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November 01, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…__________ __ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ____ SECOiND)YEAR. NINXlttC1lf MI( I11 IAT[-1,I)X'I IN)VEMER 1, 1402 FASTEST EAST OR WEST Juneau and Driver Crixpledil LAST N.GHT'S TRAINS hPo. A Oss cS fihottpt tl(* 1 i, o Ixxcxc ico c EIver h, 1). 1I lxx l'ctor iix ir tii. oi-I . t -otili3iooxi' iiiCxi~i itl~~. 00 I '.t1o' 1r", ilc t ti +.i Iti+ I'211? ,I,, few ..i;CElt tl}k Cxii Dot tx. Dxi 0 a Di Cx, oo ion /1 lix linc Stir'itnd Cci thi AID BY L...…

November 01, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…I' I it NI 10,H] (TI A.N Diki I'll -N EWILO G. Hi.WILJ UO. The U. of Ali. DALY, The 'VARSITY 'M' Fxl, Leading i'lerchant T~rii1nrq- rO t t :t ltt' Iis AGymnasium W ililol.N Ex ;lfllhnei : l$- h-ks$300 WIi xi ii .1 11itx Mad-'i tl xiii ri 1,r a l e i i0 t+ '~c y t C7 1EARLE 1. 1l)UT( )N. 't);;. hav Ye just r ecei v- BSNSS11NAFZ ed a newlineof EDITORS, Woolens for fall 1oetI.I"Wn'' . and winter. The ' l argest assort-! <1J 'r~ ment in .-he city'...…

November 01, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICIIIGAiMDAJLY--NEWz! If you want to know what smartly dressed ". men will wear Ibis sea- son ask to see 1ifldens~hiitt Aplel This is worthy YOUR ATTENTION BACTEI HISTOL Instrui EBEL tak aiLboittoix Coiiise in BIOLOGY, BIOLOC OG0Y or PATHOLO( in si vo y u mo tney l nfents &Sppih 1ec in these laoraitor ie MBACH &SO Branch Store PALACE AND PARISIANI Lannarpy ALlc ,S P13CIA L ; -IV, o cn State St. LAST YEAR WI GOT i'P ilL. .SIGM1A SIGMA SO...…

November 01, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN .DAILY-- NEWPS r-,_ _ _ , ..r s __ __ ..r R -. ,1rf' .,,. r ..,, , '- r. r., rt" E FO r' rM ENr i r "r "'.; ,1 NOTHING BETTE.. . ..a _ . .. ".-iVY -:s . R AT . '-ANd~ Y lPR ,rICE_. , . L-_ r a I ra 'r rr . uVi. w 1r.asY .. : 1 O - I y ou a'I..."M'Mr,. "" re" par n. .- . t c ula .,. . .r a hrd .-, .', u'c 4 t',., ,...." 't (. r" firoe t ~ ube Gods "Gm Soes, 11 S. AIN S FR.m FineShoeReparing Hair Brush IYou w itl he suirpriseod at t...…

October 01, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. NI1)Y Ea~ A LARGE SQUAD ANN AIIl)tI, :st w u. i\ LDL~ ) O Iu)L~t 1, 1', NARRO L","Y ESCAPED DEATH No. ofY... A ir, c acA I : : i 11~ II j 1 . 9, V I ' _rim! 1- 11:1 ,l hna;1 t :trl' 1 tlvl \ I1 tl^. :l l;i t ,_ 1 tt i t 1ir ;i t } ta ,i t"l: 1 I'tttzt r. It:;l it ll)t (l: . .11E . i l It' 1 I l i+ t ' i 3 111;11 '( 1\ 1t+ . ' ' t lI?"i tt' _1 lf' rtli. ;1,1't .3t 'i'? , I S li + l 11I1'tl+li(i" AII. A4111. - vt. r Foota...…

October 01, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THlE M ICJIGAN DXI i *NEWSIl Tailors.... have just receiv- ed a new line ofj Woolens for fall, and winter. The' largest assort- ment in ah city TEXT BOOKS iC New and Second Hand. The Best $1 Fountain PEN In tie City. New & se(~On d adBooks' Ilnniig-ht ald 5S1l1. Trv our -Bastiste''"\Vrj1Ijn f'Il' I ly ile 1 m .1;(11 I:- f1i(1 t ) lll('1 SEEHA O University iBooksellers, 320 S. State ,Street. The 'VAR V, Y 1.111"., Th Iegiuning C.olle ~e Year 1 ...…

October 01, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE -MICIIIGANDAILY--NEW b AUTUMN APPAREL' THDE RIGHT THNGS AND FA t i1CI N11YtLS&HAJE ,121)Alf 11 a ll the ME f FA H O Our111 I iitiitt 'i N he ivis i l i et ta i f tini iiSuisOveco tsHa sCa san alh SEn -L I3LOCH COMPANY ____ WADHAY F neesMRn's& REULE.n Lo o frisNDEl nCHvittaPFIll_______ _________h______ <lrrtve an 3 5 ost - hil~tiotl nd ever Suit nd o ve( oat 44444o4i l11 44 it 4 . 44.t:Ii .4 GI11. Tr Schicede's [eprr B inoder fior r. Jc Sot...…

October 01, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…T11lL llllliGAN .1 . Li~l -cL' NxVJ SPECIAL ANNOUCEEN Contrary to our planning the alterations for our store on are included in our Washington St. were not completed for the arrival of our clothing and furnishings, now they are here we are deter- flEm lh mnined not to move anything that low prices will sell. All the K M11 latest styles in Coronation Mlixtures and fancy S 7otchTxx ceds RIEMV AL S LL W1> L OY[LL'S l cif Homfe Slppy Store. See us...…

June 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…0 " LL 0 WI Ifl ;u4 Th 'CIlE t1 ('110(4 AN1DA ILY--N E04~ I1,115-TY 177,-lurll'rr( 7 77 _,ra ofi .iltt i e i~st llI tth ellI- YOU re llw'll, D'grvers. We Issure you thle newest styles and promipt ser'vice. 100 CARDS AND PLAIT Si '~t, 110 1 '5.Ie 12 Rnman, soil utt tl,.2 t-,orm jj in, it- tl .. ...$3.50 Old Ermws, .......$2.25 04d En,(lisi',sfiadt 1 ,,tyjo,$350 Block letter, Sh11oliiie. $2.00 I Cs 1). I- .1 170 I (I Vt ii- '5 A .07'; 1 4-. 711 ...…

June 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…THR-iMJCHIGAN DAILY-NEWS Among the Smaller Thing~s of Life Y + 1VADHf1MSRYANN&R[ULL AN E'NTAI LORS 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET DIETAS aEX r,,EL5IOR LANIKT DAY WORK FA SPECIA1LTY' HIANDWORK .5i WEST IJ UEfON ST., Pitattne 50i6 Tis space belongs to'dood Government Club G No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." (OrkTipped.) M.STAEBLER'S CycletEmporium, t-)ICYCLES SUPPLI5S kF2NT1NG and RFEPAl RING (0 O::: ROLSBILLARD PARLORS '0taf hogameandattgeFt...…

June 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…THE [ICHIGAN DAiLY -NEWS of1 uceelflOe Iile caiile i fee in. 0 4 II., cll ing IIIs.. If voc are oa I le U' t I lii ciiccfor TAILORS, 123 South lain Street. 707 -NORTillUNIEiRSITYIX XI NUEL THE HOOKING VALLEY RYJI1 Ilmt icl s OWc-ce tO c' fc cc -chicc:' I" Rll lE, 'cl' I'IIFNT anI F,c IMD.l ' wit)"rlr ,: T IOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J1. W. LAND1LAN, General Traveling Agent, DE TROIT, IICIIIMAN BETTER THA:N EVER'" The SCML E TEMPORARY BN 501, i%--...…

May 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…k'IRST xEA. ANN ARBORAM1(1., T It SUAY, MdAI' 1, 192 N.1.(_0 GREATER DEMAND All ?auts of the Ea rth GOOD GAME Capt. D: of'th Hurt Professors Rolfe and Dow Mad Flat- ontc CostIt'1 Error «i1Lostt ant1Exiti-n1 Game p. ".Ii4 3tihr . 11holl teig ter'.Rre oLev ooy of \jjc~ j''0 reoieo 1n01111 00 for the Varsity Yesterday 11111<< prci tnd i l 0the1ne1tt1 .oi0t. 01)111o nd 010.110hoy 1110 llitj1 11 as1 -0 nt. o larlxiohl-,yin oothid il it 0w0114 . ""t...…

May 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…~1 HF.. MH.JHI('.A.N LAIL'i .NEW- lfl L14 J Alan Lc. 0 "4 W4 rIn in 0 rho ''4 I i l) i444 { BU"r"1. 4 4IV) t, . 444,, It. t 4E4ITOR", AI,4 4' '.4444 i:"1 it.CO nC ) 44 1 '' 1 'r21 l t i(I,. 1+liy: i! tr 4 4 11111+' 4', l4 44, ( ' i i . 1 s 44 4 4 4 44 . 4 ' 444444, s,444 4.. 4444414t:1 ' 1 ' it l l'~ i 44 N ''. 4,11:! 4lt 141444 ;4444 1 144 ;lam41414. t4,444r4 i. 4 .tii IEI+' ti1ll iYa'i Y" S Y;it. 11,t t l.i t"r'!', +rtl;il i' [t'r'i " '' .il...…

May 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…THU + that + 4 (.t ast -wo r.d tend to iori:ce . . + 'cou STENBLOCH OLOTHESJ 1 ' tto to ic ou to a roan who.etas om em. gooot commnd tit! at ag e with which to e'e o xhow foe ththesccloth esare. he no hers attach tthiabt he- hear Cet)e aoat cola rOrtheir coats, and the; are o r-d of ther rpuatin l.{t otthe lgtetdefect either 01 style, Sitr-ng rpernitted to enter any :art ofti '~io You d(101 nowhowr cheap.. STEINBSLOCH CLOTHES are, antil yo hav...…

May 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…...c.1,13IN AND SEE THE.. t Il NEW KODAKS"AT U ALKINS'_PHARMIACY 324 S.SAESC rIGKW16K BiII1ard rarlors aug BoWIio 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. I I 'fit;, 'sno tii 'toateverything:: S iCmE still mFNT rot 510AD Elt7 wih n~ropr TO LEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J. 'A' LANDIIAN, General Traveling Agent, DETR~OIT, MICIGAN. LINEN PAPER 15, 20, 25 and 3t~c a lb. AT SOHALLER'S BOQKSTORE, 116 S MAIN STREET FULDE ....The Tailor.... E D I S...…

April 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…D)AIL:EW UNPARALLELED ATTEMPT CountFirallCaInlal B tlooP,10 iY Enj'R'1-"e to Poi,P'J35 it 1 (-iiri ii l l I , I" li ii i I {I i11 .11:11 l b } r r I 1 i I i (I I, ; b t I I i s I : l i! < i' i u i b i' I t I l i+' lu- li I 1Ii 1d:I1I'i i i'li I+" IIiit' 111 i Of : l 1 1 ' ;l i t i i "I i \ i I 1 + :It;Ill ('lll i "l iu I i i ill il i I I i i t "ill h m i~ t ll -1 1 , I . ' I i fIr Hittili it+= :f 3 4;!:ll' Iir i:Ill. i~ Il1 : tl111t1l'rtlii ' ...…

April 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…- - - - -i' j! f S +#+444 y I ' ,: t ' ,®. r , I ;, , r. _ . E rn r° I u r ._., ' t i Ji i ... t-_t. IT'^ ' J i b._ ( _ ,. ' i ' , I I . + I 1 ' 1 i -"b ~! t ,E .; *. ., x Y. , }- ; A __ i I 4 . .. t n. k , j S i e.. , . _. : : ,, I t 5 C 4 a S i : i =: t r rD t fJ 4 ~ I ff J1 q f 4 ' k C f P rn 0 rn ,4. ! . C ., "7 .ie .p , 4 F, ' . {{{} T. t " . s Y y) p ... . i { .-/ _S . ./ Y< f ., -;+ ,Ti i s t t i t{ f S :C)r_ Ff1 Fr a ,, r r" .ea f' .. ...…

April 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…TEll ~lft'H1fAN~DAlLY~-NEXVii I Ih Most Gon in inul mu ~tw oh o hatwo 1t tr tO 11 C STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES t0~~~' 'to otroor e tot to a .~o who. ao Watt 0:1. We ~ at Cototoand :hr an;aaCe W 0' 111CC 1 11 POnt; r etc ot0 es are. The oak. 'to o:tat' 'F o Jo Ceart t~e :oa~ onat itt thet (ORt, at It 10101 ~000 tort o theIr ret Otat or V at rot rho okigotto Inn t ethC 0! Ott iahr CI r railorop, ho. perot. itoh to 01 tOt 0 p ~ Itoor 01 0 Pt flit 100 0 ...…

April 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…-FI ,M hGAND'LXAAW 4 + ~Fre, h; Strawburries for Crushes anid Sundas. C CALKLN' ILB A CY324 S.STATE 511 riGkwlGt( IiImar~ ario asdd owtiuu yoNORTH I \ i THE HOCKING VALLEY R.1! TO, *r ", "-L EDO TO COLUMBUS Wr ite J. W. ANOWIAN, (eneral Ti-avel g A ent, OCRIT , N(1T rOWN. LINEN PAPER 1.5,20, 25 anld 3c _ lb. SOHALLER'S 18OOKSTORE, 116 S MAIN STREET FIJLDER lctscbtcr, tic IIotographev. CALENDAR AND READING NOTICES WAHI. The Upto 1Dat lt .. . h ...…

March 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MARCH 1. 1002. FRST Y EAR. BASKET BALL GA NO. 1 0J WME Ir cr -.Misses 1ox4 and Dala Played Str:- Galins. "xtli in ter "aul povd a1 l~int. Ital lt 'rttiielywiii r7iitg ig ia tjidafi r <tiiild i li- 10 1',t i ii piz Zrti -tIttt ia i o ' I'- tt l ( i tii ri i lil -tt ii itl a itii] " 0(t Ply . ilt t e L tlt I li . li t' 0 I ii I ll ik l l Ir irui,"ritit};; irt lr :Iillr:l i a h" ii"itd wii :}til a r i lil i \1ttttrr. h...…

March 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…5: P M~Q i~iiAN Dx~L~ -N £W DiJLY~.NEW _ ,C 0'N'_r2"u I -W z Rcn'1'J8 i/ r " 1 s r L THIN WHITE SLI DES. 6 5C. 'iosS SLIDE BOXES liimb R. E. JOIAA 'S F-irl i Lunches, Choclate, Bu Buns, Ci'gars, igarettes , Tohartos cuad igas. 30;=- . Steti. Ilr. I' . " S It . f ,l . !Ilr1101 tat twil l :ii h 1" 1ti I .O - . ' hII;'II i lt ttl't. (Ia 111't" i, i h h hlh-i-l l rit'i 111 -- - j3 +I {' i 112 1'1,Iii li i i EDITO R , \;Ilit li-+I l +i i}1C 21 Si I...…

March 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…i4 f ruvi '.' .Y ...1 C are rSTEIN-BLOCH QLOTHES lar-iy of ,40 A._ ake, 1 h n -u ran )1 ae EGYPTIAN Sprin! DEITIES Al t "NO better Turkish L "Chtes' Cigarettes can be made." T1 10 IIWthe ... , ' .;:; Y. . o , a 7 ) a 1 tyr t wv akes 'ii ll 00 owi4 o i 1in11operaitiion. 1 ELBEKIACH & SO NI - Importers & Mlanufacturers EGYPTIAN EM~tEI Tepo - (okTipped.) tot aO! JOE1 SAF N A' _ICHIGA eningDy gOvercoats, 1902 le Ticwest effects, Shadses nl 6that a...…

March 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…P _~ CA NS'PMCV3-24 50. STATE1- ST.-, ++++).++ + +"+++bI+f++:4+++,i+++++++++++.++++-o+++++++ +++++++ * + .+++**++3"- F16KW16K illdrg1 PFIO dNO BowIinu 707 OiRM-1 t N[V\ I Si THE HOOKING VALLEY R Y T150 ols(! "! -v-yt Srr :I:ICE.I " N P. T,.1il ' (t .;-IOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Wite J.XW'.LANDP1AN, (jeneral IravelinZAgent. DEI) TlTICIG~iAN LINEN PAPER Ig, 20, 25 and 30c a lb. AT SOHALLER'S ;BOOKSTORE~ 1I16S MAIN STREET e1Rntich~c, the Pfhotographer. W...…

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