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December 08, 1964 (vol. 0, iss. 82) • Page Image 16

Wolverine fast break attack. No ments of the game came during a International coaches' board which nine for twelve points. The Wol Coach Dave Strack called the Wolverines had no trouble rolling fewer than…

… broke half when the Wolverine starters teams in the country. "I voted attempts, as Russell and Clawson plase te Ws auit- they convincingly asserted their loose all alone for a lay-up. manufactured five…

…-point half- points, the Wolverines showed a "tried to stop the fast break at- expect." time lead and had expanded it to Tbeforeothewcollapsinghzone-press slim Yost Field House crowd of tack on the boards…

… depth. themselves caught flat-footed popped in a 25-footer. Five sec- that the Wolverines connected on MISSOUR the Wolverines s o m e serious Russell Notches 12 many times. onds later, Tregoning had the…

Wolverines showed the times and added eight tallies, good games back to back,"added pn Early c -6 3-4 3 1 7 highly-partisan crowd and observ- while Ollie Darden had nine re- Strack referring to the Duke When…

… Second Team Shines , seal 2-2 0-0 0 0 4 Cazzie Russell, whose 21 points cossl r- r nt r, n ir periodb the Wlverines The second stringers, led byjauca-0-00 0Y led the Wolverines, was held to souri coach Bob…

… 2 North Carolina 82, Kentucky 67 revitalize the Wolverines. Buntin tosses without a miss. Missouri fully scrutinized in Los Angeles Adams 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 Detroit 81, John Carroll 66 wound up with 17…

Wolverines rallied, and got to work to get this team to- night at 7:30 at the Intramural Dec. 31. The third day was added held Minnesota scoreless through gether." Building. to facilitate the distribution of…

December 08, 1964 (vol. 0, iss. 82) • Page Image 15

… send it home to our mothers! F46 NOSEBOWL SPECIAL F48. WANTED TO BUY-Return ticket (New York to Detroit), Wolverine flight, Jan. 3. Call Judy, 764-9877 between 5 and 7. F36 MISSING PERSON Will young lady…

… 10 a.m. Will share driving and ex- pense. Call Mary, 764-9640 after 7:30 p.m. G19 WANTED TO BUY-Return ticket (New York to Detroit), Wolverine flight, Jan. 3. Call Judy, 764-9877 between 5 and 7. G16…

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