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October 10, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…P Illic4i an4,.3at Im Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, October 10, 2008 FUNDING DISCOVERIES U' sets research spending record With federal grants harder to secure, partnerships with industry bring in more money By ELAINE LAFAY Daily Staff Reporter * University research expenses broke $875.8 mil- lion for the 2007-2008 fiscal year, a 6.4 percent increase from last year and the highest sum spent on research and development in Uni...…

October 10, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…2A - Friday, October 10, 2008 The Michigan Daily - 2A - Friday, October10, 2008 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom WALL STREET WOES Homework for the holidays Every time classes get a lit- tle emptier, like they did this week for to the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, questions arise about the University's policy on religious observances and other holidays. There are more than 35 holi- days, both religious and other- wis...…

October 10, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily- N ew s Friday, October 10, 2008 -'3A * The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom XVS Friday, October10, 2008 - 3A NEWS BRIEFS AUSTIN, Texas More than 76,000 damage claims filed after Ike More than 76,000 damage claims from Hurricane Ike have been filed with the Texas-backed windstorm insurance association, which expects to pay billions of dollars to policy holders for loss- es. Texas Windstorm Insurance Ass...…

October 10, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…4A - Friday, October 10, 2008 The Michigan Daily - Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 ANDREW GROSSMAN EDITOR IN CHIEF GARY GRACA EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR GABE NELSON MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the vi...…

October 10, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - h Friday, October 10, 2008 -5A Far, far from good By JAMIE BLOCK Daily Arts Writer new animated series "Star Clone Wars" explains Y OF UNIV The Wars: "Holy crap - I'm in good movies again!" An incre.dible Genius' Greg Kinnear shines in moving chronicle of one man's battle against injustice By ANDREW LAPIN Daily Arts Writer Engineering students, rejoice: Your movie has finally arrived. "Flash of Ge...…

October 10, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…6A- Friday, October 10, 2008 The Michigan Daily - the michigan daily LIBERTY SQUARE PARKING GARAGE: 1 space left! Great loca- tion on E. Washington St. between State and Division. ° Varsity Manage- ment (734) 668-1100. PARKING ON CENTRAL CAM- PUS! Several locations, underground garage spaces available. Call Varsity Management at (734) 668-1100. PARKING SPACES AVAILABLE Please Call 734-665-8825. NORTH CAMPUS Heat/Water/ Pa...…

October 10, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 29) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 10, 2008 - 7A * The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Friday, October10, 2008 - 7A . With election a month away, candidates zero in on ethics Obama cites opponent's 'erratic behavior,' McCain revisits Ayers issue By MICHAEL FINNEGAN and PETER NICHOLAS Los Angeles Times DAYTON, Ohio - The campaign for president pivoted sharply to character and temperament yes- terday as Democrat Barack ...…

October 10, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 29) • Page Image 8

…8A - Friday, October 10, 2008 The Michigan Daily - Michigan finally meets the neighbors Defense ready for By COURTNEY RATKOWIAK bootlegs and nakeds, a whole Daily Sports Editor bunch of screens," Rodriguez said. 71 "The two things that hurt us in physical m atchup Tomorrow, the Wolverines will the last game were play action and finally meet their neighbors. It's not like they're complete strangers - Ann Arbor and Toledo a...…

October 10, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 29) • Page Image 9

…4C2 ____ Cnnth ill C t rrl. ii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 r (1n+^k^r 1 4 '7(1(14 00t - mUVtdHnOOLUUrOy - OuLIUy, ULUUU[ 11, LU0? Call or uo online AMAP to hook your trip flmemler, svrvonfl savn9lowm at mesoun meDl round-trim msimg either r.csaslufistculuor our UN discount! …

October 10, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 29) • Page Image 10

… 2B - Football Saturday - October 11, 2008 0 e S e October 11, 2008 - Football Saturday - 7B 8/30 9/6 2008 Michigan Schedule Utah, L 23-25: Michigan was expected to have growing pains. And after a failed comeback attempt, the Wolverines were on the wrong end of an opening game for the second year in a row. Miami (Ohio), W 16-6: At least this game isn't against Oregon. Michigan should be able to win against the average Mid-American Confe...…

October 10, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 29) • Page Image 11

…0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 -Iq 6B'- Football Saturday - October11, 2008 Breakdown: Michigan vs. Toledo October 11, 2008 - Football Saturday - 3B By IAN ROBINSON AND the Threet-led offense has gone NATE SANDALS long stretches without moving the Daily Sports Editors ball, like in the last three quarters against Illinois. MICHIGAN RUSHING OFFENSE The Rockets have allowed over VS. TOLEDO RUSHING DEFENSE 30 points in four of five games Toledo returne...…

October 10, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 29) • Page Image 12

…PIP- 4B - Football Saturday - October 11, 2008 October 11, 2008 - Football Saturday - 5B "UM's Sam McGuffie flexible, reliable" - Detroit FreePress "McGuffie has plenty to say on field" - The Ann Arbor News "Wolverines' McGuffie graces YouTube - again" - Toledo Blade .Each of those headlines appeared in the last three weeks, but freshman running back Sam McGuffie doesn't like his fame one bit. "I hate articles about me," McGuffie said. "I d...…

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