March 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 115) • Page Image 1
…O Aff L IV -11 L Von,. III.--N o. 115. VOL. 11-No. 15. NIVMERSITY OF NfICIIIGAIN, FlI DAY, MfARCH 10, 1893. INTasCN. YRICE, THIaw CENTS. WATERMAN GYMNASIUM~. tered frequently into0 deibate and de- fended the ipresence of United States Will Not Be Completed at Once u11-I less Something Happens-The nsmarshals at the elections ill the Way Things Stand. soultih.Iintile forty-seventh lie was 'lie 11111n 1111111illesthat have rsosbefrad1arnltlo...…