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October 10, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…I COOLER )Al- OF ot 00e, A6V L ASSOCIAT PRESS SEICE1--. 7 11. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1919. PRICE THREE, C PRICE THREE ( IN SPIRIT TO RREVAIL A T ND LN I IN MEET, EBDAY NIGHT IN HILL AUDITORUM IVERSITY GRADS ARE D TO SPEAK ON PROGRAMW FRONT SEATS RST YEAR MEN lark Launching of Cam. ,n for War Memo- A GO MICHIGAN" he second annual Tradi- re rapidly materializing, Carl T. Hogan, '20E, the committee which has ed to...…

October 10, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…=I1antI DIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIRAN d every morning except Monday durng the Univer. the Board in Control of Student Publications. [EMBEIf OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for 1 of all news dispatches credited to it .or not otherwise this paper and the local news published therein. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second tion by carrier or mail, $3.50. Ann Arbor Press buildin...…

October 10, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…I 1\L %.4 A S . 1 k A . L' 1 Ai IN FALL WORKOUT! I LU UiL L L Ull III LI1 rluig Eleven Defeats Weakened Reserves In . to 0 Score ER TWO SCORE MEN REPORT TO SWELL GRIDIRON OUTFIT 'hat Coach Yost's call for more foot- ' men is being heeded by the cam-. at last was shown yesterday when r forty men turned out for Var- y practice. This is the largest num- that have reported to the Mich- n mentor this year and it is a sign t the student body is aw...…

October 10, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…..p. ....o,.a . -... . V eAlarm the City. Come WatchesClocks Them. D.amonds $1~50Up' ir StoreJewelery ir Store Waterman and Conklin Pens uron 5t. Schlanderer & Seyfried, Jewelers /I Of Interest to University Women E V I . _ ,, CHIMES DRIVE SHOWS BIG FIRST DAYRESULTS iUTO STROP and lILLETTE RAZORS SORORITY HOUSES SET PACE OTHER GROUPS IN SUB- SCRIBING FOR THE ONE YOU LIKE IS HERE IN OUR COMPLETE ASSORTMENT he Eberbach & Son Co...…

October 10, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 11) • Page Image 5

… pf Music Studios. Piano, n, Harmony. 312 S. Divis- one 212-J.-Adv skt. TheStage SHUBERT-GARRICK Detroit COSMO HAMILTON We set glass. C. H. Major & Co. Phone 237.-Adv. WUERTH THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 -FRANK 1 MAN" C in II MAJ E STIC TAy Saturday Dorothy Dalton in "The Lady of Red Butte" if "The Big Chance," a comedy drama which was presented at the Forty- eighth street theater at New York for five months, will be produce...…

October 10, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 11) • Page Image 6

… OiY [DA A I party for sopho- cur gymnasium. honor committee ngineering build- and smoker at .ry circle meets 'm iversity Y. M. C. A. inteer meeting in hall. eers get-togeth r eal for Methodist NEWBERRY HOLDS YEAR'S ELECTION Elections and appointments for the year were made last night at New- berry residence. At the same time all ofdthe new girls were formally in- itiated. The, following received offices: Pres- ident, Edna Apel,.'20; vic...…

October 10, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

… THE AHE VOL . X X,' N . 8. . I 4Vp reola :43 at tx ASSOCL PRE DAY AND NIG BEBOV] ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10,- 1918. PRICE j .. FR KLS 1AZEOIN x0 £ via r FY rtE U. S. EXPECTS NOTE REPLY HUN SOON "FLU" HITS WEST; AR.A. CASES LESS a. a oii~... Y -STC;CK r2 ERK, JURIES. :~e~, des hiind:Entire A.;. .,~sw~at~ ie occur- red n ti~. i. r~v ~tr,,oom yes- terda ~ £~~.Pou. khr Yenwere seious . l l' L -1. a. r" 3:. ;i.. l a...…

October 10, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…FOR LIBERTY I " TA M ~l T' RAT THE 'd ry morning eccept Monday umwersniy year by the Board in OF TI ASC!ATED PRESS rt~ as i ~ I entitled t,,s'.'bt a inor a': news dis- edited t ; or not othxrwi:e credited q and 4lso the iot news pub- at tie post oifie at Ann Arbor, As 2.Ci:Vld CLass n i':1.L" a Caier Ofn7111 a3.50'. Alin AL-rbos ?s9 1uilding. sinass. 96'0; 1$dito-ia, 2414. Licat ons not to ex-cd :o words, ,he :Sgunture not tcEs$rly to ap- it,...…

October 10, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY iNEXT MONTH I N TO START SEASON MONTH; MICHIGAN BACK NEXT MINNESOTA, OLD RIVAL SCHEDULED FOR NOV. 13 Chicago, Northwestern, Minnesota and Ohio State to Oppose Yostmen in November With four conference games sched- uled as the opposition for Michigan's pigskin stars during the month of November, the season of 1918 promis- es to be more interesting than in a number of years. The final decision of a committee of representat...…

October 10, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURStD RER MICHIGAN MAN WRITES SPORT ARTICLE RYIY ILOUIS, '20, GETS SIGNED STORY IN A. E. F. NEWS- PAPER 'ormerly a member of the Michi- Daily editorial staff, First Ser- nt Harry R. Louis, '20, who en- ,ed in the University of Michigan t'of the Ambulance corps has been gored by having a signed article by iself, appear in the Stars and Lpes, the official newspaper of the iks in France. ouis waIT sent with a part of the t t...…

October 10, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

….,.. .. ;H HEREI CROWS COMING TO ANN AROR TO HEAR CARUSOI -1 taken , now theaters and oth- aces is still to be give the S. A. T. he S. N. T. C. a NAVY ire still 18 vacant places in T. C. which must -be filled Alunteers will be accepted nrolled in any school or col- se University. All men who ested should report at room ral Science building for ex- eoman Theodore M. Schnot- o ' reported for instruction has been detailed for duty ce of Adm...…

October 10, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

…, VI V'..rill IN UP L/ 71L L A have taken several small ER villages and straightened out line. their 6362 MICHIGAN MEN IN SERVICE, 4412 ARE GRADS.1 nued from Page One) le enemy to postpone the great St. Gobain massif and important strategic posi- on and Le Fere. esistance also is being im- he Germans against further >f the French and Ameri- hampagne and east of the rest. West of the forest ans have driven their lines the region of...…

October 10, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…4hr t an :4Iait ti ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1917. PRICE THREE CENTS U.S ILIKE SASON SAYS RE OGA America Boastfully Gave Its War Secrets to Europe and Now Must Suffer Results PEOPLE MUST BUY BONDS NOW OR WEAR 'EM IN A FEW YEARS Loaning of Money in 1917 Will Assure American Nation's Liberty in 1920 Hzralding the launching of the sec- ond Liberty Loan campaign, Reverend Lloyd ...…

October 10, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 0 ----- MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Official newspaper at the University of ichigan . Published every morning except onday during the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor as cond-class matter. Offices :Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- riptions: by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3. 'ant ad stations: Quarry's; Students' Sup- ' Store; The Delta. Phones: Business, 960; ditorial, 2414. Communications not ...…

October 10, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…-,19.7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE mil 19 1.111 PAGI 1 II T . R I pass route will probably be launched. But if Cartwright and Goetz can not SQUAD PERS NNEL cessors did, it is likely that the Yost show anything better than their prede- team will continue to depend on at- TO SUFF HtacNG by the backfield entirely. Beath, another willing, but light and Goetz to Replace Cress at End; Beath inexperienced man, will not be start- Forfeits Center...…

October 10, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

… L- I V- buinss Wh Gnteen:yu- et--mnwhs lakdstnto yuimditlI dObtehisjudgmet.odourmeapp. 1 cae neanhelpneofa hndiapto yon casooinbusiness. Menyaremastoldaneyodess laks cinyuimeitl Adler Rochudgetr Cohes ill th e elokoality. Seeanthempt yhr clasrom217i bs.instret STE~ C hentsaneas odasteydes.hI r _uu m...... ........U * U U u U k E I IIIs uu {iu uhIIhIIIIIIfh~ II~I~ m ua u m m um~~ ~ n.. .-------------- I I I I …

October 10, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE Now, Alway5 the bet for y tr m oneCY adI ion's laCes i. cMlor' and turn- I ug o Ung meCna r f y~ .. .. -. ' r . ' STATE STREET COR ARCADE T WO ST ORES MAIN STREET CUR. WASHINGTON FOl EVERYTHING No J( o nil or e arge If~~~~~~ it:ntriltve . e'~ i o I. Whave hh the inclination and the eqpmet to furnish the ' q ThyA rb ,a vin gs l B y y ank Capta nd Surplus $ 500,900 00 Reouorces . . .$84,000,0000 Northwe...…

October 10, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY,1 Bef You knowt trial. Ever ' fjury of how Are you gu clothes? D you? If so, why and be decl Let us becc win you tha DRI S J4 KARL 604 East Liberty St. ore a Jury that your appearance is always on y man you meet is both judge and you look. uilty of a faulty selection in your )o poor fitting clothes stand against not acquit yourself, win the verdict ared a good dresser? ome your tailoring counsel-we'll at verdi...…

October 10, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 7) • Page Image 1


October 10, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…11VHlV Ll-11L 1 G. H. Wild Co. Leading Merchant Tailors State St. r ', 111I1111111111111.t1t l i~ltll llllll1111!!1!ll ll l t111tlI ll llltillilliltill lil TTENTION STUDENTS- We are now in a better position to.serve your wants than before. We can save you money. SEEING IS BELIEVING Allmendinger Music Shop ie 1692 122 B. Liberty St. SPECIAL ON UKULELES - tIll ll11l llillllillllltllililtlllllllll ll llll11tIlll il 1111 |1111lllillllllllll O...…

October 10, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…GAN DAILY SHOWS BEST FORM OF YEA ta 'I VARSITY DOWNS SCRUS IBY REGULAR"FIGHT" Weimann and Boyd Both Back on Lineup; Niemann Given Rest For Day SCORE EXHIBITS 25-0 COUNTI "Mrnlie" and Sparks Go For Big Gains and Touchdowns; Peach Gets Counter With "Tad" Weimann and Boyd back in the lineup in yesterday's scrim- mage, the Michigan Varsity displayed just about the best brand of football that they have shown this year. The regulars con...…

October 10, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…I I VIIl.F-l.UI L/TAIL. I ' THE TREAT TODAY stie-Vaudeville de-.Virginia P evil Kate." Mut * * * * * iiiir rni l EHS * BGESLLGUE flS ( ACULTY MEN ENROLLED 1 l t i earson in t and Jeff eum-Douglass Fairbanks 'he Half-Breed." Triangle dy-Joseph Belmont in "A abaret." * * * * * * * * * * *1 * I * I * * * * * AT THE MAJESTIC. udeville is again on the boards e Majestic theater. e big act on the program is Imhof, and Corenne. Roger Imhof, a...…

October 10, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 7) • Page Image 5

…L \.LL 11 1 11 A--% 1 J a 1 WAMMMMMMM 10Ii The most enviable reward of those who U try to do their best is to excite the sym- pathy of intelligent men. So the makers of Smart othes 1 .- fy2 / ft' i I Calkins Drug Co. Two Stores 324 So. State and 1123 So. University Ave. Dental Medicines for Senior Dental Students. Everything is right or we make it right. --I reap their reward in the knowledge of the I ) 4 ch pr tbi .ass of men...…

October 10, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 7) • Page Image 6

…-Over Foot Wear MR. FRESHMAN: Sheehan's FOR "As the twig is bent, the tree is inclined." Therefore-- EN And WOJIEN NEW MANAGEMENT (a"~ o- - Our windows are full of the season's authoritative styles. Conservative staples and pop- ular Novelties. No matter what your taste, we can serve you. Widths A A to E, and salesmen who will fit you properly. Hoffstetter 's 11 Get Started Right First, be a man, a real man; do the things and do the...…

October 10, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 6) • Page Image 1


October 10, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. hes for the College Manw -nds most of his time inside-a suit of medium will be found best for comfort and health he.Fall and Winter. QOur variety of patterns dant this season in suitings of all weights. WILD COMPANY :: 311 S. State St. LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official nesspaper at the University of Miichigan. Published every morning except .Monday during the university year. U NEW AND SECOND-HAND T B...…

October 10, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…THE M'ICHIGAN DAIL", A New Line of you and your friends are cordially invited to it Waldemar Chains Silver Pencils Gold Pencils Cigarette Cases Gold Pocket Knives Silver Pocket Knives Cigar Cutters Picture Frames the new quarters of the University Avenue Branch of The Ann Arbor- Savings Bank at 207 North University Avenue. Having in mind the comfort of our customers we have furnished a special room for their convenience, and we earnes...…

October 10, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ( low rc I Ionce Artists Him."g "Fa DIT RIUM FIRST CONCERT USDAY, OCTOBER 19 MICHIGAN'S MONUMENTAL MUSIC HALL le Amato 5000 Seats All Good TICKETS Mal Orders, accompanied with remittance tc will be filled from the odd numbered seats hand halves of all sections) in the order of and will be sent out within a day or two at respective block has gone on public sale, by ary mail, at patron's risk. Should the mail o...…

October 10, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. The Wearer of " ir .th r , , use of his clothes, at any time or in name "Stein-Bloch" is assur- rectness, backed by 4' r I i i I ii wu i CLO' U. of You will find t here in The Bid that you know a -Adler's for exa. You will like over the new w shades, and styl fashion making f put out. ift, Aph el &Co.o MAIN STREET IVERSAYAMAJSTIC - MUSICAL NOVELTY AND RECITAL 1BY NICARAGUAN PIANIST FEA- 'tURE BIL . SHOES I Se...…

October 10, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Walk-Over Foot-.Wear F O R .ME N AND . W OM EN dame good old quality sold in your Home Town. Larger selection d-signel especially for College wear.. SPECIAL fIA~ THIS SALE KULIIIIKS WEEK All the latest models just received-about 50b shop-worn and second-hand ones at GREAT BARGAINS Here is a chance to get a Kodak as good as; new at a very low price.. 16Y ND@N b Mailed or Local $2.50 S ,0 ",' Cut represents Style No. 7...…

October 10, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…AJTY The Michigan Daily[ N'~OW V, No. 11. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1914. PRICE FIVEI I I SIT T OPPOSESTT Y T -0-4 - Coach Yost Orders First Practice of Season on Eve of Tilt With Commodores Secret LINEUP WILL BE SAME WHICH MET MT. UNION EXCEPT GUARDS Visitors Arrived Yesterday Morning and Worked Out on Ferry Field "Dan" McGugin's fighting Commo- dores are the attraction on Ferry field today, the tilt with Van...…

October 10, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…M: H GAN DAILY How Stylishly He Dresses Will be the verdict after you have had us for your tailor. The Suit, the Overcoat, will have a class and swing to it that only tailored-to- order apparel can have. Step in and see the fabrics and models. Looking costs nothing. G. I. WILD CO. Leading Merchant Tailor State Street JOT DAL L OODS e line of Foot Ball Goods of all kinds r from $1.00 to $5.00 Gym Supplies A complete, outfit for $2.25. Get...…

October 10, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY wm mmoommokwo THAT NEW IDENIS MICHIGAN Most of you young 11 who read this -ad kn good style We are ready to show you the best line of - , - - , ,C . 'I ";_ , _ . SCRAP BOOK Is just FRight lien's Suits, Overcoats, Bahmacaans, raincoats, Hlats, Caps and Furnishings Shown Iin the City Better Paper Better Coaver Better Better Binding Price You can tell at a glance whether a suit or overcoat has the exclusive' touc...…

October 10, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OLLEGE MEN HAVE THEIR )WN IDEAS ABOUT STYLE 250 MORE Lyndon's "M" Books R IVFD YESTERD (.MAJESTIC.. Always a Good Show 7:30 3:00 9:800 At the old price $1.00 ' F you're a College Man and hold a reputation among your friends for wearing decisive and distinctive clothes, you cannot overlook our Fall and Winter fabrics. They're full of character. Have a suit tailored-to-measure which will add This is the last lot of ...…

October 10, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…RESSCINDED. I1 he Mid an ilyRESOLU TO SHOT TIONS ARE PAS 1V A BOARD'S V 1 I PRICE FIVE 1. XXIV, NO. 10. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1913. ARD OTO STILL SLEEPI ASS MADE BY THE On March 22, the Board in Control unainiously passed the following resolution, which has not been carried out as yet: "The chairman shall appoint a committee to continue negotiations with the Coufereuce of which Mr. Joh 1) .Hibbard sha...…

October 10, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…-- - -- 0 1- LEADING NT TAILORS " e offer to you the ailored suit possible most suitable price. manship the best. suit built to fit. tock of woolens of chest quality. The assortment in the select from. I. WID GO.o 11 S. State St. 1 OIT UNITED LINES IN ARBOR TIME TABLE ad Express Cars for Detroit-7 :o nd ]burly to 6:io p. In., also S:io sfor Detroit-S :4o a. in., 6:o6 a. T., y two hours to 6:o6, 7:o6 p. p. Ill., 9:,o p. Im., and 10...…

October 10, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -~~ i e We are glad to be able to link up our local reputation with the national reputation of such a firm as Stein-Block. If you need a suit or overcoat you should inspect Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s clothes. The greatest variety of Mackinaws in Mich- igan. Prices fronm $7.50 to $15.00. --- --- , y ; soO #I MACKINAW COATS Buy your coat now while the line is complete. New Ha3s -. )~f~the TINKER & CO. 342 S. State S...…

October 10, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN 'DAILY. _ d NEW PRICES ON PICTURES Real Shoes Latest English Lasts Thursday and Friday,, Oct. 9-10-Matinee Friday, 3 P.M. I THE GREATEST OF ALL TABLO19S. 30-PEOPLE-30 Call while olur stock is complete UNER & CO. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR A1 I I ,Every Michigan Man should own a well filled "M" Scrap Book when he leaves college and. he should be- gin NOW to keep one. Believing that the sale will increase sufficiently...…

October 10, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…T YUUI $2.50 I1 The Subscribe Now or ichi Y. v. c rt;f .. w . r?" Y I=AILED TO ANY ADDRESS $3.00 No., . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURS AY, OCTOB1iR Iu, ll- PRICE FIVE . . . ..R.. .. ... ITY GETS I THE WEATHER MAN -I THREE TUOCHDOWNS LRS FIND THIAT SCRUBS ?RESAIMEN ARE NOT WEAK i FACED IN REAL GAME. Forecast for Ann Arbor-Thursday, rain and colder. University Observatory-7 p. m. tem- perature 61.2; minimum temperature for 24 h...…

October 10, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Our Political Platform is tight Price an dQuality C. H. Wild Co. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street University Text Books New and Scoond Hand All Departments I DRAWING INSTRUMENTS Sheehan & Co. Student's Book Store x . It's Pipe A n ro s n , BALLI r who curves the 'ver the plate wins e tailor who curves r bumps wins the I TYPE WRITERS New and Rebuilt - All Makes FOR SALE OR RENT O. D. MiORRILL 322 ...…

October 10, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY This space is, reserved for JRFI E L D the Shoeman 119 S. MAIN With the opening reflection that one smile is worth a dance bid on any co- educational campus, we proceed to the actual dirty work of the day.. Insert Knife at This Point. Wilyunm's bought a little safe To stow away his copper; No more lux'ries NOW for Bill, Till he's a gay J-Hopper. Mary has been bid for weeks To come and tap Bill's cash-box; But meant...…

October 10, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY F .. i LET .s .. s.; : '' - ... .. ,a. ., MVALCOLM MAKE IT Your * SUIT OVERCOAT -and SHIRT UNIVERSITY NOTICES All candidates for soph engineer foot- ball team must have physical exami- nation by Saturday, October 12. Prac- tice today at 4:00 p. m. South Ferry field. Senior engineer football practice at. 4:00 o'clock this afternoon. South Ferry field. Mr. Stanley will be at the School of Music every afternoon from 1:0...…

October 10, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…V: ~he Michigan IFaiyaI_____ 14 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1911. d 4 ......... ... ... r.. r COMMITTEES OF LITERARY DEPARTMENT ARE ELECTED. Election of the various committees took up the most of the time at the D first meeting of the faculty of the lit- erary department last evening. Sever- al changes were made in the admin- istrative board. These were made Id necessary by the departure of some of the members from the u...…

October 10, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..... LAY sive Styles pers. StreetI OUTLJINES, TYPE TYPEWRITERS, rsale and rent. RHIILL- DU BELL 582-.J M-e THlE MICHIGIAN DAILY Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school yea. .. MANAGING EDITOR. Walter R. Towers. BUIN~tESS MANAGES, Albert R. Dilley Editors. News Editor....... Harry Z. Folz Assistant...........Frank Pennell Athletic Editor.....F~. E...…

October 10, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fountain Pens We guarantee absolute satisfaction or money back any time during school year on Parker's, Moore's Conkl n's See our line of d Pillows ay intefest you and ill pay you to visit Store of Detroit ' company . 1 AMAXON" Lg our service ATHLETIC ELECTION TO BE HELD SOON Three New Managers of Mich- igan Tems wil be Selected MITCHELL NOMINATES TWO MEN. The annual fall election of the Ath- letic association...…

October 10, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE MIC IGAN DAILY ,ter .. MUSIC AND MA. 11- Try-outs for positions in the Uni- versity Symphony Orchestra will be held Wednesday evening at the School of Music from 7:00 to 9:00 o'clock.] Candidates are requested to bring their own instruments and some music with which they are familiar. Sight read- ing is not of primary importance. Reg- ular rehearsals are held Sunday af- ternoons, and the orchestra makes two public appearances each s...…

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