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December 08, 2005 (vol. 116, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…'m will- by a bagillion people of Crown Royal. ing to share this index of anti-hipster justi- before me, about a Sadly, my beloved Karma has developed fications, but only for the Apple-consistent bagillion…

…- an hour and a half on a charge now, barely My experience has not been all Bono and chase, I compromised a decision I had made long enough to find a computer in the Fish- uncontrollable shadow…

…'t produce the Karma any- and it's not even here yet. Apple offers you his own life than buy a Dodge truck. more, much less a replacement battery, so the chance to laser-engrave something clev- I suppose I am…

…- - because I don't have a beef with Apple as a If anyone else out there is shopping for a al suggestions from Disappoint- company. In fact, I enjoyed quite a few hours high-capacity mp3 player, let…

… me save you the ingly, Apple decided that my selection was during elementary school playing Oregon trouble of reading the reviews: None of the inappropriate because it contained the word Trail…

…, Lemonade Stand and Spell-a-vator on players are terrible, most are pretty good and "bastard." I ended up forgoing the engraving my old Apple HIe. Lessons from those green- the iPod is almost always at the…

…. But and "Thanks for the bitch, I love my new wasn't with all of Apple, just with the iPod frankly, it's also the most attractive piece of dog!", will join my call for First Amend- and the whole uber…

… class warrior or anything, I visuals that Apple could conjure. I, like so any grievances I had if Apple could man- just didn't see what the big deal was. When many others, was sold in part on the idea of…

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