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October 26, 2010 (vol. 121, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

… television and the undeniable convenience of online streaming, Google's and Apple's crazy new schemes remind us that it's not all about the comput- er screen anymore. TV is trying to makea comeback. This whole…

…. Yes, the Internet is making its way osnto your TV screen and has been for a while, though with little success. In 2007, Apple released Apple TV. It wasn't cute and tiny and couldn't be controlled with a…

… touch-screen or dial, which probably explains why I don't know anyone who owns one, but a second-genera- tion version was released earlier this month (in true Apple fashion, it's smaller and with more…

… Gigs). This little device lets you access the Apple store, YouTube, Netflix and Flickr directly from your TV, which is nice for those who don't have a magical HDMI cable. There's speculation that this re…

…-release of Apple TV is due in part to Google's latest foray into the television industry with Google TV. The project was announced back in May and will essentially let you surf the web with your remote. You…

…. The only new advantage is not having to balance my computer on my lap while watching TV. Nevermind the fact that keyboards and mice are way easier to use than a remote. Though Google has a Midas touch…

October 26, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…'s an infor- matics major who cringes at the thought of taking his freshman writing seminar next semester. He dreams of one day working for Apple or Google and would do just about anything to get closer…

… reallysmart," he says. He also recalls on one occa- sion during the beginning of the semester, when his computer pro- gramming teacher, not cognizant of the details of his accident or his level of mobility…

October 26, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

… CTools quickly and easily without computer access. Bansal and his team also streamlined the program by only including the most perti- nent CTools features for students such as the resources, announce…

… app by download- ing the Michigan app from an Android or Apple market. FOLLOW THE DAILY ON TWITTER @MichDailyNews @Mich DailySports @MichDailyFbal @MichDailyArts @MichDailyOpEd @MichDailyPhoto SIGN UP…

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