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February 04, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 105) • Page Image 8

… negotiations are the current impasse is a direct satisfactorily concluded." Lev Alcindor L...... by Jim Forrester Hgot',i cold- ' with the Wolverine Icers IF YOU WOULD have asked "For whom the bell tolls…

…," last Friday night, you would have had to answer the Wolverine hockey team. In what can be fairly described as the most unbelievable com- bination of stupid plays and ineptness ever thrown onto the ice…

… and still called a game, the icers got stomped by Minnesota by a 6-3 count. But if you asked the same question Saturday at about 11 P.M., the inescapable conclusion would be that the Wolverines were…

… 'Gophers put up a good defensive show, but their attack was built around Wolverine mistakes and lazy play. a Cut to the third period Friday. Michigan is behind, 4-3, and on the power play. The Gophers get…

… the puck and Scott Buchan wants to clear it down the ice. Michigan forward Doug Galbraith goes after Buhan, Buchan flicks his wrists and the puck goes over the Wolverine's outstretched stick. Buchan…

… with a shot into the now open right side. Minnesota Coach Glen Sonmor accurately depicted the Wolverine style of play. "When you play as offensively as they do, you're bound to take some chances." Custer…

… took a better chance at the Little Big Horn. After the breakaway, the Wolverine play dropped to a margin of laziness. A jury of little old ladies would 'have hung them for their sluggish play. Cut to…

… Gopher Bill Klatt behind the Michigan net about five minutes after Roddy's score. He is moving back and forth behind the Wolverine goal un- hindered, looking for a friendly brown jersey to pass to in front…

…-existant wing or to the other ,team. THEN CAME SATURDAY NIGHT. If the Wolverines were ter- rible Friday, they were terrifying Saturday. They came out skating and hitting as they hadn't for the entire season. They…

…, but was able to make thesaves. r "We shot several times and that guy didn't even move" said Wolverine defenseman Lars Hansen. The puck would hit a skate or a post or by accident McLacklan would move in…

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