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January 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…Lijc Ui. of Al1. 1ailp. VI.I.-. .+ . INEV\EL1''1- (11 M I(i16 S 'AT 't I L ISN''t)y I 'it lt t in I t 11 he t iiizldtw r T e n w ) ir G I F TlO F d20 , 0 0 0 .iTH E wGY M ' ' i itIi' t ' 5 U i ' i i l i t i ll i f t , AT LAST IN SIGHT. im forir 'm +st f1m-iI. t lr 'ci ) m r Pal-.sidc t I lg l sI le llc 1 t it, s lrl~cs . N y <r it AYALE GRADUATE COMIES TO THE i Lthe Iihc tftr is ;f l s H li Ica l >/s c ti ie AID OF THE U. 0GE N. tlt~irlzl I Si...…

January 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…LIjc ill. o( Al,. ralip. ['I hI I'Il Ole' III(t.1\,. STlhlI.Vi . .iANIA t iA In. : 1 I ' l, - , 'I'l ( vcv "YM FUND PROSPECTS. ite~ St Movc, of Enthusiasie Over. ancy Active Work C ornmenceet. s li ,itI 11 m f t t- l l ill m % IIC I I- (' t~w ~ rto~i lll~iI it l (I Irt. I li 11 l l 1 c1111 ti.A. 1 it c I l. l ill I i' ' ( ( iI' t) Tihe Paso t~~i; lclll htil tit Ii vietris o ils: 1'1.1 I.1 t i11,1 lit i ii i ttl ].(Ie ;Ini t l IIc iii I lci ]r ...…

January 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…THE t . OF M. DAILY. 11i' . i . 0CIhENilNN . XID 'oeh~t' a d wt (Micell'' cc- tCI cv' f ti('ill il:," li i lC' I ,: tltr ltifl I n'. rl f t~i -tll Of C'Alfn If icn c~l {I~ fIIf CCattm l i tos ' I ul. f It'l hofIiC. I 011.00 1111 11 d' it i L C 11110 lho I1 r "'11111 u 1 S 0.000.CCC'(P t~lv c. t., hcctl 01 nth I ll r t u 0 h \ tl C i 10 ilttr 110 CI Non "as odIas i IyeaIr. CI~e-Iis u wa gient 'tkep r"il the IMuttIIavel $OLijpAY J300K55 Viit a ...…

January 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…THE U.COFM DATTVY J- 1 1 L -.-. . ,.,, 1 ZC~ . O f '2t 7c $X't1I1. i , ..he Dz ti' im N.-tI'NI pled'Xdu ' .ito '' theot t ot (114-v I, t ,t f t ittltttl. ff0 i.ttt .f 1 + t~t"It - i :lt:t ' Irt t lh 1' o t 1 0 f . t Ii . 1 .1to'' :1I 11t r ' II-1 '( tt . O ft t ' 000 ft. l a-1 *1' it. Ail0'. 0.t. ttoCt 0' 11 : Oto- i ttot ! O..X.11t1 t11111 1II f- t - r..0t "o. " ff . 11 . ' 11 it 1 1( , , heto ul hearii t.~t tiot mot xt ravagant tl o 0 t tot ...…

January 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…TEd.U. OF M. DAILY AT TrHE TW O SAMSf04 7.o .SoudRc "._.4OFSL.0==± University of Michigan Guitar. V ii al (ilt Gu it Stings, t. - Biatnjo : 'i ndltin Sit itigo, F :i~ti .Main fit. ILLE-ITP1I IT&4.~L .IZAITO I CL1.2It TIRIDE AT I T , - 1 \ i . % 1 1 , .. _ , ~ I~2'.~ BROWN'S DRUG STORE T( A 1 A.;, . 't Ilit N iAI N A ND IIii 11N SlT L ETS. ~1II~r~r So~ll b~llly'~ VOORHEIS & DIETAS, l RsWORK IN THE CITY! STATi 1ST.iTAILORS1 SIL l ' hot-] OR ALDO...…

January 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…AT T HE TWO ~1-4 OFF SALE. TI-E.U. OF 1M. DAILY SAMS Z =.r UniverSity of Michigan G;uitar. I ~i . ilxiId Ilitr111 1 -s tS. III'ld ;1t4 ll lri s T RAJDE A~T 1i~i tci s's s Ni IA 1i .'s 11 il i 111111; ul ~I' MA~2YOSA~i~ BOW SDRUG STORE II 1)0 AR ALLEDFOR atiDPELIVERED. FRS LASWOK FRUSN& LTIG - 2 = 3South Fourth Ave. _ L / ""~ NI. I)I N I1 l )I'. - I't Il ; IN 1II I C IT Y t}b 5'Sti. 1 kJI{. ,,' tI,_ . : t i i l ~I~tr ;r I tzII 11 1 Isit I I'. t...…

January 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…TI-IF t? (o)i M. FDAILY DINING AND LUNCH ROO0M, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. L iilii-ws at allli< ri NEW BOOK STORES, NOBLE, The Clothieri i t F I1 I '.1 Special \Jal ue54JneJwe if I . . .... n. 'I 'lE'\'A I T 1;IN I a ll'11Xl'Xi A'T\ \ y VF1 : '1Y tE',_T-1001%.S T T^ y-,-r -,-G . H. ILD, ilipu il ii .i i cll it- N h l "ni I-n i l iini'i 'ti I I ;te. :1 i1 ) e,; l ii i iil wl l}t I.<r : o c1 1t iol ltz i 'i' iiii, A t1.1' r...…

January 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…'1TH4E U'i 11 -H. DA ILY NOBLE, The Clothier, DINING AN 1) LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. NEW BOOK STORES, > f,, ft [- ( FI i :1: N Specical Val ueszUne- wear I101 1 \N)1I>111:.lI; AT /.141 9 I 11.3.11 INI iA\INS IN 1NIII .III ATA o \I t <l1] "'ov I1. '1-1(() y Z - GT,-T. H. W ILD, lil t It 1,1IiI .rI' oEVt-a~t o t1 0, ~ i1 THE LARGEST STOCK, 2 ZI2 I (GREATEST VARIETY= LOWEST PRICES' 441 SOUTH MAIN ST. p3EAN &GO. !WATCHMAKER AND JEWELES M....…

January 10, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…OK . a . oc. TV-No. ('sit. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, iSP-i. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Vol,. TV.-No. 6 11). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANI ARY 0, 189 PRICE, THREE CENTS. PURR ATHLETICS. It would seem that these rules JANUARY INLANDER. will fully eliminate all kinds of pro-I A Number Devoted to the AthleticTo t A f Harvard Takes Action to Abolish. fessionalism. Five of Harvard's( Interests of the Uni- PrIsioaim Ipr-...…

January 10, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. O . ar SoIEtime since it was announced intended, hie will devote the entire ;J.of lF.'~n~ that the Pennsylvanian wvould soon course to an original discourse upon appear as a daily. This was found. constitutional law, based upons the -JJP 5 Publsehed Daily (Sm~au excepted) during impracticable, disring the dnll times development of the constitutions of 11 Iisis Coism e e, by Yr THE U. OF Ni. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION nowv prev...…

January 10, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…THDE U. OF M. DAILY. ORANZD 88. INOPOATD186 U. 01 M. (ALENLDAR. Rev.. T. Sunderland. The pro- WHEN YOU WISH YOUR THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA.__ tE5VW H. CLEMENST, -is.11 ant ~sciS-olo gram to be presented is as follows: 51 So. Al AsI ST. tDirectnrortnd MaCi pidet.guta,,,t~ MusicSo'clock, FriezerMenorial HIl. Itsrnealnd[jJ'f EXCELSOR LA NDRY it . .I2.-S. C, A. receCion to Illinois banjo) Gerner and Koch. II I Frt.EAST. SliJltON 'STREET CntesttDe-...…

January 10, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…"THE TA. -OF1v. DAIL Y. 0 Ye MEDIeS!0Jgl y y 8 4{0.1'Y~/ Y 1f 7evitoit' reak v(099) /0019 / O goto the O ST: TTTz= = = C fo (09'i thI oclt a14 -ward' ~ /(1lTuts and Shoes. J akn'Pamc DBOWDISH & MATTE-SON, State Street. alisPamc W 7rj~o ENO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. INVITE ATT ENT ION TO iiTl l. O nldn OKABM, 3 L',101'-A S ~ _.- A I..E AND 1) EI I \.l-It I ( (I I9)'AlI)I . S ANDI) 19 I's OP BIOOKiS. _. -.. _ j ...…

January 10, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…je . of ln. - - ----------- Vol, V.r\No. (6l9. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, J ANdUARY: 10, 1895,. Ilc 1.TinaoEiC GlIN TS. A PLEASANT ENTERTAINMENT. iImprovements at the "Gym." THE SUMMER SCHOOL NOG DST ET Mr. Brooks More Than Sustained T 1h(= prn-a'n. capacity of til baths at Has Been Permanently Established. His Reputation in Last Night's th gyv. 14 Ilxbemor'e110Ihillobled to Will Begin July 8th. Li 's to) learnll 1itllitlt [1001s.....…

January 10, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF 11. DAILY. W+O + . v'*~'~l + si,,iio il 1neto f tahjl lice1Cllegeye'ar',by THE U. Of M. INDEP[ND[NTS MEMIO,. poust1odic'. l,'.. a't S0of1e111, thyStateogillnestlo.alld,1with111" THElck U.m OFtheMar taILYrthnx ca1.o 1t.o,11the it 'Maa-n-Eior3, bsns THE U..O1M.1AILY J.L.rie V. L11.1111 , i 1 11 111g1Editor. 116 . . I::r l.t 1,1Lit.9, Assistant. 15 11. lOLl1UAN i; 9,Assat J. .lfl'113 Ini t.l 96,1 1 . 111 ditor .1. llS ' 1111111.111111...…

January 10, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…'IlE LT.OF AM. IAILY. MIHIGAN "'' A At the Grand Opera House. BUSINESSLOCALS Timse lahit (eisedl N i is, 1514 511Mis tda ISIC is litiiilsailtolof 1r-[Notice- olsettil tlolmatIi, t EA . N r ol 1"eicl ill v l itl 11 11 is ls a tineaMid estra hones Ioitl-il ( tby a i Ipjnyat Mailamid E 1350 Mail -_ - --334 1 sit ttt ]I lt. S isly ii NY. 4pecial.. , 15 N Y. Speil--,'0 c t ii I li [1 titlti iin illiel ild i x: ''11 M(50 1 i lsaesteeo Es----1(125 !...…

January 10, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…THIE U. OF M. DAIL Y. H.ALF . aPOUn THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK (i.V S IT ,SChaIer S ooo~store, TSurplusdol1t0,0pf0. Fnormnerly with Gleorge Wahr, 19 UJnited States. Drafts cashed upon proper otrcie a E. Washington st. Hteadqunarters for COLGATE'S COLOSSAL TOILET SOAP. identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. lus eevd aple title thn Stdn nesinteOFFICEnS; Christian1ltack, Pres.; w. 11)1 everythig a SAenLedsi Ste .O iHarrinman, Vicer-Pes.; U...…

January 10, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…cie U. of Al. Wlailjj. VOL. VI. No. 70., UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1596. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. ONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to play on at one time. One guitar is not enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 stu- dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OUR .0F M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, S. MAIN ST. SPALDING'S Educationa...…

January 10, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…THE U. 0OF M. DAILY Published Duly (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Deelmn Times bulding N. Main t., opposite post olie. EDITORS. J. A. LeROY, 'O, Mlanaging Editor. G. R. Sos, '0, Assistant C. I). CAY, G. L, Assistant. J. F. TOMSe, '97, Assistant. S. E. KNArPEn, '9. Athletic Editor. L. C. Wn,eo. 'lii. Business banager. t. C. PFABLIDSO'9 . 'OlAssistan. Anooiate Editors. L. A. Pratt.'T. A. K. tetrie, '0....…

January 10, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. jXIOHIGANGC.iiALSuin1n#,B[ IOCu, CUT Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. P.lad x__ 3M. i AM------ 3Beautiful Lamps, (Drape P, N. Y. Special-_.. 5 00 N. Y. Special-... 7 30 in Great Assortment, Furr Eastern Es---10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 235 A. M. Pacific Ex---11 57 frfu as Atlantic Es --7 47 P. M. frfu as O.N. Expres.... 5 40 WestersnEs. 00 G. It. Express ---.11 05 Chi. Nt. Es.---10 20 X.& & 00 G.REx.----557 0. W. RtUGGLES,...…

January 10, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. For a Stylish GREAT SHIRT SALE FULL DRESS OR TUXEDO Includes all the Latest Patterns in Fancy Bosom Shirts. CALL ON Fancy Bosom, $1.50 Shirt, now - - $1.19 Jos. W. Kollauf Fancy Bosom, $1.25 Shirt, now - - .98 Merchant Tailor, Our 50c Unlaundred Shirt, now - - .39 Strictly high grade work at The largest line in the city to select from. moderate prices. D. A TINKER & SONS, 10 E. Washington St. No. 9 South Main Street. If y...…

January 10, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 70. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTFP. WORK IN AGRICULTURE. Sukey, a expert sugar chemist, has The '97 Law Bulletin. W I Dmade hundreds of beet sugalarianly- Michgan radatesOccuyin in this laboratory and has foud The '7 law class before leaving the Hasreceived a full line of Novelties Promnentwit students working w ith his, tivesity apropriated a sum of for Fall and Winter inPrmn t Positions. every fa...…

January 10, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

… 2 THE UNIV''ERbiTY "0F MICHIGAN DAILY, 2 THE UNIVE~LTYLOF MICHIGAN DAILY U M j~ Dally will endeaotvor to reo 0n. UmiilL I N L.. f 0 4 theirthe Daily =mucst g 1 lave to eon- I tial1if11 . its-otetedtt~, even if nmiS- Publiehed Daily (Sunctays excepted) during token, way. the Oollege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN.Wr grclue Orroun: Thmee building, 320 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Ste. (Continued from first page). Erwini'F....…

January 10, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 3 Great. Rednction Sale - For One W~eek Only SWEATE S $4.0 for $3.45--$4.00 for $3.00 $.0for $2.85.--$2.00 for $ 139 $2.00 for $1.87-$1.75 for $1.49 GLOVSES .a $ 1.50 for $1.42-$1.00 for 69c 0E y E $225 for $1.75-$1.75 for $1.50 GOF OS $150 for $1.25-$1.00 for 89c PAJAMAS . IN OUTING FLANNEL. Neckwear, $1 for 63c-75c for 43c Fancy Hose, 75c for 63c==5Oc for.43c Fancy Shirts--the best 90c COMBINATION UNDERWE...…

January 10, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ._. The Store Departm.I ent!. $2.70 The adIjoining cuts represent 2 of on11r many styles of LADIES' WELT SHOES That we are offering this week at $2.70 These shoes are all of this, season's Last and Paterns and were formerly sold at $3.50 and $3.00 We have got more than we wish to carry over to next season, hence this great offer $2.70 Smoking Jackets! Ready for You. Best effects for season '97-Black, Bl...…

January 10, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…-Ad j Pl - 4 VOL. lX, PNO.75. ANN A1131, Ml zIUI,'UESDAY, J (NUAIIY 10, 18199. ToItos ECENTS IUNIVXERSITY BIALL Sigma Phi Conceatien. 'I'le So.igma Pj~ ill r 1'elity 11114 At Last Has Its New Roolf and thi' Colvetioll ntills city 11101Fri Dome. 11(10. tile l 0 (jjlpr'('1 blout .501, I 841011111'11111011 ing to colloou delegates1of other( HFINE WINTER 1SUITINGS. H i .10.11011 1re gllflle(011 t ' te toilr-t'- ).In, v111 toll or101 11Mr. lu...…

January 10, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…2 Pubished Daialy (Sundays ecepted) durinlg the Cllge yeaa THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. e'E: ^R;The Ilad Pes, flening Block. Bth Phonews 147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. hEeceetice, '01 L. BUSIINESS MANAGER. o. I. I A s, '00L. EDITORIS. Athletic Edit, T. R. Womtow, 't L. P. W. Jese'9, A. I. MDeeae,LLE, F. D. EAeiAe,'tt C. II. LtsE,'00 M, G. D. Ileeseeex. '11E. Theehbscritin pieeefelthe DA~wLYeisth.50lee he clc-, yea, witih a reglr deliey beoee non c eh...…

January 10, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…THE ITNFIVESITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 h ' HI11Th1 BAT\D L EA THE NEW TAILOR, ~ 110 E. Washington St. M I HI G RN GENRA[ Students ! Students! HAVE VOU SEEN "TheNiagara Falls Route." Ifdi te ie w th u an e rvc oe T eN rn a d ln CENTRAL STANDARD) TIME I'IUI EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 011 _TiG? Taking Etfect Aug. 14, 1898. 6 0 4 6b A. F. CtVI:RT, Peep., 209EL Wash. St. Thieytire for Sale ait tale GOINGUEAST. Telephone No. 211t2linegs. SABREMUI TR Maitlean...…

January 10, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~JOS. KOLLAUF, M AS- , ,'Ne w NeckWrn 1.YL Ihil bllttl HU TAIRoOe, 4° _- c c c ) 1t~a~I: a 5pciiatte o NVIi L TIN1) AT Qit STICE 'FILE :LA S lilis ' A Ni ) li0 I' 'STOCI K ().I SuitCases 5an(1 r'uis. Spisi lprices los lbes holidays, :'14~ S. STX''STET Fine Bla 4uis AliWormanhp '14 E w,4 WasitontsSt.,nar 'th Ave. _ NV0CIiS7 ftIGOI dt.1fiaei J. tiimc. ; lt it< los Wedascon cr onldl Lneo p/ Cape, Geese, a...…

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