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January 12, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

… W ,-A t !A t 12, 194#- Hoopsters T~I~ ~cti~AN ATIM i Lose SE A Wolverine Mermen Face Improved Purdue Squad It will be another case of pupil versus coach at Lafayette this Saturday when Purdue…

… coach Dick Papenguth sends his Boilermaker mermen against Matt Mann's Wolverines. Papenguth, who has been doing a good job of building up Pur- due's swimming fortunes, was one of Mann's early pupils at…

… delayed the team's arrival back to Ann Arbor by about a week. Wolverine coach Vic Ileyliger announced yesterday that he had called off the scheduled weekend series with Yale and Princeton because of the…

… announced that he was cutting downi on the number of team practice ses- sions for the same reason. It would have been the second meeting with Princeton and would have given the Wolverines a good MERLE LEVIN…

… the Wolverines idle until final examinations are over. Then on January 29th and 31st, the Maize and Blue pucksters entrain for Houghton to play a two game series with Michigan Tech. In the Michigan Tech…

… sris, tC Wolverines will be out to get a. fly- ing start on the mid-western NCAA berth. It is, as last year,1 being decided between Michigan, Minnesota and Michigan Tech,a with Nortt lDakota ain outside…

… in two losses for the Wolverines, 45-31 to Minne- sota, and 45-36 to Purdue. In Saturday night's contest with the Gophers the Wolverines were obviously working under ter- rific pressure, and tightened…

… games. AFTEIC TAKING a shot from the floor the Wolverines did not consistently follow through to pick up the rebounding ball. t ichigan's ball handling was ragged too. They just couldn't hang on to the…

January 12, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, JANTJARY 12, 1916 THE .-MICHIGAN DAILY Cagers Wip Chic g; Alk wimillers Wolverines Run Up 23-0 Count in Early Minutes l Elliott, Feinberg Lead Team with 13 Points By The Associated…

… Press CHICAGO, Jan. 11--The Univer- sity of Michigan racked up its second Western Conference basketball vic- tory tonight as the Wolverines over- powered the University of Chicago, back in competition…

… " established at the expense of the hapless Maroons, in 1943. The other new mark of the current season was set during a lgsing per- formance. The Wolverine cagers chalked up 58 points while falling be- fore…

… first time in some years Michigan may not be represented at the Millrose games in Madison Square Garden due to the Ohio State-Pur- due-Michigan triangular track meet scheduled for the same day. Wolverine

January 12, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

… during this thirty minute period. The Wolverine lines did just about everything in the books in an effort to score, but Reid just wouldn't be beaten. Twice, Bob Kemp had goals called back on him. Kemp, who…

… best swimmers in the state will be here. Team's Secdnd Showing Michigan fans will jump at the chance to see their own Wolverines in action for the first time against outside compeitition. This will be…

… 17 Points for Northwestern I Wolverines Fade in Second Half ; Doyle Leads Scorers at 8I By DES HOWARTH EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 11.-North- western, turning on a barrage of bas- kets in the second half…

…, added another on a dog- shot, and it looked as though the Wolverines would have a good eve- ning. Graham, high-point gainer in the fray with 17 points, bucleted his first three points on a foul toss and a…

… neat pivot shot. Then, after the Var- sity had gone ahead again, Otto add- ed another three points. The game at this point became especially rough with the Wolverines on the losing end and as a result…

… the Evanston lads stepped into the lead for keeps via free throws. Wolverines Fade From a Michigan standpoint the second half -was just a bad dream,. While Northwestern was playing steady, aggressive…

…, and clever ball, the Wolverines were clowning their way through this second stanza, help- ing the Purple cause no end. Doyle -paced the Maize and Blue point-getters with "eight counters. Strack added…

…, Mich-' igan's Varsity wrestling squad over- whelmed a Detroit YMCA team, 34-0, in its opening meet of the season at the Sports Building last night. The Wolverine matmen, completely outclassing the…

January 12, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

Wolverines made their best scoring spurt of the first half at this point, with Roberts, Suprun- Fazio Leads Crosby Open PEBBLE BEACH, Calif., Jan. -(RP)-Slender George Fazio 11 of Los Angeles took over…

… Yost Field in their season's debut. The Ohioans offered quite a threat throughout the first half of the evening but the Wolverines assumed control after the 155- pound match andretained it for the rest…

… 136- pound clash against Ohio's Tom Morgan and maintained the upper hand throughout the match. "Smitty"- outclassed his opponent 15 to 7 and pushed the Wolver- ines into a 6-3 lead. Wolverine Phil…

… Bet- zig's first appearance for the Maize and Blue. Betzig's timely win pushedthe Wolverines ahead 9 to 6 Courtright Scores Only Pin . Bill "Corky" Courtright, Michi- gan captain and NCAA 155-pound…

… boosted the Wolverine's total to 14 points. MikerUlyshen, Michigan's 175- pounder dropped a very close match to Ohio's Zeb Zedneck by a slim score of 2-0. Ohi's victory in this brackett put them back in the…

January 12, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRUM Wolverine CagersDrop Thriller To Boilermakers, Mandler Paces Varsity Attack With 13 Points Official Revokes Foul Shot Which Would Have Sent' Contest Into Overtime…

… cause no little by holding three Michigan right forwards scoreless. The Wolverines, defeated in their first two Big Ten starts, will go af- ter their opening Conference tri- umph tomorrow night when the…

… of the second period. The Wolverines didn't get theirl first score until the last minute ofj the first period when Bert Stodden broke into the clear in front of the net, after taking a pass from Paull…

… Goldsmith, and fired the disc into thel cords at 19:21. It didn't take the Wolverines long to go into the lead after the second period had started. Stodden tied it up by scoring on a long shot at 4:21 and…

… the middle session and three more in the closing 20 minutes. Bert Stodden, Ann Arbor senior, split honors with his co-defense- man, Capt. Charlie Ross, last night as the Wolverines defeated the…

January 12, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

… Evanston, Ill. Next Satur- day night the Wolverines square off with Purdue at Yost Field House for their second conference clash of the week. Wildcats Lose Key Men Against Northwestern the Wol- verines rate…

… squish, but a wide-awake spec- tator snatched it from the whirling wake before it disap- peared from sight. Shepherd finished the race with a unilue crab-like stride. But all in all, the Wolverine trackmen…

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