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January 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…1t LY at t!j WEATHER Light snow and not so cold today. Snow flurries and cold tomorrow. VOL. LV, No. 54 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10, 1945 'RICE FIVE CENTS C RTHUR CO FlR S LUZo L DI G I -A -L .1. -L-- J. _- k I A T iw Issembly Recognition Americans U.S. Sixth Army Lands on Li 'o Honor Independents Close In . coast- Mac Arthur Wades To Ticket Sellout Indicates Capacity Crowd; On Salent "I Know Japan" To Be...…

January 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…T~lE M11IGAN DABTN W f i Y 2; 1, 7 , i , i 4,:1 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Brownell Binds GOP Wounds KEEP MOVING -..RB y - .- ANN FAGAN GINGER By DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON, Jan. 10-Republican National Committee Chairmhan Herbert Brownell spent a restless two days in Washington last week trying to bind up the GOP's wounds. He had come to the Capitol hoping to get some unity on a party program only to find that Con- gressional leaders were ...…

January 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…mrmwESDAY, 10; i;4:--, THE MICHIGAN DAILY "Icirr THREF iRrn~EsnAz 3A JJ 1&, 1945 PAGE THREE AVT w 0 verine agers Dominate Ah w r i " Takift9 the Coun t O+ By DAVE LOEWENBERG Associate Sports Editor S THE 40th annual race for the Western Conference basketball cham pionsiip swings into the third week of the 1945 campaign, let's take ;>> time out to look at some of the records established in 39 years of previous competition. Purdue has ...…

January 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY R { SPANISH LECTURES: Roosevelt Presents Tentative Budget Plan PofSKeiston Of 83 Billion Dollars For Next Fiscal Year n Argentina WDNESDAY, JAM 10, 1945 Will Talk Jan 17 The ovn it BERNARD PICHE Quebec organist Rep. Rabaut To Make His Bid For Judgeship WASHINGTON, Jan. 9-(U)-Stat- ing that "I think it's time the Demo- cratic party rewarded a winner in- stead of someone who tried and didn't make .it," Rep. Rabaut (D.- Mic...…

February 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…LJ! G Airfan 41P tiatt WEATIIER Cloudy, Snow dFlurries and Colder I' VOL. LV, No. 81 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, FEB. 10, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Pat Coulter Wins SeniorPresidency Small Number of Lit School Ballots Give Darrow, Mantho, Plate Offices Broaden Front in Big Sweep Pat Coulter swept the literary' school senior election yesterday by piling up a big lead in what proved to be a disappointingly small number of ballots cast....…

February 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…L THIE IICHIGAN DAILY .... . ,1 y - T---- , _ - ..A G.......T- - ----------- y Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Army Finally Gets New ChItfes Letteir t the lEditor it Mdted and managed by students of the University of M1ihigan under the authority of the Board in Control. of Student Publications. Evelyn Phillips Stan Wallace Ray Dixon Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Editorial Staff .d .ri . .Managing Editor Cit...…

February 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…,SATVRZ, \T, 77B IZI. THE ~ITtH1~iN iI2~i'vY' P-rT;!r~t ........ . .. . . .. .. . ......... ............. ----- ----- ra~ckeaso Michigan Track Relays To Be Presented T day Seven Powerful Teams Entered in Carnival; Miehigan, Ohio Stage, Notre Dame Favorites UL _._ .., : -.i9i .. -' s .11 % A oo IL Asr go on - m N aim H T 4" ______ ____________ 4 By BILL LAMBERT Two last minute entries have n entry in the mile relay and open 660-yar...…

February 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 81) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY E)AT 1 DAT , FEB. 14, 1949 _____________________________________________________________________________ I 'CIVIC MUSIC NIGHT': City Orchestra, V-12 Chorus To Appear in Annual Concert Last ProductionI Of Hit Comedyi Church News. WESTMINISTER SINGERS: Williamson To Appear with Choir E .... .__ .. , . _ I Ann Arbor's 10th annual "Civic Music Night," arranged through ad- ministration of the department of recreation, ...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

… Sir igan tIi WEATHER Partly Cloudy and Warmer, Moderate Winds VOL. LV, No. 91 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS B-29's Blast Tokyo in Surprise Mission * r * r 46 A6 .1.. L.P ,A- ,. . A- _i ac a* *f'7F:X *I t* * Campus Naval Unit Will Not Be Decreased Japanese apital _______ ___________ V-12 Students To Be Merged with NROTC Naval Reserve Program To Include 8-Termn Curriculum; Quota is 2100 T...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 1

…ancers al ut of-Bal .t rdgh; ur e V-BALL at EXTlRA ra Huge Crowd Hal McIntyre's Band Plays Gay Tunes as Servicemen, Civilians, Patrons Have Fun y, March 10, 1945 SECOND EDITION Vol. LIII Is Wear :cp 'n Camera Catches Cross-Section of Crowd or cs Foilow Jth Jerse ome Fr etty Girl her V-BE not-so-i ned into y the ma othy net, taffeta. ghest con pay hisI looking gi to every The bigge ags fort! and every popula ed, b s foll epe a or the ...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…THE Mi~iiG2ANDAILY . BAT DAT, N B .. . . ........ .. F.i T~s - A.wY .a 7 'iY V;1 EL i.V: Fifty-Fifth Year (he4v n4l4fi4l4 ___.._ DAILY UFFICIAL ....®:. ... BULLEIN 7 / l Edited and managed by students of the University of Milhigan under the authority of the Boardr In Control of Student Publications. E ditorialStaff' Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paulislin . Tank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Dick Strickland ...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 2

…Pnn Tur T HE MIC GA N D A ILY Saturday, March 10, 14 roue.w T Hal Mcintyre's Band Plays For 3rd Annual Victory Ball By MARY BRUSH Hal McIntyre and his orchestra, wonderful possibilities in this or- HalMc~tyr an hi orhesrachestra. His music is refreshingly best new band of the year accord- istnctisn ing to a Billboard Magazine poll distinctive" of eighty college editors, high- Irving tolodin of the New York lights Michigan's 1945 Victory Ba...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…u ;y:n10 h3~MiIIA AL ", : Mer en,Thiclaids De nd Big ( . Swim ers, Gindermen Wolverine Pucksters Taken Meet in Gonference Tilts y Viekers A.C. Sextet, 43 1y NK MANTHO Michigan Nalalors Fightin' Illini Oilers Gilbert Chalks Up Winning Goal in Overtime Day!Sports Editor Face Keen Rivalry Major Track Threa Period-;Greer, Silentich Tally for Michigan BUD__________yHAK___By RUTH ELCONIN By BUD ROVIT y hANK KEISER .Playing one of its most exciti...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 3

…Soturday, March 10, 1945 THE MICHI(;AN nAllY n - Tt ""tudy.M"rh"." " 945 TLHF tAI-liCNid flIiiV Page IThree MMbe-2-rs o::f Victory Bail Committee RfkePicture Members of the committee which made arrangements for the 1945 Victory Ball ace pictured on this page. They wece chosen i ai all-campus election on Jau- acy 5. The members represent -. the literary, engineering and si V chlitecture school sod the School of Business Administration. DORI...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAITV AATTMnAV lk4AWV.V lti'k A A ..LA.B. 0.d as 4F tet IT d EJ A .3.%% ~A 1%*flrff I.VtA ±YmAK '/l IV, Aia "BLADES ON PARADE": Ice Show To Feature Solos, Ballet "Blades on Parade." featuring 50 figure skaters, will be given at 8 p.m tomorrow and Monday, at the Mich. igan rink by the Ann Arbor Figure Skating Club. Arranged and produced by Lt Mervin Flegal. a former stage chor- eograjher now stationed at the Uni- versity, "Bla...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 4

…uP e n xfir T HE MI0CH IGA N D A ILY Saturday, March 10, 1945 I Third V-Ball Replaces J-Hop and Senior Prom W. W I.Calls For Curtailed Celebrations Pre-War Dances Featured' Big-Name Bands, and Professional Decorations For the third time the J-Hap and the Senior Prom will be turn- ed into the mid-year frolic of the. Victory Ball, and, leaving those ghastly thoughts of exams and 7 final grades, students can turn to the romance of beautiful ...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 5

…V.BAL : 40 Years Major EXTRA4:3auj a Dance Draws Saturday, March 10, 1945 SECOND EDITION Vol. LIII H uge C row d Hal McIntyre's Band Plays Coeds Wear Camera Catches Cross-Section of Crowd Gay Tunes as Servicemen, f Civilians, Patrans Ho~ve Fun Dresses for, Approximately 2,000 dancera at .}Ite 05Victory BamiigtFdanih inke e ut V i Y. Ballof the Intra-Mural Buildig at Fabrics Fallow Styles with arteGvenen' new curfew Smooth Jersey, Crepe, Satin ...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 5

…Saturday, March 10, 1945 T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Pane Five ,audy Mach0 95TEMCIA DILPaeFv Daily, ffiCiI Bull Our Reporter Herewith Lists His Pre-War Dreams, Plans { By BONDS (AFTER THIS ISSUE IT IS NO LONGER All lectures will be given by Flynn, who were to have given the For the past year or so, my poor OFFICIAL) Adam LaZonga. lecture, are unfortunately engaged ear he been ye ssnty as- Notices for the Daily Official Bull Required Femini...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 6

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY al Mcintyre's Band Plays1 For 3rd Annual Victory Bal By MARY BRUSH Hal McIntyre and his orchestra, wonderful possibilities in this or- best new band of the year accord- chestra. His music is refreshingly ing to a Billboard Magazine poll distinctive" of eighty college editors, high- Irving Kolodin of the New York lights Michigan's 1945 Victory Ball Sun comments, "If the fact has in the Intramural Building. not yet...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 6

…pa e Six T HE M IC HIGA N D A ILY Saturday, March 10, 1945 THgMCHGA D IL. _... _..h.0_94 Miss Fits Olde lgony Column What's Wrong With Me? Is It Contagious? Harmon Not Found in Siberia Yet Your Problems Sh Or You Won't Kn Editor's note: Miss Fit is sev- enty-three and has been chas- ing men for seventy-four years Iane was always a bit fast for her age) ; although she was un- successful in her pursuits, she has always been quite happy to...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 7

…oturday, March 10, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY embers of Victory Ball Committee re Pictured Members of the committee - -------- - - -- 'which made arrangements for the 1945 Victory Ball are pictured on this page. They were chosen an all-campus election on Janu- ary 5. The members represent the literary, engineering and ar- chitecture schools and the School of Business Administration. Page Three BILL McCONNEL DORIS HEIDGEN JEAN FLOOD PAUL JOHN ...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 7

…Saturday, March 10, 1945 T HE M IC H IGA N D AI1LY Pnn S~ii Sage 1Heven Pules of Purple Poetry or Yards of Bards Poetic Works The Spice High light coU-SI:cllteae t Vary thisaway and that N -Ba IIExtra From arboretum 31 and 32 To advanced classes at a frat. Read What You Want; Use (pre-war) It for Fire Tinder; Throw IiYes, courses in college Away; We Won't Care Vary-any kind you like SFrom evolution to revolution Or how to catch a pike. upp...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 8

…c ..,:.,, ,t . . THE MICHIGAN DAILY - Saturday, March 10, 1945 -, I Page Four TH I MICHI CAN DAILY Satur r Third VBall Replaces J-Hop andenior Prom xA IIt SAlI 1 " II , i w.vW. ;. Cais For Curtailed Celebrations Pre-War Dances Featured Big-Name Bands, and Prafessianal Decaratians For the third time the J-Hop'> and the Senior Prom will be turn- ed into the mid-year frolic of the .: Victory Ball, and, leaving those ghastly thoughts af exa...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight T HE MIC H IGA N D A ILY Saturday,. Morch 10, 1945 Sorority Rushing Rules--fls Is vs. Our New Way Girls Suffer Through This [ A Daily Announces Sweeping Reforms in Pan-Hell Rushing I ,-, D> Sort of Thing All coeds who registered at the Panhellenic Booth for Rushing, / giving their draft status and the name of a reliable cigarette black- marketeer, are now eligible toarun: I" " the gauntlet of a month of par- ties. Lucky sou...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 9

…Saturday, March 10, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Our Reporter Herewith Lists al Bull His Pre-war Dreams, Plans (AFTR TIS SSU IT S N LOGERBY BONDS (AFTER THIS ISSUE IT IS NO LONGER All lectures will be given by Flynn, who were to have given the y neighborhood combination meat OFFICIAL) Adam LaZonga. lecture, are unfortunately engaged For the past year or so, my poor market and grocery store and pick Notices for the Daily Official Bull Requ...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 9

…Cntwro.March 10. 1945 THIE MICI-lGADJ IALV Ren Nine .autuluuy, iv u uii ivy wrJ L. i INj r-n1v vr-IIL.I fQC 6I ilfi r I filone All Night With a Wolf in the My Most Intimnate Experiences Fr( Ever on the lookout for new forms of excitement and already wearying from imbibing the tinc- ture of greensoap which passes in Ann Arbor as beer, your reporter, not very long ago, spent the dawn hours carousing about with his pals, the black bear, th...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 10

…r)- - :, THF MICHIGAN DAILY SoturcnvMarch 10. 194 age ix tiL- Iyi11.tsivIN I rirtswt. ,}GkuluuY vluILE! tV i7'-F Miss Fit's Olde Agony Column What's Wrong With Me? Is It Contagious? Your Problems Shall Be Answered People don't appreciate me. I wake them up at night, and I Or You Won't Know the Reason W hy make sure that they get to classes' on time. I serenade them at the .>_ --------- ---twilight hour with music that is Editor's neta: ...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 10

…Poge Ton T HE MIC H IGA N D A ILY Saturday, March 10, 1945 PaeTe H MCiGNDIL atra.,ac ,0 14 *Seven Types of Men on Michigan Campus, Says Miss Glamour Sage of Wiles Qives Advice To Lovelorn Editor's Note: Miss Gloria Glamour,, the most popular girl on campus whoy has a date every night of the weeke and two on Sunday, has kindly con- sented to be interviewed by They Daily's roving reporter Brenda Starr.: Miss Glamour ascribes her success as a...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 11

…x Saturday, r' oN ch 10, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .I l IAA 4ZmA, ,Y Pud les of Purple Poetry or Yards of Bards Poetic Works' The Spice H ighlight COUSS he that Vary thisaway and that V - Extra From arboretum 31 and 32 To advanced classes at a f Read Wht You Wont; Ue re-wa It for Fire Tinder; Throw It Yes, courses in college Away; We Won t Core Vary-any kind you like From evolution to revolution Or how to catch a pike. upp'e -er sucker. Tru...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 11

…Seturdoy, March 10, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Elever Congress Passes Hateful 'Work Or Fight'Bill Youths Riot Throughout Nation FBI Will Have Jurisdiction As Pool Halls Shout 'Treason' Over Underage 'Butt Fiends9 Anxious America Awaits President's WASHINGTON, March -In a Return from Caucasian Fishing Banks move designed to clamp down on traband cigarette. Check of dru illegal cigarette purchases by mi- store after drug store rved fruit- n...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 12

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, !March 1O, 1945 Sorority Rushing Rules--As Is vs. Our New Way Girls Suffer Through This[Tr B Sort of Thing All coeds who registered at the Panhellenic Booth for Rushing,1 giving their draft status and the , s name of a reliable cigarette black ?' marketeer, are now eligible to run / the giuntlet of a month of par- ties. Lucky souls .I... Fushing season will begin on March 9 with all sorority houses h...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve T HE MIlC H IGA N D A ILY ',nti idr~ Mn he 10 145 yr i 3Utur av, ivarcn !,1 ow smarthv yub rthepa 3 rs T HINK, for a minute, about what's hap- pened to most of us at home in the last three years. Chances are, you've had all the work you could handle at higher wages than ever before. In spite of higher taxes and somewhat higher prices, you've netted more hard cash than ever before. You've made more money-you've had less time to...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 13

…Saturday, March 10, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY trt, lr Alone nil Night With a Wolf in the flrboretum Dr. Ruthve My Most Intimate Experiences f4re Revealed Gives Unio Ever on the lookout for new ::.. ................ .......-.-.-.-.......... G ood O-d forms of excitement and already roared to my conversationalists. wearying from imbibing the tint- ture of greensoap which passes in. They needed little urging, for President and Mrs. '.5t xnder An...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 13

…Saturday, March 10, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Believe ItorNot:Or Of Fags Found on C Page Thirteen ne Pack ampus By LINE h e M e f apart an cramling tay feet I chelrthi. Thecet"Ths Mir-cleand the generhurriedlyonranLohkwc. the Lst Weeds" ntdtd.f anyh y a special fondness fr catchy titea, Dgone IElated I burt it my room, but simply because it fit the situ- te aane ed Buposdtngmy fdndgonythesbedian btothn ds (ll Ysee, i fwwod' et ny seilo in lk...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 14

…Pace Ten T HE MIC H IGA N D AILY Saturday, March 10, 1945 Pnrp T~n THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, March 10, 1945 Seven Types of Men on Michigan.'Hence Loathed Melancholy CMmOf Cerberus and Midnight' I Hail to thee blithe spirit; bird thou never wert" poetic words of first love, perfume counter clerk eats (as it Shelley?) have a at Helena Rubinstein s. Sdeep, ine meaning to us as 'a Profound thoughts are stimu- A d and other nature lovers,...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 14

…Ponae Fourteen T HE M IC HIGA N D A ILY Sa turday. Ma rch 10 195 IPUrnc't Fr,, GII tr oTHE MI llIG DILY Sr.ItI 111 ,on-h 10 1 4 r BvSongs of Today Will Be Memories Tomorrow In line with V-Ball Extra's func- tion as a remembrancer of things today this musty old paper will in St. Louis, The Tolley Song, past here is a list of songs popular contain a list of some quaint chan- Always. It Happened One Night in today. aon trilled b' Joe Colle e...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 15

…Saturday, March 10, 1945 T HE M IC H IGA N D A ILY P/{Y 1 . fX C o- "'..- . n g... , r s s PssHc 4eft|il ' W o r ge even ConL.gress P'-asses Ha--tef-ul 1 Work Or Fighf Bi M Youths Riot Throughout Nation As Pool Halls Shout 'Treason' Anxiuius America Awn its President's FBI Will Have Jurisdiction Over Underage 'Butt Fiends' WASHINGTON, March 9.-In a Return from Caucasian Fishing m e designed to clamp down on traband cigarettes. Check of...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 15

…Saturday, March 10, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Fifteen Rfter Ball Is Over' nn Rrbor Passion Begins Vos, Qui Non Potestis Dansere, Annual V-Ball Short Story On Nos Vos Salutamus; 'Nuff Said! Why, Wherefore of Campus Love By GREASY GRIND / ~ ~ ~nttl d then It seems only fitting in this Only 1,500 couples broken down Ann Arbor, 1:45 a. sn., March flexes it asnatousy, an publication dedicated to non-aca- into components, approxumately 10-The sce...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 16

…Page Tava THE MICHIGAN DAIL Y CatijrAn A'kIt) in4 Lag r+iv THF ICH t IC vtaN ,AHY Q-Jr ?:j V , L . C i f lon11, ors? 4 w ow in T INK, for a minute, about what's hap- pened to most of us at home in the last three years. Chances are, you've had all the work you could handle at higher wages than ever before. In spite of higher taxes and somewhat higher prices, you've netted more hard cash than ever before. You've made more money-you've ha...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 16

…Pnop. S1 xteen T HE MC HIGA N D A ILY Saturday, Mrc 10, -94 FMgIHIGAN AISa r r 10, 19 HER GO: Looking for some place special to eat or some can't go wrong by looking in at any of these pl: your date is a Michigan Coed show your ingeni is an out-of-town gal take her to the gang's hid rounds. SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Start out the evening with Chinese food, or come in later for your midnight snack. T ELIBERTY CAFE 613 East Liberty w ~ a ake V-...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 17

…Saturday, March 10, 1945 T HE MI C HIGA N D A ILY P- r Thi rieen ti- Beheve I or Note One Pac s of Fags dFound on Campu ByLIEapartandcrambl knwymfim, hI call this pieme"The.iraceTfh the Lst Weed" nt on of any Dogg. e . special fondnesa fr c thy titles, EltdIbrtit.c os, StaEl.tIdhIdburst pntoedztheoWAB but sin ply because it the situ- atiao , well. Y u see, a few weeks depAsited my find an ti bed n agypafounafulpackof cigar-s.called in my t...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 17

…Saudy Mrh1,94 THE MICH IGAN DAIL Y Prts SG~Ft~ r rr E t 1$3i114 I T age ,evenreen hing special to do? Well, Victory Ballers, you Lees, 'cause they are all out to serve you. * If ity by taking her some place different, or if she out. But most of all remember to make the WHTEFRONT 5:30 A. M. to 3:30 P. M. 810 South State WEBER'S TAVERN Open Every Night But Monday GOOD MEALS 3715 JAC6ON RD. Make a visit to The SUGAR BOWL . . . one of your bi...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 18

…Pon(- Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Soturday, Morch I0, 1945 PooP Fouregc'ri THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, March 10, 1945 Book Reviewon Bedroom Facts Dr. Hopton, Miss Balliol Unearth 'Little" Things, Which Make Matrimony Solid' ByIn the first book of its kind, Bed ners is suppressed, the salient as- Manners and Better Bed Manners, pects of the subject are treated as by Dr. Ralph Y. Hopton and Anne microcosms when they should be treated as mac...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 18

…Pagce Eighteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Stordov, Mo r&h': 1945 p ta ihT MC A D Yua Mrh f THIS, TOO, IS CHEMISTRY'S DOINGS THE PITIFUL story of Hepsibah Ann I'll tell you as faithfully as I can. Hepsibah lived all the days of her life With normal amounts of joy and strife. She'd cut her teeth and learned to walk And amazingly early she learned to talk. She went to school and, so I'm told, dShe always was just as good as gold, She played in all ...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 19

…Saturday, March 10 1945 T HE M IC H IGAN D A ILY P/trt Fifinr -'/ ," + +v vr rf r 1 1 age i ITeen, 1 'ffter Ball Is Over' Ann frbor Passion Begins Vos, Qui Non Potestis Dansere, Nos Vos Salutamus; 'Nuff Said By GREASY GRIND It seems only fitting in this Only 1,500 couples broken dow publication dedicated to non-aca- into components, approximate demic revelry that we take cog- 1500 men are victims of the m qizance of the guy who doesn't g...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 19

…Saturday, March 10, 1945 THE MICHI GA N D AILY Pue"ifeef Here ire Your WomenL-Tcirets for Tonight! ~%E I I" Uh! Horace, BARABY I'll Slap You On the Wrist You won't be I'll be quite awed, g ing a bother, will into that great banking you, Barnaby house.. . Of course we'll while you're only get as for as'the information desk. Grace 11. Allen Rusey: Norma Cloon '48 L.S.A., Wakefield, Mich.; Bet- ty B. McColl, Detroit, Mich.; El- lin Arden...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 20

…TNF MIC'HIt AN DAILY Saturday, March 10, 1945 V% e.. 1~ ei ct en1 T L Ii 1f4L-41 N lIl SIt rMrch 1,14 F Looking for some place special to eat or someU can't go wrong by looking in at any of these pla. your date is a Michigan Coed show your ingenuji is an out-of-town gal take her to the gang's hidoe rounds. SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Start out the evening with Chinese food, or come in later for your midnight snack. THELJBERTYCAFE 613 East Liber...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 20

…Pni TA sees ty THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, March 10, 1945, age wA n r BARNABY J.y Crockett Johnson 1945, 1,s Newsp.fp PM, .5 V-BALL STAF Ft's nice to see you, Ellen. Old Mr. Dormant's ofice is He' MyBAL STts '. Hes-er-eccentric.. His I'm all ready to go to lunch. at the end of the corridor, partners run things ... But he EDIT xon ... But would you like to see He's in there now. Feeding makes all the big decisions. Caa Coa Ray ixo where I...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 21

… Saturday, 1 crch 10, 1945 TH E MIC HIGAN DA 1Y Pn p SeventCaen k . Sat u~sr +'y vv a rday Mnfcil0 194fTi,14IVGg I t C i-tg special to do? Well, Victory Ballers, you ,s, 'cause they are all out to serve you. 0 If ty by taking her some place different, or if she uWt. But most of all remember to make the A WHITE FRONT 5:30 A. M. to 3:30 P. M. 810 South State WEBER'S TAVERN GD EOpen Every Night But Monday GOOD 'MEALS 3715 JACKSON RD. Ma...…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 21

…Saturday, March 10, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pnn urnvT On rge iwenty- ne Patrons Listed BARNABY .ww Vs V ! T61 IL OYIl WYV'VY { F For Annual Victory Ball Gov. Kelly, Pres. Ruthven, Regents, Professors Named Patrons for this third V-Ball in- clude Governor and Mrs. Harry F. Kelly, President and Mrs. A. G. Ruthven, Vice-President and Mrs. J. P. Adams, Vice-President and Mrs. R. P. Briggs, Vice-President and Mrs. M. L. Niehuss, Vice-Pres-...…

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