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January 25, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 88) • Page Image 6

…, worked the ball in for- enough setups under the bas- k et so that every member of the Wolverine quintet broke into the scoring. Norm Daniels, the leader in conference scoring to date, step- ped out from…

…-0 Coutnt as Reid Scor-es Goal. lii spite (i} a valiant last minute di' ie by the despera te Gophers in, t o Clesing minutes of the third ,acricd, the Wolverine hio7 ey team t alum phed. 1-0 to piaco < seives…

… as a championship conten',r. Lead -, P'eic, oizrtis, and Crossman, the ~peedy outskated the Ccahrsthrough out the contest. 2.wlle Tclrpins sterling work in the cact keint the Gophers from…

… the entries and the three best scores will decide the whinners. Emmy Reid, Michigan wing, whlo scored the Wolverines' lone goal that won last night's hockey tilt from the M',inne- sota sextet, 1-0. ill…

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