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October 01, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…t f VOLUME I. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1890. NTUMBER3. W. J.Card, Fredoni, N. Y. W. B. Kigley, Wytheville, Va. iR O E {1\ I .ACampbell, Marville, Tein. G A. Kendall. Carmel, Me. F.raCobe, Cerlnd . .John1.Kre, Waero. W. J. Coulson, Emuporia, Kan. . B. Killen, Columbus Goe A. M. Cross, Jacksonville. 11l. John F. Kennedy, Detroit. - ~( I - Edwin A. Church, tresco, Ia. S. A. Leightley, M ssillos, 0. 2 H~ lerber W. Childs, Ypsi...…

November 01, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…,, -_- - \ r = Y = jl 7....__ 'S _- . .- . - :1. VOL. I. No. 30. JNtIV THE NEW HOSPITAL. The Facts Regarding the Action of the Regents. A few days since a vituperative Detroit organ censured the Re- gents of the University for ex- eeeding their authority in letting the contracts for the new hospital St P at7V8,000. Upon investigation the facts 8iow that the Regents pursued the only available -course. The neW buildings must accommodate both the...…

April 01, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…LlIje iL. of Am. wrilip. 1tI. -Nq. 1 i C. UNIVERSITY OF' MICIUGAN, AWEDNESDAY, AP~RIL I, Isp)I. I'iiici:, TieeF:eCENTSi. The Nine on the Campus. I CORRECTION. ,1ItO teams5 chosen fromt the cJul11 tendance This Year. dtsfor the \ 'rsits'niine plted i te1 i stra h ted o r1 aimpuis esterilay afternol.f11101D )i-ryetrdy1h ated Illlacews -wenasC2,}.x6.ByiIlii-' e groud NN asicry niuddly ail- iake the senliornmeica lls11w1s sf anid as a econslcl lie...…

May 01, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…Ije U. Of , n. WalL VOL. 1.N.145. UN\IVERISITY OF IMICIIGAN, IFEIDAY, 1MAXY1, TIS91. PRICE, ToH-E- CENTS. RAVING the experience of College Oratorical Contest. Tse programmei to-night wrill bie: the voting orators to-night uwill tare a fair show hr a fall attendance.I Let everyhodr he present earls, as '92 Lit Versus '93 Lit, Musi.......... Caequmte til.the diiors sit 'I"tle I- t tt i .ThodreKiii e" eah speec. I etp f joiisini IitlPiitliemAteia...…

June 01, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…~1jc t *of i.*Waeilji Vol I.o 1-N) 0. UI\ EISITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, Jt- EI, 11I'Tttc, lTtREECENTS. THE GAME WITH BROWN. The Grounds were Miserable and the Urnprin_ Rank. PsOIDEi tiNCE . . 1 28.- We arrived at Prot dleuce, Thurs- slay smorunig,about i i 30,tired and~ dirty, butt after a-gooildiiutier we felt better, togntb as coil is titough we hads1not israteled a few\t 3toathe gatie w-as called is the piresetice of abou...…

October 01, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…~IE ItI.of A.II$Ip . VOL. II.-No. 2. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1891. THE ATHLETIC FIELD. A Description of the Grounds as They Now Appear. We print, in this issue, a cut of the plans of the Athletic Field. The plans have been changed slightly, the grand stand being placed at the "finish" and along the "straight" and not partially around the south curve. Otherwise the field is exact= ly as represented in the illustration. T...…

December 01, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…~IJc U. of JYU. ailjj. VOL. II.-No. 49. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. CREDITABLE DEFEAT. twchigan Plays the Best Game of the Year Against Cornell. Michigan's eleven improvcd won- tierfully during the last week of the season. The game with Cornell in Detroit showed the players wherein they were weak, and they immedi-I ately set about to remedy these de- fects. Although not in the best of condition wh...…

February 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…of Al . 1i liI Voc. I-No. (,). UNIVERSITY OF AIICIIGAIN, MONDAY, FEB3RUAR~Y 1, 1892. traction in the course of the Stu- Committees of the Mock Congress. PicF, THiREE CENTS. The Mockridge Concert. _____- (dcnts'ILectur e Association woitld be ''llhc concert, Saturday evening. 0 Oe f hemot jyast ~Onl I ebruarsv5 a lecture by ex- ISenatoi John J. Ingalls. ' le C10o- seisue respects, that itas been giv en ratlUnion wil ivtne t concert, as- i...…

March 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…XVts 11-o 0. UNIVERSITY OF, MIC1IIGAIS FbSi) XX', MAR(CH.1,1892) rPiies, Tow (I:Ni ;C S. N, 11i Chicago University. isc ene olev 'ecii~Communication. OF YOUR Uniiversity to acceept an 'appointmnts t'. (>r Ii()it. r : trT~vBADG Thefolloinsg list oif professors to the thair in History. lit is a 1Tlitpr elirninar iy orastoicalt contest[ 0 Aldi assistatS isico hasve already beci.stts a aswlash toin b n 'crr e cepuiitetito thet factyiiIsofthe n...…

April 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…Of A t l. i, VOL. II.-No. 1fI UNIVTERSITY OF MICHIGAIN, FRID)AY, API'L 1, 1--92. PRICE, TH I' ECENTS. Cornell Glee Club. Th onell Clee, iBanjo, all Miadolin lcillbs were greetedi be aI farsized audiencre last evellilg. 'the ialktin tihe size of tile audence «-a lllt i lnde t yentihusiasmll. Six of tenmbers were tencoredi N1I r. tIsoln i HC\-reciing H Hiouli cllore ill tilJaee ~ ~lSe8r- otad.H is0rendlerinig of the jail- aile.'5 part of ti...…

June 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…. o . . __. Vol.. II.-,,\,o. IT..". Voc 11-N. 18. UNIVERSITY OFT'MICIIIGAN, AVER- ESDAY, iJU'NE I1 1892. MICHIGAN CLAIS The YVellow and Biue cellent GC 1( oiII th fac t a from ao i e t i M icilial ospa ,111 arou d th naly610in tlls(O.l piltchted odbl - = C t, a1 rlii slid l 12 cn th > tig , ali /IS THE GAME. bound to scoreanod toied to workon ltrik.lBoweriman dr opped the put up an Ex- a am Itbulsad '1f1nny- statdofhi. k omwernin passedtt...…

October 01, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… ji ally U N.'\IVEI'%SITY OF MICII[G-AXN. _.IN) OCTOIIEEf 1. htS92. i'cItt: tt. i rlet n ldrialCo-nll oceat THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE, Itaa ad aan at i etroit, ont____ Tithks'It0Z'7, t ',tI I (I at CS i A Newsy Periodical for College Men have beau averancail aanl Managoer and Women-The U. of M. Wilt be I viffintis to hte coitratilated 00 the in it ev-ilettt listit liessiee cit. Th ie Changes of the Summer and the lltltioL is f1e ts BTe Seitt...…

November 01, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…drw ti 'VO,. III.-No) 26. UNIVERSITY OF MIII 2A, TUESDAY, NOit)VEMBIER 1, 1892. PRICE, TooREE "" (DjjNI) flE T JhE. Robert G. Ingersoll at Uiver- sy Hal on Shakespeare, C r'; teci bye 1 NI tlefiant 1Aed1woc0 Last fNig-h9t, hotwthstandiog -n clement Weather-'A Gireat Ma's Tribofeto th~e Greatest Dramatist -2,800 Students, Protessors, aod Towosj eole Entranced for Two Hoors ---- AuspiciosGOening of the S. L. A. Clourse, '11Shakrspearet 'was...…

December 01, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…0 f/ . 1a. VOL. 11J.-No. 40'. Voc. IlNo. 4. UNIV~ER{SITY OF MICHIIGA N, T1~itL)AY. iDE(EMi)'I, 1, 18I9. t'RICP,, T CENTS. S. C. A. DIVISION, j Purdy, Reese, George, Snider; 2nd basses, T'homson, Worilen. Weitde- Sh-all the Association Reorg anize man. Mlr. i'iintermna, 211d1 tenor, NINETY-THREE WON. The Junior Lits Go Down to the i .on a More Liberal Basis' The Itsliandedin i his resignatt (ion on c' inI Hot Game AKc Question toust be D...…

February 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…of n. Wail VOL. 111-NO. S3. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, 1FEM)IRUARiY118. PRICE, THREE CENTS. iHON. STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS The majority of those who took part A NOVEL DANCE. -- in the field day last fatt are atready Will Deliver the Washington Birth- Patrons and Patronessis of the day Oration-Success Crowns memhers of one or thse otlser (if Terpsicorean Muse Will Produce the Laws' Efforts. teegymnasiums, an iedig'Living Whist." good st...…

March 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…c j e . of 3. *5 VOL. III.-No. 10; . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAiN, WEDNESDAY, AIC1 1, 1891. PRICE, THREE CTENTS. NO CASTALIAN THIS YEAR. ;Stlhgel'sIecturees on Dramantic ANOTHER ORATOR CHOSEN. - + Li~terature, 3.93-34- A Boston Fire tiDestroys the Cuts lamne's English Literature, I, e4--350 The Senior Laws Snow Unusual and Ends the History of '93's Ulisci's Shakespeare's Dra mais.Art, Ability as Orators-The Contest Castalian. 1,1 0-S.. a Succe...…

April 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…r' , r { ,, 4 i r k , _7 i ; _. . - a _ : ' F , , - I - _ ir: _ t z f ';r "c-l-; ' - r I N. or'. \sst. lL No.i~t U UINIVEIRIITY OF .LCIIG Xl, SATUI1L)AY, AIIfL 1,ISf933. 5ssiv(5Nt N T ICHIGAN THE VICTOR! long independent andt prosperouis. ISI1'PROVEM ENT IN PLAYING. !F ftms1fncest i5 5 ttsnTie Later Practice Games Show hie first Annutal Inter-University { tself those fatilities whicihosake it Considerable Advance in the PlDebate a Complet...…

May 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…Vol. III.-NO. 149. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 1, 1893. PRICE, TH{REE CENTS. A BRILLIANT VICTORY. Mtichigan witih a hit. Crawford out ATTHE WORLD'S FAIR. - toG-ate;Rc od.Si- Michigan's Palatial Builaing Dedi- The Deltas go Down Before zer takes bate on balls. Spurney cated-President Angel's - gout, Eagan to Ducharme. Giney Address. Captain Crawford's Men and Gallaghser both out on dlies to to te Tue o 6 t 1. Spiter. Marker gets first b...…

June 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…VOL. 11.N.15 NVRIYO IHG N HRDAJN ,19.1ro',Ts Jrss. VOL. III.-No. 1 i 5. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1893, T> I RTCF, Ti4RXE SECOND WAGNER CONCERT.! ness a idemonstration of the power FIELD-DAY AT CHICAGO The Choral Union Sig- c 1o h of hypnotism, by Dr. Henry Hoist, The Home Team Leaves for the Flying Dutchman and Act I or of Grand Rapids. Dr. Hoist grad- Intr- olle i ee rta Lohengrin with Elsa's stated in the class of 'SS, s...…

November 01, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…' .off e f N . . VoL. IV.-No. 28. UN THE INLANDER. An Attractive Number for this Month-"How to Study at the U. of M," by Prof. D'Ooge. We have at hand the advance sheets of the November Inlander. This number promises to be one of great interest, and is full of good things which cannot fail to be a source of pleasure and instruction to its readers. The leading contribution of the month is from the well-known pen of Prof. D'Ooge, Dean of the...…

February 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…r ~ f , ' . 1a 1 . T N Si. TV -No %. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, THUTRSD AY , FEBRIUIARTY1184 EETECN. YitICE, THREFt CENTS. THE LAWS' BENEFACTOR. and large mining interests in the! A CLEAR EXPOSITION. To G eAwa3 ipper enossa Of the "Christian Constitution of A Short Biographical Sketch of the In 1843 Mr. Bhl niarriedcit Mis Society" by Prof. Herron, Late Christian H. Bhl, of Iowa College. We iW is c -5f in, I cipencils aiid of Detroit. Caro...…

March 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…c . of . 1a . rear.. I V.-N o. 10"i. THE LAST OF THE SERIES. The 'Sanior Lawe Competition L Night in the Oratorical Contest. I large audience attended nan o' lawe oratorical contest isn law lectnre roomn last ni 70A. UNIVTERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MTARCH 1, 1594. noble thoughts filled the mntds of THE MARCH INLANDER. the ancient mtartyrs wino faced death A ie - ast !!AFn Literary Number-A Sugges- tn defeince of their btelief, hot tion fo...…

May 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…tt* -Of VOL. IV.--NO. 150. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. AN ATHLETIC SCARE. quence." The lecture proved to Reports that Bal Practice is to be be one of the finest and most enter- Driven from the Campus-Not taining of the season. The pictures Much Danger to be Appre- which the speaker gave of Patrick hended. Henry, Daniel Webster, Tom Cor- To the great surprise of all base- win, Gough, Wendell Phillips...…

June 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IV.-No. 176. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. U. of M.-D. A. C.. Tomorrow. out from the box office Tuesday Alpha Nu-Adelph Contest. morning on presentation of tax re- h a p The U. of M. and D. A. C. teamscbhe Alpha Nu-Aldelphi contest will on the baseball field for the first which takes place in room 24 tomor- FOR SALE. .following committee: E. J. Ottaway, time this season tomorrow. This row evening promis...…

October 01, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…Ijt U. 1,17 Al'._a ln. Yoi,. V. No. 2. UNIVERSITY OF :MICHIGAN, MONI)AY, OCTOBER 1, 1894. PRICE-THIREE CENTS. MANY IMPROVEMENTS. M~ain Building, Museum and Labor- atories Come in for a Share.- The "Gym" Ready and the Great Organ in Plae. Among the important improvemsents niade 10 tie buidigs on the cmiipus this summsier are tiose in te -Main iuilding. Formerly te ony storage rooii was the vault wici was by far too small to hold all the u...…

November 01, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…Ije ii. of 1 1. 1ai lt . . ViOL. . No . 2 9. UNIVERSITY OF NIICHIGAN, TFIURSI)AY, NOVEMBER _1, 1894. PRICE-THREE ,CENTS. OFF FOR CORNELL. The Team Leaves Tnight to Bat- tle With the Ithacans.-The Line Up. Thle foolmall thau llvilevt et'rIt tcat ity'tie' Sieliga Ceitral oight it 10:2,).Tliiitollwivigt'enixe:>eits. SLtigee i'aiird. C('ch l(letauley tind tie' Itip: itit. iHititiege. C ar,. Rtytnoldls Vill. Pict.IMad~dnt. ee- ''fi. otam xill...…

February 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…a II. of Vo7, V. No. 88. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I, . Wailti. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1 189.. PRICE---THREE CENTS. All- TW;ESTERN VELEV EN. tilWlla wsufrtnt nI I IIOLOGICAI SOCIETY. NO G O TDN sirn kept out of most of toe gal'l'es iy__ _GODSTDN OUTING HAS CHOSEN ONE FOR .lit jur. As a fieldtgenteral and toekieSMR. LEWIS STRAUSS DISCUSSES1 '9,FAVORING WISCONSIN. ENGLISH PARAGRAPHS. I ins to lcarn without books. ______lmal is pierhiaps a staoP t...…

March 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…1jc U. off VOL. V. No. 105. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. I OUR STUDENTS MAY JOIN.- STATE POLITICAL SCIENCE AS- SOCIATION OPENS ITS 000ORS. ,A Small Annual Fee Admits - A Member is Entitled to Society Publications-Papers by Eminent Aiebn-Students Should Join. As was stated iii yesterday's Daily students of the University may tie- come members of the Michigan Polit- cal Science associatioii and -will be...…

April 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…tt rVOL. V. NO. 131. UHICAGO'S MICHIGAN MEN. SEVENTH ANNUAL BANQUET HELD SATURDAY NICHT. :- esponses by Pres. Angell, Pres. H. W. Rogers, Dr. S. H. Peabody and Others- Dr. C. K. Adams Acted as Toastmaster. The seventh annual banqut of the Chicago Alumni tsocotion wvas held Saturelay night. Dr. Cares Kenttll Adams, iresidet of tin University of Wisconsin, ateed as toastmaster. ie gtests of the evening wvre Presint Angell, Dr. Selin Peabody, ...…

May 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…~Ie ~. f l VOL. V. No. 147.. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 1 ;i OFF FOR IOWA CITY. MAYS: INGRAHAM. AND BROOKS LEFT AT 7:30 A. M., TODAY. The Chicago Alumni Will Give Them a Bouffe Luncheon-The Orators Get a Chance for Rest After Arriv- ing at Iowa City-Prof. Trueblood Starts Tomorrow Afternoon. The 7:30 train over the Michigan Central this morning bore our repre- sentatives on their way via Chicago to this year's Northern Orator...…

June 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…-gj~ 1vI.Of At. W in VOL. V. No. 173. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. ZITS AND LA was ~the last Speaker for the: atirina-qE'U IDWLW EAE WE MEET OBERLIN TODAY. fiSANvA S EA e. National control does not meansUUR W ND W THE WEBSTER AND ADELPHI SO- wakening the local power or local in A "WARM' GAME AN ASSURED U -. CIETIES HAVE A FORENSIC TILT. terest. Iht Ircy. which is the best THIRNMAG. ttf of a bad System, is ...…

October 01, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…I tt J at U. , :\oa. VI. No. 2. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1895. FoUL PAGEs-3 CENTS. i .. WE OW"E MUCH of our success to the stu- dents of the U. of M. With- out their confidence and patronage we couldnot nave built up the biggest music business in the county. In a city where customers were less appre- ciative this large business could not have become so large. We enjoy visitors. Come in and get acquaint- ed. Need not b...…

November 01, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…VOL I. O. 9. NIVE SIT OF MIC IGAN FRDAY NO EMBE 1,189. Futs soa "C NTS ~ MOIEX iEI{IED P\IY YSTERAY'SPRACTCE. ETROT hA O (ANJZl 'if ploy on atME on tim e. One BA LY. YEiE' R DY'Sir PRACTICEHEE.ESER AY GU TA gutri -l toeDhw EDl ito hseWoH1 Fl 24 in_ _edye tilt' h '~itii'-A D E nt husiasi Meetn Hod Th lil , S B ooR cI ved $00 IsO T LL fhi oriitt r d11 Wiiok "(lsly.AssocIAiO AThe OLa FOR E Dh 1i Is e e rn o u p plyo r ,1100eso n toa I0 D U NP ay ...…

February 01, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…VOL. V1. No. 894. UNIVELISITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURD)AY, FEBRUARY 1, 1896. FouR PAGEcS-3 CENTS.r ONE IIITARI Is enough for one person to I play on at one time. One 11 guitar is not enough, how- 1041 ever, to supply 3,000 stu- I constantly in stock several H S dozens of guitars of various SI makes and prices. y IBETTER LOOK AT OUR UOFM. GUITAR.,1 S It's good as its namve. i5$ THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., 110 S. MAIN ST. Last D Oy GREAT SHOE SALE! -Of...…

May 01, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…the . , 1n . VOL. VI. No. 152. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 169G. OUR PAGES-3 CENTS. RECALL OLD COLLEGE DAYS. 'Varsity Won Again. IV ILL1Tm A CLOSE CONTE'ISTI. jWe us Moeafl il 1 lte itlThil e store wee now occupy has ItHAl plhalDelti Phi Convention in in y eslertlssy sudithue 'Avsss'vuis1 aisis ort her nOratorical Leagne to sees sol. NWe mst seek snte lot ,9setso.~l etroit Closes WiLth a Banqolet. si. Mileeet sls li i ti ~ t at ChI...…

June 01, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…the t t. a , ' . Da l n. VOL.,VI. No. 177. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY. JUNE 11 1696. Fouit PAGES-3 C ll-,NTTS. VOL. VI. No. 177. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY. JUNE 1, 1696. Foun PAGES- 3 CI':ETS. We Must Move Testore we noieup ash' 110t Tesod We mut seek flew 9 404 14 We Must Close Out ourl~l stor of c music eode 'aed s ill sel od t goods eif too pice s hih ts mean anythinig to uylics j THIS MEANS BUSINESS $ Ir yeou Celt 'aeylit tho he1 ...…

December 01, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…Aw7mv ,y l , lot IRIM Y Y f 1 , . , , r . VOL. VII. No. ' . ANN ARBOR, MICITGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1896. FoullR PAGES- CENTS. o© (JiIL1D, O A AWELCOMlE GIF, 1 The MichiganAlumns Leading 1 ailor1othern lOratorical League I I'n(it d 11 lul illxvo tn CI i 1ortuinate. i'ii m le ,. 'eiii ii e FULL DRESS SUITS ASPECIALTY, iei ii ,imi i ii ,ii' II(, fa(I i miii r ND. 2 E. YIASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. I i I li 1111Cilii i' i 'C i i l'ii 'i...…

February 01, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… DAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 86. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MOB a ( l L D o FINAL DEBATE. showing numerous actual examples of THE HONOR SYSTEM. -' cvI 9 here our government hmd been in- AVictory- for the Lits, Although effieient and where dedlcs al i Cl9 ass to Take Final Action loadu jig~ Ta ilri-cured when we most neddhas ony the Laws Win First Place., iuato.o t dpin AND IMPORTER, ti oeagraint a ht li M. Adam...…

March 01, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…tic . of A6 VOL. VII. No. 114. ANN ARIBOR, MICHIIGAN, MOND \IY, MARCHI 1, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. i oT 'IIJLD,o Leading Tailor AND IMPORTER, FULL HESS SUITS A SPECIAiLTY, WON BY SOPHOMORES. Freshmen Are De~feated by a Score of 32' to 21. The Freshmuan-Sophe'imore meet at- hracted a larige numnber of students to the (lymnasium eon Saturday am] preved to be a most interesting eon- 1 NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. i to 21 and excitem...…

April 01, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…,Moab, Amow mo 91MV 1, 1c . VOL. VII. No. 141. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THLTR:f DAY, APRIL 1, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. IlRS'f 1)AY'S SESSIONS.-~ Alpha Nu Ladies' Program. SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB. W 1 LJ J J it The cotmplete progranm for the At- Recive a illlin ofNovl-Yesterday's Doinq's of the M 1i-hi- pUtzit ldies trigiarn Saturday niglht Program of the Different Ses- tis forprnaSis n~ Acadiemy of Science. is05Itllowos: sions for Tomorrow. tie...…

May 01, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…AIL s 'c U" i Voi.. VII. No. 158. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SA'T'URDAY, MAY 1, 1897. Four. PAGES-3 CELTS. Received a full line of Novel ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings Ike A "iY ltn MICHIGAN VS. CHICAGO. jSummer French Paris. Today's Baseball Game. -Notice bas been received from Tiele oitliwestern Civersity ath- tailed Report of the Debate abroadti hat the National Soieof letie authorities refused to lprohibit 11With Chicao. Fran...…

June 01, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 183) • Page Image 1

… Ak VOL. VII. No. 183. ANN ARBOR, M[CTIIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1897. Foun PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 183. ANN ARBOR, MLCIIIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 11 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. W IL D THDE TABLES TURNED. Chicao-o's Colors Lowered on Received a fall line of Novel- Field, "l' Diamond. ties for Spring Suits and. Trousorings Tle second annual -track and field c--oct betueeso.-ichiga andsoi (1'o- 1897 id the thirdt gane of the year°s ha...…

July 01, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 200) • Page Image 1

…17 ).l . VOL. VII. No. 200. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 1,.1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. WILD Received a full line of Novel ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1897 NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, The Original Allegretti Chocolates ATE PALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 S. STATE ST. Too Many Shoes This is what the Shoe buyer says.-Judging from his stock he is right, and now that he is be- wailing his lot he insists upon selling some things at le...…

October 01, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…-VOL. VIII. No. 2. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1897T. FOUsR PAGES. B ar i s FOOTBALLPRACTICE. gaea n Good Men and Fast Work Bri! ht- IN Books. Stud'ents' Bookstore .....STATE STREET, Opposite University Entrance. Second- b andl Books bougtht, sold and exchanged. Law, Mfedical and College Text- books at cut prices. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR Blank Books and Stationery Azents for Waterman's Foun- tamn Pens, Mathematical Instrn-...…

November 01, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…Ab. VOL. VIII. No. 28. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1897. FOun PAGES. WILD Has received a fulal line of Novelties for Fall aniWinter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO, 108 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh; every week. Only in ;packaes- 60e a pond. Lowney's if yon prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY Jst Received a .Large anti Elegant Line of New Pipes I Hot and Cold Leches at sin hors. Agents for Hyler's...…

December 01, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…'.H EE- VOL. VIII. NO. 51. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDN9ESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1897. PRICE-3 CENrcF. ;.. _ _ ::: WILD Has'recelved a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings, NO.108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY, THOSE NOBBYSUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, bTATE STREET. ATHENS - THEATRE- Thrsday. Dec....…

February 01, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…~tjle ii. of VOL. VII No. 89 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1898. PRIcEc-3 CETS. i - - ---- i WI LD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in =suits 5, Trousers, and Overcoating S NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. -PALMERS'PHARMY.e PIPE S ALE! FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti...…

March 01, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…lc . of JESDAY, MARCH 1, 1898. PRCE--3 CENTS. 0 VOL. VIII. No 105. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TL .__ .. _ _.w_,. _. __._ .._. i At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our..... . 'uitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. 'NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMMAYs PIPE ALE!T FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Ject received ...…

April 01, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII No. 132. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN; A& AN161 s 4 l { URSDAY, AFFIL I, 1$98. PRSCE-3 CFNTQ. ,THL At Wild's Spring selections- Just arrived from the East. -Call and inspect our.... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats." 10, 1O8 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegr etti's Chocolates..., Fresh every week. Only in package- 0Cca pound. Lowtey s if yon prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY, PIPE S ALE! FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Jinn reeeved a fresh suiDl y of Allegre...…

June 01, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 183) • Page Image 1

…Iit . o A VOL. VIII. No. 183. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN THE EVENT OF THE SEASON. Will Be the Faculty Game This Afternoon.- Many close and exciting games have been played on Regents Field this spring, but for real, unadulterated fun the game to be played t...…

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