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March 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…___e __ ___ ___ __ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,11F11)D.--\A'l RIC[ c 10 Ott o. Vol. XXI. No. T to VARSITY PERSONNEL DECIDED TOMORROW Craig-Horner Meet Will Be A Contest Between Michigan's Best Athletes BEST FRESHMEN WILL COMPETE W 1,1tebit t- s litetu inrit-es in i chlil- rit t ind o-takc~et, t i~t fth I -r10' . ,eCriswl e stagedin th V~it tak ae i of the i1111- It X)I ith the liii ionthIes Xarsit 4tl its h i n)I h i i liv he ide f r I It ihe1 t ...…

March 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…I Ii GANDAILY Gs H.' WILD CO. 311 SO.-STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G9 HI. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0. STATE STEET lypcwr itcrs ALL PRICES THE MICHIGAN DIY Managintg Ldito;i N\V Ii'" Business AMussy ---Not c c I hia. News Edictoir... ,... . ,.l-tar 1c1I Titus Athletic Editoi..... Walt, Assistant ........... ... J, 'ri I Music and Dramia.. ...…

March 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…________Tt) MA06016DAILY _____ 1 Thi Sace IReserved FOR Sam Burclifiekl ::amCo" : z Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS I 106 1 .h-r- St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPM .,AN, Jewe _4 -im3clots 79c Aam Clocks $1.00 Alr:locks $1.50 AamClocks $1.75 a .e A..Arborsavings fBank 1;l) P Splus $530000 1* ( .. itiscck. lPros . W .) I it' s .':PM. J. IFritz.(Cashier ILtA~fSAND M4EHANICS BANK 1AIN SON 15STREETS s_,;t 1 - , ±1 Surplus and Prslits$OO.OOO tiiaa3 per...…

March 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…SPRING OXFORDS TRADEZ~ MARK. $4.00 and $5.00 $600 Come in and get your fit and we will hold them until you want them WAGNER & CO* pp State Street Sign of thet big .hi-,:i ct= For a delightful Luncheon or satisfying p s a -iffr is." M AC K' Ias ll!lll Cooking (i 1 -ve sell waver, 1ti ,fDinners, Lunches, Refreshments-Anything you an NOTICESf old be reseltt hi fr the first U 1 II U U S e the 111- It S tt in Ii ii NwWhitney acre Cur-'tajM .8.15...…

January 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…V.XX.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 1191\ X'XYTo, itl. Vol. XXI. BASKETBALL'GAMES TO BEGIN EhARLIER, Eligibility Rules of Interclass Basketball Series to be Enforced JUNIOR HOP DELAYS PRACTICE )1 S lit11 y ll 11 . r i isa d aslie w Iil hre l ic tii-Ci c<,>d b t Mt iti beivt hathe 11c"d tap a r 1 est SUGGESTS TRACK CHANGE XX ould Replace Spring m, et by Initer- class contests C it C .1 lit } ' iI l . 1 l i 3i l 1 i't < f' 't~ l i 1131-t PLAGUE FIGHT...…

January 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…" H1 MICHIGAN DAILY '°HE MICHGAN DAILY. Opcri i D~layof P 1 c Winer S le V7l1 T Managing Edditor-Loat A WHITE. Business Manager--NORMAN H. HILL.. EDITORS. News Editor...........Harold Titus Assistant ............ Harry Z. Fotz Athletic Editor...Watter K. Towers Assistant............ J. Fred Lawtos Msusic and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files.... Dine. S. Birney EDITRILSs. Arthur J. Ahhott. G S Lasher. Paul Leidy. NIGHT EDITORS. A....…

January 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHTIGAN DAILLY C-L ASS FIE Su e 11II-it11 occasion)al cli uge7 of attire. i1 'a >CI,-A INo L I rr;fo xcellenit lue o 0)you0 nleasooro ' 4.GSPALDING & 30 ..- or OiiN for I.O I e 0 t 7 Ayt,3..It; sportsoadrpssine. Illtlcif, S o Y ll u l & O Co MARK .) rI ~c rio 0.1)r~ it'c dlcS Qo.'';) .r.tisry lA. :G. POPA iDING C='. lO. & 't( iiof t 254 Wnooward-rdAve. trtr Ymi'r. LA t it50. 1) l Sorpasand PrsoioltO.Oot Oil (roo^2": i 'i y « r- 1 ' .0...…

January 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…Tl M I GIA N DA I fY LET KAEIT ."S ANI) TUXEDO YF LBERTY \N FTHE jUNIVERSINTYICES Juntior enineelr caito t 1; \Vtittt-otiy it 7 P.In, .11 Episcoplligirl- invOited. iri girl eiton()1DIil ier V day 4 P. it. ini \irittro-. v1 ew 'hitney ,, e tatre Par~is .1 5 1. Laa c rn rs 5 t eted PDoeemptIy. ia t rati celi t 1il '. if ( ml. sharp. N1 tr ilt it it 111111 itlil ftrttsilpi k(thalltcattmtirpitrttt nigt a.8Wokfr '< t r SatudayJ far y 14 IVORT...…

December 10, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…Vol. XXI. ~~~~ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, kLl)YIikCli-s Vol. XXI. ATHLETIC BOYCOTT "2K'AT$21 >22 KF2W1115.FRESH-AI R CRUSADE MAY GROW IN WEST ! )a .Clirc Usnjlrkjt 5ed RECEIVES SUPPORT! ]I-.,ofthecauithedaofil Svi lle, iic i-ste it Attitude of Conference Likey,oly v. The Chaptertc here etot it toiiAnti-Tuberculosis Association to Effect Others Seeking flttll- osteeed'It t oo iirl:iscas of Will Wage Sanitation War wt rears to (t 1l1(1aidiand N itsli...…

December 10, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…___ ___ _ ______ t IM sCHIQAN DAILY Tw - E MICHIGAN DAILY. BALL 1' OiSPECTS LOOK FINE . ihVSSoIl i ATii rj ___UN(\I10 sE UiTiN [d- c T cT e 31 "O STATFE STREET Opening Display of llassgyisg Idisi IElA Wisis iT. Bus in essl ooIa \si Ciii II . 14111,. Nes Editosr ........I aroid Titus' Asssiant........i I arry L. Volz Atileti d so... i ater K. Towers1 s isissi........ J. Fred Lasstont M\l sic aiiiDrama......arl V. Moore1 Felsiii cis sod is .....…

December 10, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…_ .a f: ,';} &, ,,;y ' } ,u;z . , ., ,, . :.. a " :s{ } y :.., z;,7; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING <> ,jt ;:." F{xi' \\ 5 J;rt 1 r trr (Ttri '' 1Ftti \\i17t (r' - _ r t't F r ;r ' , - / " f \ j r s iat I:( l it rl t~ ' itciC ' Ctit12iil will o x t S l ).ft i r T ftit tExc i 1' TLOST. abot - 1' t>illiM F id '.Cmt. aS tat 1, . Ci.,}ril C'111c11 i t o ' a' ilt 1 \It lil~ ti twl, old, f :11;n 'akc1S i « tt111 The Sah MAR" rNt r1' ' PLD IN" i ,t...…

December 10, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…_UNM ,kSIIY NO L t_; 'r M A K E Id" T" . ilL'r;1 r.--.. ...ti._...___., Y U JR F U L L D R E S S A N D E AU Xl E D O Ii } c , tz ¢: y ! _. th 11; New Whitney Theatre Curartir .15 P. M. Latecoearri rot seald od nmptly. Monday Evenirng, Dee 19 David Belasco Presents Im Euagene oWrlter's Greatest Play he siest Way" This is one ot the greatest dramatic offerings of the present season Prices: 500 to $2.00 Mail Id is tiiled in rotation recieved...…

November 10, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…T he Michigan Dal y AN'N I RORIICHIG.AN, PI'A. R 1 N1OVE BRi 110to, 1910 Vol. XXI. No . 33. MICIGAN'S TEAMS GET BIG SEND-OFF. Much Pent-up Enthusiasm Was Freed at Depot Last Evening BAND HELPS MATTERS GREATLY 0011 0 '1111 that they can1 '0 h 1ld 1 Nlichi- 10i1' a114t0 1re1tge1Stu1dy 1ontrac 0111gridiron against11the-1es1t11ha11thr 1east11can. 1111 111111111-1ix 1ath11tes111re now1well1ou 1 ei1111111 tot1eir d111i (her13500 1 cal 1111" so t...…

November 10, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…3SO. STATE STREET Open'fing Display of Pall and Winter Styles FUL L DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 0 SO 'TTB SEET UP N TEEPROF'S Iypewiter Supply Co. 'R, ,4F.'saicingri. Oppsiete Mesrrtir SPEC1I1L SALE11115 WEEK ON 1,95 $t. 195 1,.60 AT S. State Street Law Dental I.agst Stock in :Michigan Sceond-Hand Law Books " 'cltDictionaries Qui hsco'cetc. .!',,1iitlie New and Sec- ond-hand. ii octaken ini Exchange C .BARTHELL, 32s S TATE STREET he ~cdElcar Tel...…

November 10, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…{ THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Blue Serge' comes in )1ili(1it han d Ntfor an occasinl change of attie. IEx(cllent x dole to your 5 A. G.SPALDlNj & BROS. The Spalding ar,2ili ,etm~u Trde-Murk I(JOt'FtCIAL EQUIP- .M 'ror lathleitj VOlvO sports acod pastimes. TRADE______O C7 a A. G.'EISA ONGe. I'sBR(' oS.e 254 Woodwardi Ave. Detroit, Mich. lt.A1N AND l 01000SfTREE15 Capital $10000 Surplus and Profits$tOO.00 G erlBob 10ig uinessor. :3 per cent paid ol Ti...…

November 10, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…THU lgMl IHIAN 11;441 .. . Come in!o Mr. Good ]Dresser And inspect tihe biggest and most exclnsive selection fi of imported and domestic ;o woolens in town. This season more than ever Iefore we are able to show yoo the chsoicest in fashions ks and fabrics which will be worn in the recognised style centers by men who know sow to dress well. Ti lorecd Carmnts miade. to your individual measnre 1. 5reasonable prices. To look mseans yon buy, B k!...…

June 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…VoLNN NEARBOR, MIC HIGANIFRIDAY, JU NEIo3190. XX. FRESH ZITS TAKE THE CHAMPIONSHIP Poor Fielding of Senior Medics Assists First-Year Men to Victory rBELL GIVES BUT THREE HITS Copioussss mspjlas by lithe imedical seni ors enabhledi the fresh hits to wal aissasis wih lie fecsii.gam II heI( tesrclaiss baselbill series Thusrsda laf- ternlocmi. The freshsisen siami the chams- poship hy scoring tell rutis swhile their oppiioineits Coul lut but555 ...…

June 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…~cAs 1 r>> x.! 4 C iii ? THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing IEdior°-'-iz HT.xfa L uiesMan l- ARL tttrO. AM 'fr' c enixd -xci .iislcsMaagRs-andILtheAD yor I x ofx the Nexxs Editor ....... arold Titulox Uro' nlet'" Asistan~t.... ll.. arry Z. Cole ti Atltic Editor...... titer lK. Towerssoil r tizaonh5- Aissistant......Artiur B It ~oehaiixxaxx eisenelxxo.mi Mu tsic atnd Dramxa..... Exart V. M uxxre Echlaixges aod Fies .. Dion . B Iirneix ":t' tc fte r'...…

June 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…Tis Sace -)Reserved FOR Sam Burclified Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 1E. Hurons St. Opp. Court House Jr L. CAPMAN, Jewr ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM 'CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 "Polly (,rtiteed. Watch Reroe3rl , Specialty } FOR.' photographic film and printing paper,i cameras, pure chemi-t cals and supplies of alkinds, come to this store and you will be certain of depend- able quality. We sell the , FIN which makes truer, b...…

June 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…I SPECIAL .J Qa \ J a S. SALE --- 11 11las 1 l 1 >f(( i 1 l alcl mcc tr 41tt $A1 :to ococ.11IIt r We are closing out our entire stock of Men's Furnishing and Hats. EVEYTHNGGOES REGARDLESS (JiT{ T I4V , 8 OF COST CUT DOWN the cost of your clothing, but improve the quality and style. We offer for ten days only all our light weight trouses including Flannels at a reduction of $i.oo on each. Regular prices range form 5 oo to $12.00. Sale pri...…

May 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…Vot.. XX. -N H ARBOR, MICHIGAN, '10081 lAY. M A n o.12 Vol'. YX. Noy. t5z. SENIORS HOLD , L WN-U of March Will Circle the Campus--Feature Dance in Evening OTHER SPECIALTIES ARRANGED Suna; ° nin's alkBefore the 'tingil ii wtn,'drain 2lhis ilijnt mainly f1rom no 11r editoials ann t-ier.]iipress SENATE REFUSES UINION'S REQUEST Second Plan for Raising Funds Beets Failure at Hands of Authorities UNION NEEDS MONEY BADLY 11.31>1 l FO-R.101113>1...…

May 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 152) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN )d I." pZ 'in'~gand B/c/cc cEdto 1iv\A1 wt: ae i iiitreir B rst esc clai cr C cPII. ? 4 2 I \r 1 9 1 0 Ne c-sic o..Bk!trold i 'Cti Ass iitan . . .. . . I / rr 1 l' i1 c>>i A\ttchtic L.2 tCr. i. \ 1'atcr K i ,I , -- OZ~ur Spring Specials Mus-~~ic and rama... i/crl 2/ v- DESIGINS-Oiriginaiand Excciusve Ly a I.Bryon ci iii ~ ~ hr. \Vinthri pD.i nI 1 ioris COLORINGS-The Newest .\rthurii j. \Ii/ iiI FABRICS-Dependable D. iA. Ii ckley. ...…

May 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 152) • Page Image 3

….' y 1 ilM1A CifttItGA N $~A 1.2t2 FORa Sam Burchfild .. 0" Ann Arbor's Le-a Jing 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court Hou. se J. L. CHAPMAN, ser ALARM CLOCKS 75 ALARM CLOCKS $1.0G ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS S1.75 "ully Guaateed Watcah le.rsr 0g f Spanaaly IFU JAXOtRS AND MELHANtfI IS A-a MAIN AND HURtON STtETuirS Canpitat $00,000 Surplus anad Profits $100,0100 General ttankin tBousinss. :1jeren a iai on imo anad Saavin taaianis. S'afet.y Ii'- po...…

May 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 152) • Page Image 4

…What it means to represent STEIN-BLOCH STEI-BLCH SartClothes are carried by the loeinw'te clothing dealer in every city in America. To reprsent tho STEIN-BLOCH people one moot be the leading and inst It- liable dealer in his particular frown or city. Thi' is SriN BLOCHS policy. And we choose the STEIN-BLOCHI lines because they give univeroal satisfaction. They give the full dollars worthi. STEIN-BLOCII Smart Clothes are the finest sitings rren...…

March 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…e M ichigan Daily NO. IIO. VOL. XX. Voi.. XX. ~,,NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THUiLRSDAY, xiiARCI-l 10. 910.No . COUNCIL ANNOUNCES ('NPARISIAN l ~>I TE IGT" AE I.I OI - .,T N N G T"RULES FOR BANQUET ,,- i irli " rllb te ujet BEAUTIFUL HIT With One Exception, Same as Sil111 iil o Did Many Other Things--High Last Year--Sophsi Must 'Keep Icxiiixxxix l i~l Price of Food Not Noticed at Forty Feet From Hall. Willustrte te lk. xWhxitney. r i t S...…

March 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…t iIEMICHIGAN DAIIX Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Orginal and Exclusive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-pleasing and Harmonos - IN - Suiings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your E1 xaminatIon G. II. Wild Colupally TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET CLINTON The "SULIPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE "CLI NTO N'" BUTTON EASILY Ans SIT FERFECiL, MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 150 2 for 255~ WLI3...…

March 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…FOR SamBrcfil Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN,Jvvk ALARM CLOCKS 79e:, ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully turnf Watch Repokirirxg 1SPuuusulty THE FARMER[IS AND 'sl[LlANltS t Ah MAIN AND tIIIJON ~riSTRETS Cuttal $50000 Sun is ustd isofis $00,000 Generai3intssuiis;s.esp." telit paid ons Times and a i gs-uts. s ii. 'a tylie- poHsitiBoxs 5to rant it $.10 <> d risiwards tR. tiis...…

March 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Srig Hats Sprinfg Hats We have received our Spring styles of IMPERIAL HATS in all the new shapes and colors. See our Pearl Derby it is a beauty. Lindenschffitt, pfl.& Co. E f UNIVERSITY NOTICES All' senior lits shaveimcasoueet taken for cap and gioen it 'Pcsetism- mediately. Deposit tot snecessry- ontil gown isIreceisvcit ~All entr ies forsvairsity mee Itsst ib" hanided its at director's otfice, PP atc liii gymnsasiumos ...…

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