August 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 16

…I SPORTS Friday, August 10, 1984 Page 16 The Michigan Daily Meriott becomes fifth'lM medal-winner From wire reports TAN SCORED 79.98 on his final dive, Merriott Greg Barton, will compete LOS ANGELES - Former Michigan diver Ron 79.20. Merritoo joined fellow Kimball and former in the finals in the 1,000-meter kayak Saturday. Merriott settled for the bronze medal on his last dive Michigan diver Chris Seufert asa bronze honoree. Junior basebal...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-four years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCIV, No. 22-S Cpyrght 1984 The Michigan, Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, July 10, 1984 Fifteen Cents Sixteen Pages Out-state tuition to rise 7%1 'U' continues to study resident tuition levels By ANDREW ERIKSEN The tuition levels for most graduate students and out-of-state un- dergraduates will increase seven per- cent next fall under a proposal to be presented to the University regents fo...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…41 Ferency wants more delegates for Jackson DETROIT (UPI) - Activist Attorney Zolton Ferency, seeking reallocation of the state's Democratic National Con- vestion delegates to Jesse Jackson, yesterday asked the Michigan Court of Appeals to order state regulation of Democratic party caucus practices. The attorney persuaded the court to hold an expedited hearing yesterday. The Democratic National Convention, howevever, opens July 16 in San Fra...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday. July 10. 1984 - paqe 3 Business students fac $10 om uefe By THOMAS HRACH Business students will enter the computer age this fall with a new computer network for the business school, and the new system will be paid for by charging business students an additional $100 per term. "You just can't turn around without having to use a computer in the business world," said Gilbert Whitaker, dean of the School of Business ...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…0 Page 4 - The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, July 10, 1984 Groups call for change in registration system IN BRIEF Compiled from Associated Press and United Press international reports FLINT (UPI) - Eleven groups engaged in voter registration activites yesterday asked the federal court to or- der an overhaul of the present system, charging it creates unconstitutional barriers against the right to vote. The suit was filed in U.S. District Court in...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 5

…Parents say satanism transformed ' reatest kid in the world' NORTHPORT, N.Y. (AP) - Devil worship, hallucinogenic drugs and rock music led "the greatest kid in the world" to ritual murder and suicide at the end of a jailhouse bedsheet, the parents of 17-year-old Richard Kasso said yesterday. "For the last three years, it's been police, psychiatrists, courts, digging up graves - and this was the last thing," said Richard Kasso Sr. "There was no...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

…4 OPINION Tuesday, July 10, 1984 Page 6 The Michigan Daily ,alble ftrdtgan 13 atilt Vol. XCIV, No. 22-S 94 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by Students at The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board Saving the Fourth E XPERTS ON both sides of the ex- clusionary rule debate agree that last week's Supreme Court decision - while pur- porting to create a very narrow exception to ...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Doily - Tuesday, July 10, 1984 - Page 7 Lous-ma r >attacks Dunn in statement LANSING (UPI) - Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jack Lousma yester- day called his opponent's recent at- tacks "awfully distasteful" and warned such tactics threaten to "inflict a mor- tal wound" on the party's chances this fall. The comments, billed as Lousma's first formal response to rival Jim Dunn, were made in a letter sent to 4,000 Republican leade...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 8

…Page 8 -The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, July 10. 0 Fo . Fall P ion neds- sit o rMr. J a i ss - o s. 612 E. Liberty (Across from the Michigan Theater) Jacobson's Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday 9:30 a.m. 'til 5:30 p.m., Thursday and Friday 9:30 a.m. 'til 9:00 p.m. The freshest ingredients make it S}peial . . . lit urIally. mamemmemmmmemmm mmmmmm ammmm j $2.00 OFF I Any12'",14" or16" Super Deluxe Pizza Not Accepted at William St. or ...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, July 10, 1984 - Page 9 @1, I Ji:{meil The everything and anything store. With specials each week on milk, meats, cheese and produce. You can also find a wide selection of wines, beer, liquor, and tobacco. Located on the corner of South University and South Forest. This week's featured special: ECKRICH Ib.SBACON ......1 .99 SMOKEY LINKS........... 1.39 ... If you can't find it anywhere else you'll find it here!...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 10

…61 ARTS Page 10 Tuesday, July 10, 1984 The Michigan Daily Soundin2 out Marceau . By Eric Mattson MARCEL MARCEAU'S perfor- mance at the Power Center Sun- day night was filled with great momen- ts, but at times it seemed as if the world's premiere mime was a bit slow on his slippers. Still, the greatest problem in the two- hour show was not with the soundless motion but with the often distorted music. Either the Power Center ought to invest i...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily -- luesday, July 10, 1984 -- Page I1 R.E.M.: R apid Ear Movement By Larry Dean W HAT BETTER metaphor could there be for the R.E.M./Dream Syndicate double bill Sunday night at the Royal Oak Music Theater than the fact that the ceiling started to collapse near the end of R.E.M.'s final encore? Yes, it was truly a bring-down-the- roof kind a night, at least for Athens finest. However, the Dream Syndicate didn't fare so well, a...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 12

…I Page 12 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, July 10, 1984 If you find your "GREMLINS" 8scbelor name intoday's GRM S MICHIGAN DAILY 3AClassified Page YOU WIN "HONEY ROSE" = HSTWO FREE TICKETS GicA re ytoanyone of 420 Maynard St. 764-0557 "BEACH HOUSE" dSTATE 1 - 2 3 -4 BOT H XXX Maue" MIDNIGHT MOVIES 4 STEPHANIE VAIL - Avail yourself of t e oppor- tunity 1o see tlae Midnight Movies at the State Theatre by picking up your two free tickets at th...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 13

…ly - Continued from Preceding Page Available September 1. No pets. $750/mo. inc utilities. 663-1723. 39 BURNS PARK 3-5 bedroom unfurnished Grad students preferred 769-6478 FALL -1% bdrm. apts. on Sybil, furnished, par carpet. $320/$465 434-3803. 40 3 Bedroom Apartment 818 Henry, No. 2. 1 mile south of Campus. $ utilities. Furnished, carpeted, 2 bathrooms. able Sept. 1 for 1 year lease. No pets. Dav Copi, 663-5609. CAMPUS Efficiency Apartment...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 14

…4 Page 14 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, July 10, 1984 'Top Secret' should go undercover By Byron L. Bull W HEN AIRPLANE opened three summers ago, there was no mistaking it for anything but pure, free spirited going for broke nonsense. There was something appealing about its cheap, crudely-put-together struc- ture, with its merciless shower of visual gags and puns. Unsophisticated, but refreshingly so, like a fine old MAD magazine parody. T...…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, July 10, 1984 - Page 15 Lea vs. Stieb in All-Star game SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Charlie Lea of the Montreal Fxpos and Dave Stieb of the Toronto Blue Jays yester- day were named the starting pitchers for tonight's All-Star Game at Can- dlestick Park. Lea, 13-4 with a 2.91 earned-run average, is tied with Joaquin Andujar of the St. Louis Cardinals for most vic- tories in the major leagues. Stieb is 9-3 with a 2.42 ERA....…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 16

…a SPORTS The Michigan Daily Page 16 AD's to discuss TV p ro posals CHICAGO (AP) - College athletic well as a two-year, $11.1 million directors, hoping to come up with an package with ESPN. acceptable TV football plan for the fall, "If our proposal is defeated, I guess will discuss three different proposals we're out of the television business," and their dollar values today during a NCAA spokesman Jim Shaffer said special meeting for footba...…

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