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October 01, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…T heWeather 4 & "Generaly fair Sunday and T Monday; Much Cooler Sunday; 4: 3 VOL. XLIV No. 7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCT. 1, 1933 Editorials hxe Panhellenic Decision Wden Death Traps. PRICE FIVE CENT MOSCOW, Sept. 30- (P) - Three men in an aluminum ball hooked to a balloon ascended 11.8 miles today, the greatest height ever reached by man, and enjoyed themselves so much that when they landed the first thing they said was they that they ...…

October 01, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…T HE MIHIGAN -D AILY nreement Is Flyer Breaks Transcontinental Speed Record Anticipated In Mine Troubles President Roosevelt Signs Wage And Hour Pact For Steel Co. Mines CLAIRTON, Pa., Sept. 30. -(P) -The seige of Clairton by 4,000 striking coal miners was called off suddenly today so the miners may study the coal code agreed to Friday night. CLAIRTON, Pa., Sept. 30.-()- Hope for early termination of spreading labor unrest grew today as wor...…

October 01, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

… THEMICHIGANDAILY SUNDAY, MICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 still a large number of wooden coaches in use. The Erie road has 89 of them, the Pennsylvania, 82; the Southern, 157; and the Southern Pacific, 216. The New York Central has none. Millions of R.F.C. dollars have been poured into these companies. Some of the money might be spent in providing safer transportation through the replacement of wooden coaches by steel ones, , -- , r F. '^)...…

October 01, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 7) • Page Image 5

…1,1933 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I MYYI IM MI Yf IIWi d I O e llwO SOCIETY 'I New Women Late To Be Guests (6 AtTeaToday The B oas being Women Not In Organized that New Houses Are Invited To back on of its vel' Attend League Party and coifl the eyes Women new on campus this year verdict" and living outside organized houses the tiesu will be entertained at tea from 4 The jo until 6 o'clock this afternoon in the trastingI Ethel Fountain Hussey room ...…

October 01, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 7) • Page Image 6

…____ THEir-MJCHIGAW.4 DAILY Huge ScoreAgainst Freshmen Gridders State Defeats Grinnell, 14-0, In First Game EAST L1ANSING, Sept. 30. - Mich- igan State won the opening game of the 1933 season here this afternoon defeating Griinell College, of Iowa, 14 to 0. Neither eleven was able to score in the opening period, play being confined mostly to the center of the field. Soon after the opening of the second quarter, Wagner, State right tackle, ...…

October 01, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 7) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY usets Northwestern By 7-0 Score Joe Laws Runs 32 Yards For Only Score Of The Astonishing Victory Sbphomore Back Is Star Of Hawkeyes Dick Crayne Rips Off 129 Yards With Short, Fast Dashes On Soggy Field SOLDIER'S FIELD, Chicago, Sept. 3-()-Iowa's Hawkeyes, beaten underdogs of Big Ten football war- fare for four, long years, snapped the championship hope of a highly- touted Northwestern team with an astounding 7 to 0 victory...…

October 01, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 7) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Heavy Guard Placed After Jail Outbreak Wild Disorder Reigns In Eastern Penitentiary; Is Second Riot Of Week PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 30.-P)-- Rebellion seethed behind steel bars in crowded, century-old Eastern Pen- itentiary today while reinforced de- tails of state and city police pa- trolled its confines as a result of the prison's second serious outbreak within a week. Clamoring convicts, many of them "lifers," threw the grim...…

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