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December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…P an 43 Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVII - No. 68 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Doily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, December 10, 1986 Fourteen Pages 'U' By KERY MURAKA For the last two years, the has abstained from using its voting power to take stances o of social issues, and critic whether the University is socially responsible investing neutrality. The University could hav issues such as whether Easti should produce ...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 10, 1986 Ex-aides refuse to testify WASHINGTON (AP) - Two of President Reagan's recently departed national security aides - both still active-duty military officers - refused to publicly answer questions yesterday from a House committee trying to explore the Iranian-Contra arms-and-money connection. The dramatic invocations of Fifth Amendment rights by Vice Adm. John Poindexter and Marine Lt. ...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…Alleged shanty vandals The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 10, 1986 - Page 3 may be prosecuted By MELISSA BIRKS Members of the Free South Africa Coordinating Committee (FSACC), the group which built the shanty on the Diag, is considering bringing charges against two University students arrested for attacking the structure. A Department of Public Safety officer detained the two students early Saturday morning while they' were allegedly k...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, December 10, 1986 The Michigan Daiy Ee a o Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan LETTERS: Daily culpable in cartoon's Vol. XCVII, No. 68 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Enforce housing laws HOUSING IN ANN ARBOR ...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…1 -1 The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 10, 1986-- Page 5 Most new jobs from '79 to '84 pay under $7,000, study says WASHINGTON (AP) - More than half the 8 million net new jobs created between 1979 and 1984 in the United States paid less than $7,000 a year while the number of jobs paying $28,000 or more actually fell, according to a new study. The report, released yesterday by the outgoing and new Democratic chairmen of the Joint Econo...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 10, 1986 LOST & FOUND FOR RENT FOR RENT PERSONAL LOST: One small clip-on earring some- where in the MLB on uesday, 11125/86. If found, please call 663-8919. FOR SALE BAITS LEASE FOR SALE 4109 ZIWET SNGL.IN DOUBLE SUITE 763-3977 F-rmmte. needed to share 1 nn. apt. in U- Towers. Avail. Winter. Furnished, all util. $240/mo. Call 747-6316. Float in on a lucious Fox norw ."blue" acket. s...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 7

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Wednesday, December 10, 1986 Page 7 Stevie set to rock the Hill By Brian Jarvinen After a long fall season of blues shows, which has included performances by Lonnie Mack and Johnny Copeland in addition to the great Blues Festival featuring John Lee Hooker, the term is coming to a close with another superb guitarist when Stevie Ray Vaughn comes to Hill Auditorium tomorrow night. No stranger to the Detroit / Ann Arb...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 8

…J Page 61- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 10, 1986 Dance with a difference By Jose-Arturo Martinez By reading the title of this dance concert your first impression may be that Illusions of Her is about one woman in particular. and that's the beauty of it. Instead, various aspects4 manhood will be explored Master's Thesis concert whi * PACKAGE DROP SHOP Complete Shipping Servic Need to send a package? Need boxes or packing supplie...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 10, 1986-- Page 9 i Makers, stars of 'Canyon' should be choked By Geoffrey Riklin There is no reason to believe that any of the people who made Choke Canyon are anything other than mediocre or worse, but if they bad exerted themselves to the 4jightest extent, they probably i ould have made something less readful. You see, there's this idealistic and gifted scientist (David) who -'ants to help all m...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 10, 1986 I Provocative theater with a minimum By John Shea When you come to see the Residence Hall Repertory theater troupe perform, don't expect to see a stage or special lighting or elabo - rate props because they won't be there. In fact, nothing here really rings of "theater" at all. The pefor - mances are held not at Hill Audi - torium but rather places like the Blue Lounge at Alice L...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 11

…Women's Basketball vs. Wayne State Tomorrow, 7:30 p.m. Crisler Arena SPORTS Hockey vs. Miami Friday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Yost Ice Arena The Michigan Daily Wednesday, December 10, 1986 Page 11 r -i fhn k p t nn#rn 1- Brad McCaughey is no longer CN - -NU~/ ~~7 ~ '~FNE N ~ I By DARREN, JASEY Brad McCaughey is not known for his flying fists in the hockey arena, but Romala Orr, the wife of I former Michigan basketball coach Johnny Orr, ...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 12

…Page 12 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 10, 1986 Michigan knocks off Kent St., 73-61 By RICK KAPLAN The big MAC attack was not supposed to give the Michigan basketball team much trouble. But the Wolverines struggled for the second straight night with a Mid- American Conference team yesterday, edging the Kent State Golden Flashes 73-61. After shooting 45 percent from the floor in a 62-59 loss to Western Michigan Monday night, the ...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 10, 1986 - Page 13 A 1 } , *'W ) Sull court For Wolverines to win... p S. I _., .. By ADAM OCHLIS It doesn't take a math major or a statistician to realize what Glen Rice means to the Michigan basketball team. In Monday's game against Western Michigan, the sophomore forward shot one-for-10 from the floor, scored just two points, and played probably the worst game of his brief college career. In...…

December 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 68) • Page Image 14

…Page 14- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 10, 1986 I ft 14 14 The Michigan Union you need, and much textbooks...reference reading...notebooks and a complete Michigan clothing and gifts. 14 Bookstore has the bo more...thousands of u books..books for gei selection of supplies... oks ised neral The Unionf... the center of campus life for Michigan students. Conveniently located on the ground level of the Michigan Union. Monday-...…

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