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March 25, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

… relay boys off to an early lead, which they maintained even though forced to splash to, a Conference record of 1:15 1-2 to defeat the Minnesota quartet. FAMOUS GERMAN WILL SPEAK HERE FIVE WOLVERINE MAT…

… round and annex a Big Ten and the public is cordially invited to title. The Wolverine 115 pounder attend. gained revenge for an earlier defeat Reverend Reiland's address is the by winning from Joe Sapora…

…-cuffed Wolverines, 50-45, over a great Cornell track team that had pre- viously annexed the Eastern intercol- legiate title. It was the only win for Michigan during the indoor season, and brought the year to a…

… success- ful close, running the string of Mich- igan successes to six in a row. In taking the extremely close sev- enteenth annual Cornell-Michigan dual meet, the Wolverines scored 7 firsts to 3 for Cornell…

… managed to keep it from Sey- to the world at large, will make his mour. The first Wolverine runner, third Ann Arbor appearance on Mon- Freese, ran about even with Treman, day night. April 2, in Hill…

… les than three inches, while Me- Queen Marie ofsRoumania, the Prince Kaig in third place was not two feet iof Wales, and many princes nld po-behind the Wolverine. A more thrill- tentates of Europe…

…. Mussolini usually ing finish could notbhemagined, these is mentioned in his speeches through three being all by themselves, with a discussion of Rogers' private and- the Wolverine rounding the last cure ience…

March 11, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

… largest to witness a Michigan team in action on the home mat, watched the Wolverines in their sec- ond consecutive attempt to break the Indians' long string of victories. All of the bouts were determined by…

Wolverine during the meet. Sauer went behind his rival after two min- utes of the bout had elapsed and, al- though Campbell managed to escape twice, the Michigan 145 pound star re-I newed his advantage on…

… the periodj 'WOLVERINE STAR BEATSWCAMPBELL Russell Sauer Holder of the Conference 145 pound title who completed his dual meet career as a Varsity wrestler by de- cisively defeating Campbell, Illinois…

… victories over all of the welterweights in the western division of the Big T'en, while the Wolverine has beaten all his rivals in the east- ern section. This victory stamps Sauer as a favorite to retain the…

… The Wolverines after placing two indoor track title here tonight with men in the semifinals of the sprint, a total of 31 points. Iowa was se- saw their potential point winners fade cond with 27 markers…

March 06, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

… prolonged debate on Muscle WITHS WOLVERINES, VARSITY ELI MI NATES WISCONSIN 4W% E I FROM CHAMPIONSHIP RACE, 42-18 (~ leie Rush Badgers Off Their Feet, I Outscoring 'Them More Than i Two To One OOSTERBAAN…

… ando titlc hopes were hidden behind the heavy veil of Michigan's over- p)owering attack andl tight (lefensive pliay last night in the fieldl house. The W'olverines rushed the 1 3adgers off their feet…

…, ending their college basketball career, in a fine display, divided honors with the 'sophomore who stands as a powerful threat who may do big things in future Wolverine basketball campaignis. Ernie Mc…

Wolverines in general andl Orwig in particuar', mak- ing six points in the first half thlough going scoreless thereafter. 1Mc Coy Cages Opener McCoy b~roke away into the clear and caged the opening basket of…

… into only by a Badger time- cut, in an effort to check the Wol- verines, Orwig counted two baskets and a free throw to put tb-c Wolves in an 11-4 lead. From this stage on, the Wolverines kept broadening…

Wolverines, who went through the whole game without a substitution. Tbe, Box Score - OosterbGaN 4, ..... Oorba, f........ Chapman, c. .. .....2 McCoy, g...........2 Harrigan, g. (C) .. 5 Totals .........18…

March 24, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…[ TODAY RED TEAM AND WOLVERINES HAVE IET ON SIXTEE PREVIOUS TIMES FEW MARKS ARE IN DANGER Injury To Spelman, Cornell Captain And Star, Gives Maize And Blue Slight Advantage By Clarence Edelson Cornell…

… tonight at Ithaca in the seventeenth dual en- counter since 1902 between athletes representing the rival institutions. The Wolverines have won an even dozen times. Injuries to Captain Spelman, holder of the…

March 03, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

… gain the Wolverines all the glory that goes with the distinction of being the only squad capable of mussing the Hoos- iers right in Bloomington during the 1928 campaign. Can Gain First Place Indiana, now…

…- ment to adequately represent it in the Wolverine defense unit delegated to Barker," that was given Iin the coup- ra n. Its fntonhIaihv guard him. Correll will be paired try at Rockford, and it was…

… first stock ortions and powers of the Pan-American Hoover managers for their stand in States losing representation: Aa was announced by Carleton Wells of trouble the sensational Wolverine for- ganization…

… loyalty that militant campaign for the Democratic cot'tstiWolverine,eandkTwain,twhiintcipally by the Polonsia Literary so- WYith Sandino Fo rces refusing to answer questions asked soetiihes is allowed to be…

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