February 01, 1895

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February 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…a II. of Vo7, V. No. 88. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I, . Wailti. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1 189.. PRICE---THREE CENTS. All- TW;ESTERN VELEV EN. tilWlla wsufrtnt nI I IIOLOGICAI SOCIETY. NO G O TDN sirn kept out of most of toe gal'l'es iy__ _GODSTDN OUTING HAS CHOSEN ONE FOR .lit jur. As a fieldtgenteral and toekieSMR. LEWIS STRAUSS DISCUSSES1 '9,FAVORING WISCONSIN. ENGLISH PARAGRAPHS. I ins to lcarn without books. ______lmal is pierhiaps a staoP t...…

February 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 88) • Page Image 2

…THlE U. OF I. lDAILY. f eI. r the ire Tilnnli. it irls i M-hi- McKe-nzand ilKing. of last Fear':I LI.. F EB. 15.. N__________ l ha1111g:someti-Nvei 1a l utg-;eAttlli i("1111) hel-i n nim- B" FIciA.I.v BA.LiE I ii lwd aily ( iSna Xpe)d ur tilo1,Ml rofes"s t. C(i i-ann Illi- I!son. ..- THEGE M. IN DEPEND[NT SSMAIIN, vrsity t recoigntied this ned.-it. 11t:plan At t1 nians nut it. ofit liii tt EN'S FINE %SHOES, tin (ilingdynstt ii it 0nitits tacty...…

February 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

…THEII;U. 01? i1. DAILY. MWHIGAN tCENT 1ime Table (Re-iced) Nou. 18, 1894. \4alnl edFc __-350 M ail ------ NY. Special---.5 15 NY.Special__. P,'.sernEx---_..10 25 N. S. Limited.-. A . . Pacific RE -- Atlantc- E,___ - 7 47 FuN.Fpressc--- 5 40 Weterll E--. G. 1. I-cores--11 05 (,'ll. Nt.. Fe-- -- (i. IW llia11o, I. XW. Iluce , GI. 1. &T. A;;i., (ililcaca. Act., AnuiA Takil e ctcciSuinday, Aug. 1, 1x94. rrni1ae Anns Arboron 0i li-ell 7: Ic. il. 7...…

February 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 88) • Page Image 4

…L', )t l l)V 11 I,'' ((1 4]] QQ tOU7Nn THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK GYMTS. 1_cha rs\ Bookstor t~le fit aoed tolet sa tp fr nArorMc.C ita w,500(. M SU ITS Vortnely with George 'Vahe 191 OGTUSCLSAL SA ntet Stttr aft casted upon propetreeie aml o K. Washington st. Headquarters for CLAESCLSA TOILET SOP dntficton. Sfety deorm oit ac to rent. +VitIeelelaSml'ln eveirything a Student needs in the t.C,, ttsrras. Veerro.; clue,.? l e, ~oh (Ciynna~~l 11S 1S...…

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