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April 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SKID-, Y, APRILJi, 1910 VOL. XX. No. ug. WEAK HITTERS ON THIS YEAR'S TEAM Dairy Lunch Pitcher Holds Var- sity to Few Scattered Singles-- Fielding Work Improves. Inability to hit a gooui pitcher was evi- denced in Wednesdays haseball prac- tice wilen James, tihe twirter for the Alli Arhor Dairr Lunchl teamlltook tile bold agailnst tile varsity' 111l15anid heicd thlemnialmost hiltess. This weakniess will ...…

April 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…[ P Sprinif and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS--Original and Eaclsive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious - IN - Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Examination G. H. Wild Compally TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET CLINTON The "SLI PEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAND CLI NTON" BUTTON EASILY AsO SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 150 2 for 255 WLF3ARK...…

April 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…_________________ THER MIC410AN tDAILY ___________ Just the thing for hot weather -A- Jack Knife Fountain Pen Can't Leak AT SQUARRY'tS Money Loaned I Os Watches, Diamonds, Law Books, or other personali property. Watches and Jewolry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 31 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hours : Sitoi1130 a. in.. itod4:3and 7to 9 p. M. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND iHURfON STREETS Capi...…

April 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY UVERSITY NOTICES Whitnvey Wednesday, JTh eaAtre ow April ...J J.ohn you sell clothes too cheap. K~ant help it. Made too good, not for my trade Always ahead in style. That's so. , Lo0ts of orders? Yes. We can stand yours too. Come in today and feast your eyes. Only all-wool goes here at $18.00. ILiberty St., 118 East Make Norfolks of class. IGranger's School of Dancing ]Last Term begins Tuesday eveing. April 5, 1910. Cla...…

April 01, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…he M ich ian Dai a ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL i, icvr. No. 129 Vol. xxi. PRINCLPAL SCORES 'IETRANCE DFIVRNDS Miller Says Practical Subjects Should Be Riecognized by Colleges HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE FORMED "It dto'' es o apcr h) n lta tbecause GIVIC RICCITk, OIII IX H.UIJJUJU U I [)I Ilriellotdtrttill (tot Il htit n-IN BIG LOVE FEAST certl on ''erni'tttPolk Solnts' scheduled for this. let til intheIlteig;h scholol on- (ltittt acc111ou...…

April 01, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…14MICHIGAN DAILY Go II. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive Styles For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS Tio: looing Merchant Tailors 31 SO5. STATE STEET 1iALL PRICES Th-e Stu-dnsi' Typewriter Supply Co., Reom 4 Pross 8l .tdng. Opposite Majestic FrteniySeals 4Inl MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing IEditor-La gAXWnm Business Manager -NoizMss II. illsos.. News Editor ...... o rrld Titus Assistant .......…

April 01, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN. DAILY /I IMFA!ONGTHE FIRST $2.00 and sap hU 0SS l/ lFrh Ave. ,) ING & BROS. TheSpalingfat uelinthajort ";C's .d ' a~rt o OFFICIAL EQUIP- T/cd-M~ec- EN , foa 1 llclh letic aI- portsand/Ipastimes. f// are, ete ' 11/c// Atleteic o rto Qvecliy p itt/ o tilA wrldAr rSaigsBn C p/f ' . ite /1//f, /0 f"I /fs s 0,000onre 25 WoodwardIf~' /v. U/c eroi. ih 1/ 1f 05/,/f//f Off/Il I/I ffiSo l0,00 U = / / ,ff.f E f, /lvpff Pes. ;afety D...…

April 01, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES New Whitney Theatre " _ ~Curtin 8.15 P. M. Las. ionera not std p.*. ply 1 as do fo se n lesVisI'todaIy. Of s at Tic hur 9tor2-tSat t. wnday,"Apr. Monday, April 3 U al. heksm % , atd a ifX X, Matinee and Night bXXt XXXXX 1 THE WHITNEY OPERA CO. 7) .)1 DRCTION F CIWHITNEY at ,ragXXIX'day it>mI 1 traWll e'senlt/Vthe it X VII XXIX 1 cns1ac1t11thme ad il. 'TiX daning C A T C Hc1 V Pcr Idtforcinm11eThe C oc late...…

April 01, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…L $1.50 I The MAJI $2.00 Michigan Daily LOCAL $1.50 MAIL $2.0 XIII, No. 129. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1913. PRIGCEFIVE C _. RVIVORS SAY .000 BEGGARS L1 DESCRIPTION F THE WEAThER MAN A 1O-Strike! HURON'S DEADLY UNDERTOW of Miss Leah )Ioskowitz, Gives Graphic Picture of Conditions in JDayton. '16, SAYS PEOPLE WERE TWICE BUT DIi WARNED o NOT LISTEN, Diary of Troy Woinaii Depicts Rise of Overflowing Rivers...…

April 01, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY re of Spring Woolens Largest Assortzuent in the City Ready for Your Inspection,' ,D CO. 311 S. State Street NNIS--=- on will soon be here. Have your Racket ready for ing it in now and let us re-string it. We guaran- ir work. Do not delay but do it now. , S tu de nt' EHAN ~ CO Booksatoe ID TAKE. big in one place, er, high in one i another. The EER knows how to situation-it's a IE AND TAKE ". Liberty Street righted) T...…

April 01, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…3'.. E MICHIGAN PAILY. I MUM A PAID lFOUt IS ADVANCE. W3A'%TR I) 1 Should See J UNIO0R P L AY&S ARE For Men, Young Men and Boys gem Before Going on Your Spring Vacation. Wamfcd-- ss-Ast< for plain sew ter vacation. Street betwe o'clock. s and Women's High Grade Shoes and )rds. Also a full line of 'Rubber Soles at ILMORE SHOE COMPANY r-Y SHOP Formerly Wmi. 119 SOUTH MAIN P. Purfleld, Intc. Palace of Sweets F~ruld xl tithe ITe C r...…

April 01, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…'4 THE 'ICHIGAN DAILY y' Samplar UNIVERSITY NOTICES. 9 + ® ing Away Y"cation Meting of. Gar e vle business staff at 5:00 o'clock today. Go away like a.Prjnce. Senior lits' canes may be secured in Tappan hall from 4:30 to 5:00 Yozz can do it for a Modorate price. 'clock today. A su shapedand ed tofit on Girls' Glee club rehearsal at New- you ad taoiote~~t~nware in accord berry hall Wednesday at 4:00 o'clock. with your own'ideas by our expert...…

April 01, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…F I (ic, ilgan jai T ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1914. PRICE FIVE Novel at EVENTS FOR TODAY Senior law "Crease" dance Michigan Union 8:00 o'clock. Chemistry department class dance. Packard academy, 8:30 o'clock. Union membership dinner, Michigan Union, 5:30 o'clock. Consul-General Alfred Geisler speaks at Bismark celebration, hill audi- torium, 8:00 o'clock. Prof. T. C. Trueblood's class presents "Macbeth," Sarah Casw...…

April 01, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…' MICHIGOAN DAILY It Wk T STYLES 11 Golt1f The Season is Here Again IG Line of Woolens to select from . WILD-GO.O g Merchant Tailors T' UNITED LINES TABLE as Cars for Detrit-7-1c to 6:1o p. in.. also 8:1o it-5'40 a. mn., 6'o6 a. in., urs to 6:o6 p. in., 7:o6 p. 1o p. mn., and 10:45 p.,im. 115 p. rn., 12:15 P.M.n a. = ackson-7:46 a. m. and S7:46 p. mn. on-5 :12 a. in., 6:51 a. mn., irs to 6:51 p. Mn., also 9:20 Col( SONS & VINING 72 ...…

April 01, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…SPRI SHIRT NCS EVERYTHING THAT I The Stein-Bloch Fashion Camera othing gets by it. t reflects what London thinks about fashions for you. -what Paris thinks -what New York thinks -what Chicago thinks nd out of all these opinions with the fol-de-roll eliminated, come he Styles Sensibly ressed Americans Prefer. uch styles we are now ready to show you. -one more reason your suit should be a Stein-Vilach INDENSCHMIIT APFEL & CO. Clothiers and Fur...…

April 01, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…BALLET PUMPS j I I I LYNDON'S KODAKSI FI""LMS, I WHITNEY Matinee-Night Wednesday, April 1 Stetson's Big Spectacular "Uncle Tom's Are Best for the Tango ONEI Thursdai Amateur finishing 719 N. University Ave. TRY THEM, REGAL SHOES 11 & CO. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR spring Hts FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR, AT RICHARDSON 115 East 'Liberty They All Admit vve a re "Just a little better" 50 WILL ..YOU ICE CREAM, CANDIES, LUNCHEONS PROMPT DEL...…

April 01, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Daily IUSC NOQ X1. )W .00 LOCAL .... .... I 132. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1915. PRICE FIVE ULARS HUMBLE ONDTEAM MEN ,undgren's Nominal First Nine kes Three to Two Verdict from Scrubs in Initial Game AND CUTTING DO SLAB If FOR LUNDGREN'S SQUAD nd Shivel Fight Hard for Posi- ions; Ferguson Takes Gym Workout ig three runs to two, Coach n's first choice beat the scrubs y afternoon, in the initial game of th...…

April 01, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…____________M IC H IG AN__________________D A IL_____________., , . <,,; ' Lillies, of the FieldTlEMCI{AN ALY Officiai news-par at the University of are, no fi ner arrayed tb an i the imnci Michigan. Publishe d ev~ery morning except , .~ ~ Monday- during the. university year. for whom we are tailors.'1 nere's grace, style, taste, and class inl the garments we produce. Our fabrics are exclusive, our tailoring is distinctive. We shall be gl...…

April 01, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

… ___ 1- CALKINS' PHARMACY THE GREAT 2 flOF BIG SALE OF I On all Suits and Furnishings. Only lasts till March 27th. Nowf is the time to get fixed up for Easter at 200o OFF Don't forget we move to our New Store, next to the Or- pheum Theatre, on Mar. 27th _, I I ANN ARBOR, MICE. I F" The An Arbor Savings Bank' Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $100,000 Resources $3,000,0400 A General Banking Business Transacted Chas. I?. HEiscock,...…

April 01, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r Experience ved, we hope, that you can put i us, believe in us, have confi- 100 per cent. SATISFACTION E-. u to feel that way; to put the construction on it; to test our ar, and our guarantee by any- r 'ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD' I do not "pretend" to make portraits, but I D O make the best Flashlights and Groups in America. You are the Judge-why not have the best? LYNDON 719 N. University __ ni Free RL A AINCOAT ...…

April 01, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…THE DAILY 0?$1.09 Aij NEWS OF THE WORLD AND THE CAMPUS m, op. Z , L L'h ones :-Editorial '2414 Business 960 TELEGRIAP I SERVICE BY THE EW YORK SUN I VOA XXVI. No.,128. ---- -- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS MANY F[TURES ON 1916 MAY FESTVAL CONCERT PROSGM Schoolmasters Close Session Fifty-First With Annual Convention Business Meetings and Lecture. Ends MhORAL UNION TO GIVE "PARADISE LOST" SECO...…

April 01, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…-THE MICHIGAN _OAILY -r--= 1 i TOM MADE CLOTHES have an air of distinction, a richness of finish and an assurance of correct style that stamp the wearer as a man of good taste and dignity. H. WILD1 COMPANY MERCHANT TAILORS" STATE ST. - Ur.. aundry Boxes It's jdust the thing to ship your laundry Home 5H E'EHAN' STUDENTS BOOKSTORE ,.,_.,. ETROIT UNITED LINES !n Detroit, Ann Arbor antd Jackson. un on Eastern time, one hlour faster .1 tim...…

April 01, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY A SPONSON CANOE cannot be tipped over. There are some dandies on sale at the Cash or Terms r _ _ a r 441, t 1ti1 a ,l rya, for Spring Announcinga beautiful line of hand-tailored, ready-to- wear clothes, made exclus- ively for Young Men by a firm famed for its fine clothing, Hirsh-Wickwire Co. Chicago We make our deliveries within two days. Semi-conservative suits,care- fully designed by men who really ap...…

April 01, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…'AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY ZHERE is no Sport nor form April 1 st to April 4th With a hearty e(owe no urge you to avail yourself of this opportunity to become acquainted with the new spring styles. lni et, eourteos salesmen will gladly show you through our stocks and explain the new ideas im clothes. ('lothilg sityl.t a Iiclothing quality, is something with which every man should b familimr-and sihOW iays w ill i riay reV al these points...…

April 01, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 128) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY sl I I 0"r ~ A HATS HATS HATS HATS ; --. -, . . ,' "i 1 t r '+ 3 ' x HATS HATS. HATS HATS WHAT ABOUT A Graflex Camera for this Spring? When Friends Gather At Yc Home Why Not Delight Them With Columbia Mu Talk with us about it I New April Records now on Sale. All double disc dance records are i - They will play on either Victor or Columbia machines, and are the Best, Cheapest and most Durable Records on the market...…

April 01, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 r --- . ,, - _ .i 1i L c ornn r 4 'I Are You Prepared For Spring Vacation? -i ii. 1 ,,I . You are a Michigan Michigan Tastes. Man wit; h F: t /, i , JIN i It's Here- The New 3A Special with the NEW RANGE FINDER Greatest Thing Out. Prices from $49.00 to $77.00 LYNDON'S Mqay Festival Tickets BLOCK "B" Will be Placed On Sale at 719 NO, UNIVERSITY AVE. Where You Buy Kodaks and Films Il- f' . I Hill A...…

April 01, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…I CLOUDY AND COOL I- 1 J0r 41krtl ER" UNITED PF DAY AND NO WIRE SERY] 1 r/lY . 'Y[YTTt 1TT XT.. H Afi ".: I \!UL .XXVII. iNo. 1.0 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1917. x r'2A. iMdi I I L Li l l _ - - -- u _ I - - -- -- MASS MIETING ON Henry L. Sthnson, Taft's Secretary of War, to Discuss Cham- berlain Bill REGENTS, PRESIDENT, .AND FACULTY WILL BE ON STAGE Naial Militia Will Attend, Headed in March by University Band .. Clas...…

April 01, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…1 iiu vu'.,rNI..zeIN' LUIL Y April 8th 011 Mir4i#ttn Dttilu Prepare Now e your selection from our vast assortment of distinctive weaves and colorful blends. G. H. Merchant Tailors Wild Company STATE STREET Rackets Restrung THREE DAYS TIME ces from $1.75 to $3.75 ALL WORK GUARANTEED he Slater Book Shop no 430 36 S. State St. reles Switzers' Hardware Bicycle Ball Repairing Key Fitting Razor Blade Sharpening n, Mowers 310 State Onl...…

April 01, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

… .rl 1L1 ''l TEROLSS TRACK MEET IS WON BY FRESH LITS 1920 ENGINEERS FINISH NEXT WHILE SOPH LITS LAND IN THIRD PLACE The freshmen of both lit and en- gineering classes hadtthings much their own way in the interclass track meet held in Waterman gymnasium. The yearlings in the literary college won with a total of 35 points, while the 1920 boilermakers were second with a total of 26 chalked up to their credit. This left 18 points for the other c...…

April 01, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…i E MDY SERVICES INi ANN ARBOR CHURO :I kIrUxQ rch ornng srvices at 10:30 o'cl *; N VM~Utst Church pecial Easter services at 1:4 ock; sermon by Rev. J. C. Rob* n ervices at 10:30 o'clock; ser~o ie I~ W 1*crfII orning services and commnino Dand 10: ' lock. Prof.D er of Col i Ja university 1 ak at the 10:30 o'clock services' Bethel A. H. E. Church 'reaching and Palm Sunday s at 10 :30 o'clock subject, "J ;ourages His tV iles ." rinity ~Iteran C...…

April 01, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 130) • Page Image 5

…14 K. C.& K. SOCIETY BRAND st Arrived Spring Showing of the and Top Coats for Spring A Large Shipment of Stetson Hats Crofut& Knapp Hats $3.50 and $4.00 See Our Windows for Shapes and Colors TINKER & COMPANY Cor. S. Stae and William Sts. Come in and see our new line of Spring Hatsa Furnishings. We make Suits to your measure from $16.50 up. NEXT TJOFFRPUM In the Latest Designs Wadhams & Co. State Street Main C & K. C. & K. Street...…

April 01, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 130) • Page Image 6

…it Drive Has Started and you will be forced out of the tre aches into the sun's rays on Easter Morning and how will that old suit look then? 'With Easter' only TWO weeks away you will have to hurry and place your order, or otherwise go home in that old trench suit that has seen better days. You. are now in danger of being overtaken with the big guns that have already blasted away many' of the best patterns, very lucky for I you the NEW reinfo...…

April 01, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 129) • Page Image 1


April 01, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY AY, _ _ __ _ _ _ - _ _ -" _ _:_ _ _ _.. __.__ rrrr .. r.u.rrr. rr r.r r+ r rrr. +.. .'.+irr r yrr.Wrrri rr rrr r rMr4 p £dijtgan Batig FFICIAL NEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN blished every morning except Monday g the university year by the. Board in ro of Student Publications. 4BER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to Associated Press is exclusively entitled ie use for republcation of allnews dis- es credited to it or no...…

April 01, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…TI IE MICHIGAN DAIL Y COtL WEATHER HOLDS . UP BASBILL PRACTICE ELIGIBILITY COMMITTEE WILL SETTLE CASES OF MEN TONIGHT Varsity baseball men's eligibility will be decided tonight at a meeting of the eligibility board in the Athletic association office. Every man on the first string is urged to be there promptly at 7 o'clock. According to the coach the meeting is of great importanc.e since the question of eligibility is a serious one. Howev...…

April 01, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…THE MIC14ICAN DAILY It, THE MICHIGAN DAILY ye I I I WHITNEY TUES., April 8 - David Belaseo Presents David Warfield 1" I I AT THE THEATERS Mr arrW#*It W-0 - TODAY - In The Auctioneer Seats by Mail-Prices: Lower Floor $2.50 Balcony $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Majestic--"Little Women." I Arca de TODAY DAINTY Louise Huff I Arcade--"The Heart of Gold." Wuerth-"borrowed Clothes." Orpheum-"The Lie." Shubert- Garrick, Detroit - "Leave it to...…

April 01, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 129) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAGS rrv i "J-HOP" time is here again and the girls must look their best. I In the preparations, the dressing of their hair rightly takes first place. It is not wise or safe to take any risk by using an ordinary curling iron, indifferently heated. The ELECTRIC CURLING IRON is safe, conven- ient and always ready for use-just atacht to any lamp socket-and works far better than the ordinary curler. Let us show you. ...…

April 01, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 129) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, ,i ,. ....,.. .., RaI CECOLLEGIATE ALUMNAE GIVE of Main and Williams streets. The U iIL crnCOMMUNITY HOUSE PIANO other furniture and luxuries of the house have been also furnished by The Collegiate Alumnae presented organizations of the city. In honor Tlanupright piano on Saturday to the of this new gift a concert is being new Community House on the corner planned to be held at Community House in a few days....…

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