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February 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… Shore A. C. Finished Second In 1934 Outdoor A.A.U. Championships Face Iowa Saturday Wolverines Will Present Exhibition At Indiana This Evening Coach Matt Mann and thirteen members of the Varsity swimming…

… squad will leave at noon today for a three-day auto trip that will include performances at South Bend, Chicago and Iowa City. Tonight the Wolverine swimmers will take part in an exhibition meet in the…

… 4 p.m. Saturday in the Field House. The Hoosiers, who have won 19 con- secutive duel meets, will clash. with a Wolverine team which exhibited surprising strength on its Eastern tour. The smashing…

… Thom's Indiana outfit defeated Iowa State last Friday, 21I to 1%. The lineup which started that maeet and which will probably meet the Wolverines follows: 118- pounds -Willard Duffy, 126-pound - Thomas…

… For Wisconsin Game opening contest of the two-game ser- ies with the erstwhile favorites fromi Coach Charlie Hoyt has named 28 Minnesota. men to compete for the Wolverines Michigan's chances of nishing…

… cut to the mini- hard brand of hockey they displayed tween Michigan, Michigan State and mum when the Wolverines lost to at Minnesota earlier in the season. Michigan State Normal College. Northwestern…

… most successful in history. Ohio State are yet to be played. possible that the Wolverines will salv- Ward Handicapped By Injury Displaying an improved floor game age at least one victory or a tie game…

… Willis Ward, Michigan's versatile and offense, Michigan scored a 29-27 out of the week-end's conflict. star, will again lead the Wolverines upset ove Iowa last Saturday, but Goalie Shows Improvement…

… despite a heel injury which may keep played a ragged game against North- This is plausible when the improve- western. Failure of the Wolverins ment of Bill Chase, substitute goalie, himotoftheiwthrough…

… Then there is the thrill, not unal- Wolverine senior turned in a time of wards, Evans and Patanelli, guards,9 encountered in his first matches with loyed, of your first by-line. Fresh- under 4:20, and…

March 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

… got in a six-inning game between the Regulars and Yannigans before rain forced a halt. It was the second time in 13 years that the Wolverines made so early an advent into the open air. The regulars…

… smashed out singles, and Ford tripled down the right field foul line to ac- count for the Varsity hitting. The Wolverine sluggers had the an- nual alibi to offer for their failure to pulverize the ball -"It…

May 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

… ns idn. of te Golfers Pil11e Up 27 Stroke Big Ten Lead Fischer, Koesis Shatter Par With 139 Totals In First Day'sPlay Wolverines Are 15 Up On Second Team All Four Michigan Men Included Among First…

… in its campaign to retain the team title, landing all four men in the first five leaders. Northwestern Is Second The Wolverines posted a total of1 575 or 15 over par for 144 holes1 shot by the team as…

…, Chicago 655, and Pur- due 662.t Nine shots behind Kocsis and Fischer in the individual champion- ship fight were Allen Saunders, an-1 other Wolverine and Bob Brown,f Northwestern, who had 148. Wood-t row…

… Malloy, the fourth member of the Wolverine quartette, ranked next with 149. The rest of the scores rangedE from 150 by Tom Saielli, Northwest- ern to 174 by Richard Ely of Chi- cago. Kocsis Stars Kocsis…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

… here today to even the two-game series at one decision apiece. Coach Ray Fisher altered his bat- ting order for today's game and the change had its effect in the fifth in- ning when the Wolverines

… had the edge in extra bases, getting a triple and single to Regeczi's double and single. c Williams' triple came in the third inning and paved the way for the first Wolverine run of the afternoon…

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