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October 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…ZI Mro z CoZ 0} .1. .__, 7 -- ... " '/ .. _ j !. . 'r 'f. J' .e a.._-- _ ", ,_ .. ' LJ H <s M ; i I I G «. s." a ' O + C.' O ;i . -,' .. - .J. :f. -f .. ^. _ - .lf !. - _ _" _ " _ E '- r. J y . 1. _ _ .J .,, _ '1 ^- __ CC -J LJ C3 Co CL LUJ U- C? n.7 = c - - - cd p sue.. O C!2 - C i. C's (1) 441 v I. .J. . . _ . .. - c v 1- ,,Jf1I .h yi f1 AL.5 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al %++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A- = * :-- : - I .. . ^ .;. " 'l. ' ' 'f...…

October 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60.9 LEADING MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE is thet best Nve hav e ever shoesin, coiltain fng ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a voery fine line of ; Eancy Suitings and Tro useri ngs in the latest pa- tern, and color= ings IThe largesot assortment in the state. WILD 60. j S E. 'Washin ;ton St. QUARRY'S: FOR Drugs and Student's Supplies of all kinds. Cor. State and N. Uiniversity, CAMPUS DRUG STORE. R. E. JOLLY'S Lunche A...…

October 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…THE M1I1GAN-TAIL- -NEWS + that ire c~o1I to that would tndtoidu o t o l i' + c . S vG Vi .+STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES ON otue ontoa nal t hs or t iINSTRUMENTS and SUPPLIES + 4'e cannot10 cornS 1)1(1 the larguage withd 1s btoted oul w 4. Is s- ysFo r Im- hs-siatssry ('nrsess 'a + + -teca ,a' oftheir goats., ndtred ''irs s' so pvo r q. 11r+ T° I'ST0LtaY, .o.I ' A'l'IOIA)(Y +Iherreuaton 05 )o hr slighters't dSrI ~teithe s* si . 4. ' e , aU as f:'_t...…

October 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…TEIlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS +TOILET ARTICLES. -ICRO SUPPLIES. FOR THE GY. SC nk hi I 'x, imti 'i\,Ixcciixlxaa. auix4 CA LK IN S' IIii ii finii'lxi \x'il' ii ;.x i'lijhaxx' J + P H A R M A Yirt l i i~t i atitl vouiir iiixli. ii'turilr ix' eif not5iitixfat .+ 324 South State Street. +.4 LAW STUDENTS If io« warst LAW BOOKS, new or SECOND HAND we can silixply oux at.. FAIR PRICES Ask for Our Catalogue of Law Books.... ENGINEERW I can save you from ...…

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