May 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 157) • Page Image 1
…IA19M.ddlL MI-Imm vp Ap tt IAL AdL A *-A Vol- III:.-No. 15 7. Foe. 11-No 157. UIVERSITY OF -MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1893. PIETRECNS P-RicE, THREE (TENTS. OUP, ALUMNI WEEKLY. The U. of M. will Have One Nex Year, in Conneotion with The Daily. itf ucei itterest sold Sp 010 tue f131't (? ht -itjtt commiottee of te1 nt11 oIc ae League.e'Ir. Bir id also resteocel liii seer{ trvsllipt lotir iw-s then {"L ! di t o ii te i-l..i] i s1li I TH...…