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March 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…e M ichigan Daily NO. IIO. VOL. XX. Voi.. XX. ~,,NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THUiLRSDAY, xiiARCI-l 10. 910.No . COUNCIL ANNOUNCES ('NPARISIAN l ~>I TE IGT" AE I.I OI - .,T N N G T"RULES FOR BANQUET ,,- i irli " rllb te ujet BEAUTIFUL HIT With One Exception, Same as Sil111 iil o Did Many Other Things--High Last Year--Sophsi Must 'Keep Icxiiixxxix l i~l Price of Food Not Noticed at Forty Feet From Hall. Willustrte te lk. xWhxitney. r i t S...…

March 10, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 111) • Page Image 1


March 10, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1918. U L I Action of Mill- loub Pact With to Be CAMP FORSUMMER STILL UNCERTAIN Michigan's summer military camp is still uncertain. Less than 100 men have signed up for the summer camp, mak- ing it an unprofitable venture for the government. The military authorities will not make further plans for the camp unless there are at least 200 to 250 men willing to undergo the in- tensive training. "Men attending such a summer ca...…

March 10, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 109) • Page Image 1


March 10, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…The I G Michigan Daily SUBSCRIBE NOW , No. 113. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS.; (MEN FIGHT M* D FOR PLACES 1 OPINIONS ON VALUE DIVIDED SENIORS MEET TO OFARMY DECIDE MEMORI I If. G. Robinson, Burby, John, Fontana ' TODAY and ilintington Battle for 140 Mr. Van Noppen lectures in 206 Tap- Yard Job, in Ifeet with pan hall. 4:15 o'clock. Syracuse Mr. Van Noppen lectures in Alumni 1-Memorial hall, 8:...…

March 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…___e __ ___ ___ __ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,11F11)D.--\A'l RIC[ c 10 Ott o. Vol. XXI. No. T to VARSITY PERSONNEL DECIDED TOMORROW Craig-Horner Meet Will Be A Contest Between Michigan's Best Athletes BEST FRESHMEN WILL COMPETE W 1,1tebit t- s litetu inrit-es in i chlil- rit t ind o-takc~et, t i~t fth I -r10' . ,eCriswl e stagedin th V~it tak ae i of the i1111- It X)I ith the liii ionthIes Xarsit 4tl its h i n)I h i i liv he ide f r I It ihe1 t ...…

March 10, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…1'I I0 gan Dat ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1912. '-. ! "' S SUM and ; Sale. HOSPITAL NOT TO CLASH, SAYS DEAN Medic Head Claims Detention House Will Not Bar Way To Infirmary SOCIALISTS MAY GET GOY. OSBORN. Chief Executives offer Outcome Of an Inquiry By Local Society WOMEN'S LEAGUE PETITIONS IN BEHALF OF RESIDENCE HALLS Resolv-es Submitted to Federation of Women's Club to Attract Statewide Attention. In order to acquaint ...…

March 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…t iIEMICHIGAN DAIIX Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Orginal and Exclusive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-pleasing and Harmonos - IN - Suiings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your E1 xaminatIon G. II. Wild Colupally TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET CLINTON The "SULIPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE "CLI NTO N'" BUTTON EASILY Ans SIT FERFECiL, MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 150 2 for 255~ WLI3...…

March 10, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…THE] CHIGAN DAILY , I aster S- -April 8th Prepare Now ake your selection from our vast assortment of distinctive weaves and colorful blends. G. H. Merchant Tailors Wild Company STATE STREET hoice Selectionof Place Cards and Dance Programs -ie one 430 Slater Book Shop 336 S. State St. Official newspaper at the University of Mir.-igan. Published every morning except M-.nday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at A...…

March 10, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…and AS 10:30-"Above All Nations is Human- ity." Address on The Higher Pat- riotism and the War. by Rev. R. S. Loring. 6:30-California and Thomas Starr King. Address by Judge W. D. Har- riman, before the Student Society. The public is invited. RE]), Wlmen I Junior and senior girls from Wayne county will meet at 5 o'clock tomor- row afternoon in Barbour gymnasium to organize patriotic work. . ........... " W , Wahr's MAIN STREET oawn' .i...…

March 10, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN. DAILY -W44ow"A"W"A" r "PREPAREDNESS " A household word in every home these days and a nelitting slogan in the matter of clothes. The scarcity of good woolens is considerable more than a mere scare, it is a most decided reality. . We have rushed in our complete stock of Spring fabrics, owing to their constant rise in price, and are earnestly urging all our customer-friends to place their orders now before further advances, and...…

March 10, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…TuE MICHIGAN DAILY - I From any View Point our clothes show their superiority. In the material, in the workman- ship-every stitch set with care- ,and in the fit and hang of the gar- ment. Don't spend a lot of money but to regret it; let us tailor you this time and forge t the past. Place your order today for that new Spring suit. T HE MICHIGAN DAILY' Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except, Mondav d...…

March 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…I Ii GANDAILY Gs H.' WILD CO. 311 SO.-STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G9 HI. WILD CO. The Leading Merchant Tailors 311 S0. STATE STEET lypcwr itcrs ALL PRICES THE MICHIGAN DIY Managintg Ldito;i N\V Ii'" Business AMussy ---Not c c I hia. News Edictoir... ,... . ,.l-tar 1c1I Titus Athletic Editoi..... Walt, Assistant ........... ... J, 'ri I Music and Dramia.. ...…

March 10, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…sulsh and mud and wa- exceeding discomfort of neighborhood of the on- Irv pt Mon- With due acknowledgment of the year. guilt of the weather man, it is improb- Ann Ar- able that spring enthusiasm is quite of Con- as effervescent as these trespassing folks might urge in explanation. If your flat-boats are- undisciplinary, and you are not equipped with mud and water guards, the unending thanks of the pedestrian would be gained by a transfer of ...…

March 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…FOR SamBrcfil Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN,Jvvk ALARM CLOCKS 79e:, ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully turnf Watch Repokirirxg 1SPuuusulty THE FARMER[IS AND 'sl[LlANltS t Ah MAIN AND tIIIJON ~riSTRETS Cuttal $50000 Sun is ustd isofis $00,000 Generai3intssuiis;s.esp." telit paid ons Times and a i gs-uts. s ii. 'a tylie- poHsitiBoxs 5to rant it $.10 <> d risiwards tR. tiis...…

March 10, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

… ov *4As . % dr. w Laois Aparys ren daur Otherwise Appears formidable PETE TONIGHT ST, LOUIS MEET SEES MANY STARS Tracksters Expect Victory from Detroit Y. M. C. A. Easy (Special to The Michigan Daily) Ithaca, N. Y., March 9.-The out- come of the present baseball season at Cornell seems at present to rest,' in the main, upon one thing-the de- PECT QUARTER-MILE EVENT TO SEE WARM COMPETITION .ch Farrell Has Four 1920 Men Who Have Shown E...…

March 10, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

… nr SdT #... N 1 rn went aggrega- rid hard- .1 season asium. all trav- e end of Nemecek he Wol- or Ry- rhen the work it into an early e gun and man- .1's men under >art of the first suaggeu two cuu- and Weltner trav- r for a lone basket 'hese markers with Francis gave Ohio ge at half time. 'akes Lead of the second half, rted to mix things o State basketeers. se on the tip-off, Michigan, checked overcame the ad- :ennedy, the giant mbus ...…

March 10, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…TilE MICHIGAN DAILY _. ._. _ ._.- w _ _1-..._ fI I~J!I .,,.....,.,. .,.,. .. . . .,. ....a.. .., .,.....m.... .. G I u-I r a 4" ,, a - T..... J: 'tif 1 h. 1 h. ,,,., _ . .. FOX PLACED ON RELAY TEAM WIH GOES EAST Will Be Fourth Man of Two-fllie Squad to Represent Michigan at 1MIea- dowbrook Meet "CAP" MURPHY IN BUFFALO MEET Fox has been made the fourth mem- ber of the two-mile relay team which will carry the colors of the Mai...…

March 10, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…1I1XU11MICIGAN ]DAILY laiirm innirainr lIIA Editor, The Michigan Daily:-- I sincerely agree with Mr. Thiel's sentiments and, arguments as pub- lished in Friday's issue. I believe, however, that he does not conclusively prove his point to the reader who may have some doubt as to which side of the question he should adhere to. It is my intention to introduce certain glar- ing facts in opposition to militarism as a secure protection against war...…

March 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…________Tt) MA06016DAILY _____ 1 Thi Sace IReserved FOR Sam Burclifiekl ::amCo" : z Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS I 106 1 .h-r- St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPM .,AN, Jewe _4 -im3clots 79c Aam Clocks $1.00 Alr:locks $1.50 AamClocks $1.75 a .e A..Arborsavings fBank 1;l) P Splus $530000 1* ( .. itiscck. lPros . W .) I it' s .':PM. J. IFritz.(Cashier ILtA~fSAND M4EHANICS BANK 1AIN SON 15STREETS s_,;t 1 - , ±1 Surplus and Prslits$OO.OOO tiiaa3 per...…

March 10, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…* * * * * * * * PART WITH NEW YORK CUMPANY Arthur G. Cohen, who left Michigan t the beginning of the semester to ast his fortunes in New York City, ecently landed a good leading part in ack Barrymore's "Half Husband" ompany. In this same company he ras also given the assistant stage nanagership of the play. Almost coincident with the receiving of these ositions, Cohen received a letter from is parents who live in British Colum- ia urging him...…

March 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Srig Hats Sprinfg Hats We have received our Spring styles of IMPERIAL HATS in all the new shapes and colors. See our Pearl Derby it is a beauty. Lindenschffitt, pfl.& Co. E f UNIVERSITY NOTICES All' senior lits shaveimcasoueet taken for cap and gioen it 'Pcsetism- mediately. Deposit tot snecessry- ontil gown isIreceisvcit ~All entr ies forsvairsity mee Itsst ib" hanided its at director's otfice, PP atc liii gymnsasiumos ...…

March 10, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…CHIGANI -d .. W. BR HUSH BLACK TO SPEAK TOMORROW Tested Jtachines at Rest at Last Rusty Appliances in Engineering EDINBURGH PREACHER TURES IN TAPPAN SERIES Dr. Hugh Black will lecture at noon Ld at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow evening the Presbyterian church. He comes Ann Arbor under the auspices of .e Tappan Presbyterian association. When Dr. Black occupied a pulpit Edinburgh, he was one of the most mous preachers in Scotland. He was iled t...…

March 10, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 112) • Page Image 4

… l NI I_ 1 I UuW 11 [ii ILU.U UUI5D00 MEN TO BUILD SHIPS OM "COME C JT OF THE V" AT THE WHITNEY, ROW NIGHT. s Speaks on World in War rend Lloyd C. Douglas will rth and last bf a series of the world in the war ar- hie Women's league and the Y. W. C. A. at 4:15 o'clock :arch 12 in Sarah Caswell . His topic is to be "Re- ie World Today." )eclusion of the program tea rved to the committee of 'were influential in making es a success. XIII Pay ...…

March 10, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DA_ILY >rds! Words! Words! Make Talk gut It Takes Stitches! Stitches! Stitches! To Make Good Clothing for Men unrivaled Values in Taffeta Silk Dresses N- Fot 150OO0)\ : For Women - For Misses We picture a very smart $15 dress of Taffeta in Black, Navy, Russian Green or Brown. Bodice has three soft pleats in back; upturned, pointed collar of white Taffeta which extends to form front of bodice and is pearl-button trimmed. Lo...…

March 10, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…Ml M A$IV JAJL1 .- _ R MEN MAY RUN AT PENN RELAYS [I ITH Smith and O'Brien Probably to Fight Californian Star in Contest PJLU er Will If Captain Smith and O'Brien are en- tered in the 100-yard dash at the Penn- sylvania relay races, they will have to compete against Howard Drew, the sensational colored sprinter of the University of California. OUTCOME [arch 8.-Wit ise colored fi improvemen ry, the las against Mich. li by vily up...…

March 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…SPRING OXFORDS TRADEZ~ MARK. $4.00 and $5.00 $600 Come in and get your fit and we will hold them until you want them WAGNER & CO* pp State Street Sign of thet big .hi-,:i ct= For a delightful Luncheon or satisfying p s a -iffr is." M AC K' Ias ll!lll Cooking (i 1 -ve sell waver, 1ti ,fDinners, Lunches, Refreshments-Anything you an NOTICESf old be reseltt hi fr the first U 1 II U U S e the 111- It S tt in Ii ii NwWhitney acre Cur-'tajM .8.15...…

March 10, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

… I DEAN OF HOMEOPS Dr. Samuel A. Jones Succumbs To A General Breakdown I MUSIC AND DRAMA 1 New Whltnlh >. & CO. STREET hite Shoe r expert v orktnen. ius every detail of g Co. Cor. Farmer Street i , I- mm ® Ave. WIDELY KNOWN AS A SCHOLAR Dr. Samuel A. Jones, the first dean of the homeopathic hospital, died at his home at 136 Packard street, yester- day morning at 7:30. Dr. Jones had been in poor health for some time and had been...…

March 10, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 111) • Page Image 5

… I b I SPRING SHOWING Calkins IT might pay you to talk with us about exchanging your old Kodak for a new model or one with a better Cordovan s We have just received Drug another Co. shipment of lens, 308 So. State or 1123 So. Univ. Ave. this popular shoe in BLACK and TAN. Special Agncy Nettleton shoes of the new Smrt I HARVIRD ANOPRINCETON .EAD IN WAR THNING FORMER COLLEGE HAS 1,100 MEN ENROLLED IN MILITARY CORPS TELESCOPE...…

March 10, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 112) • Page Image 5

…n more than being dis- d hamlet of es agents of, aration has and careful second Lib- d before the and design- to work on Artistic Poster Result result is a collection of strik- ters, considered artistically and logically better than any yet ed in the two previous loan Soon they will be familiar- in store windows, on bill and all public places. ,ddition, five million window s, 50,000,000 poster stamps, '00 badges have been ordered L1 be ready ...…

March 10, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 109) • Page Image 5

…THlE MIC[IfGANDAlILY --. ____ ..... .... eo Stein-Ploch Smart Clothes fo'r Sprirng a, r(,re That should be all the announcment Uim essary, bh- iipw tW Stein- Bloch supremacy is so well knowni. We're so enthusiastic, however, about these newsuit hat we mlust add a few wvordis in praise of themw The - t tern>siare so fresh an:d new-the colorings are so soft andpesn-u nwsye r so full cf smartness with the caatrsi ti-ioh rfn inent, that we k...…

March 10, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 113) • Page Image 5

…THIE MICHTGAN iLAIL Y 5pring Showing of IN BLOCH SUITS" IMPERIAL HATS .11 the new shapes and colors in CAPS Reule, Conlin, Fiegel C READY AT YOUR SERVICE Correct Spring Attire for Suits Ba macaans Topcoats Raincoats $15 to $30 $12 to $25 $8 to $20 $8 to $18 Schmitt, Aptel & Cos, - :: ER LE AND. TAILORS RUNDELL NINTY-FOUR WEST FORT STREET. DETROIT, MICI. FORMFRLV WM. .". DIETFRL1 SPRING ORDERS TitKEN NOW hat animal instinct...…

March 10, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATI The Cadet What more do you want? THAN LYNDON'S GUARANTEE "Upon receipt of any roll of film we develop if you find a single defect we will not charge you one cent fpr developing." And we still give you PEACE TIME'S PRICES. Peace Time's Quality because we are still using the same developing formula that we used before the war-we could sell our metal for a fabulous price and "get along" the same as others do but no! We m...…

March 10, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 112) • Page Image 6

…11 i l U I 11 IluuII 1iI STINCT TARGETS TO PRE. PARE MEN FOR SHOOTING AT FRONT lets will have an opportunity ;ly to practice in a gallery range ar in all respects to the regula- United States target ranges. A foot pit, which will be used by to record the hits, is now being by the workmen. om 12 to 15 targets, placed three apart, will probably be installed week. The gallery range, when ileted, will be thoroughly equip- ith a modern telep...…

March 10, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILV WALK-OVER It's Here- The New 3A Special with the NEW RANGE FINDER II The Sign of Satisfaction Thie W insor" $500v A Newv Spring Arrival lc'S J.ALK Greatest Thing Out. Prices from $49.00 to $77.00 LYNDON'S 719 NO, UNIVERSITY AVE. Where You Buy Kodaks and Films F it U- Comes black or tan in Fine imported calf-skin We easily save you one dollar on this one WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP 115 S. MAIN ST. Photographical Expert...…

March 10, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 113) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r T i . I il w 1 NOTICE ill Are you keeping an"NM" Book? If not, why not? It costs so very little, and you will value it so highly in after years, that it hardly seems possible any Michigan student would overlook the preservation of the many, many little things that only have to be "pasted in." Do it now. Come in and get the best "M" Book ever made for only $1 LYNDON 1 11 1 1 We Do Repairing AND Altering Cs I.KIDD...…

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