July 01, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 4) • Page Image 1
…AT YOURDOOR I BSUMENEWSPAPERIA I TIM ES A WEEK, 75a UMRNESAE Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR,~t MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1915. No. 4. PDESIDENT IV[S IIECEPTI/ON TODAY Dr. Hutchins anid Mrs ulchiis To Mleet Suiuun'i rSeliel Studns PRGA UBR OI WVIn place of the customary lecture ini the west lecture room ol li(b',pysiail laboratory, Presidet H arry iR. Hutch ins and Mrs. Hutchisswill givea e ,y ceptioiiA04toheiiummer10s1u1' tsini 'Alumni Mteioril hal...…