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March 14, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 91) • Page Image 8

… great moti- vating factor for the Michigan men's volley- ball team, and this weekend the Wolverines will get their chance. The squad will face off against Michigan State this Friday night in East Lansing…

…. The Spar~s trounced the Wolverines Jan. 17 at the CCRB, and the Wolverines are look- ing to show the Spartans how much the team has improved. "This is the big one," Michigan captain Jamie Reynolds said…

… addition to Rodriguez and Reynolds, the team Michigan will field against Michigan State is a cohesiv Pothiraj, Ted Sko out the starters. Stilstra also ac with his coach's on the Wolverine He volunteered for…

… 1994 to be exact -theyUA were all Wolverines. They were fourth-fifths of the simultaneouslyt famous and infamous Fab Five. And they were the team everybody wanted to beat. On this particular night, Texas…

… was the "everybody" with a yen to knock off the third-seeded Wolverines. The No. 6 seed Longhorns had beaten Western Kentucky to earn the right to challenge the two-time defending regional cham- pions…

…, who had snuck by Pepperdine in the first round, 78-74. Beating the tour- ney-tested Wolverines, though, was a task the blazing-fast Longhorns just couldn't master: After an end-to-end battle, they…

… succumbed 84-79. Texas against Michigan ... sounds familiar ... the Wolverines take on the Longhorns again this season. The No. 7 and No. 10 seeds will rumble at ap- proximately 10:30 p.m. tomorrow in the…

… one again tomorrow night. Fife, though, is by far the most expe- rienced ofthe Wolverines. He's dressed for more Michigan tournament games than the rest of the Wolverines com- bined. He played all but a…

March 14, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 91) • Page Image 9

… team. The Wolverines find them- selves with an all-too-familiar shape in the win column: 0. While most Michigan students were partying, skiing or just lounging around eating donuts on spring break, the…

Wolverines were searching for the consistency that has been miss- ing this season. "We are still struggling," said Michigan coach Bob Darden said after the two meets over break. "We are just not showing the…

March 14, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 91) • Page Image 7

…. "The Wolverine Party has the elec tion apparatus in their pocket and lu think that's disgusting," said Paul Scublinsky, who filed as the Michigan Party candidate for LSA-SG president. The controversy…

… not trying to sabotage any- thing," said Andy Schor, Wolverine Party candidate forMSApresident. "We didn't break any rules because we read the rules and they didn't. We knew what we had to do and we did…

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