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March 02, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 100) • Page Image 7

… figured to be close-with .perhar an edge to Tech because of hom ice. The teams return to An Arbor for a final pair next week end and then Michigan shou have the advantage. The Wolverines need two vie tories…

… story of fou Big Ten Championship meets-an a crucial hockey series. The longest trip finds Dail; Sports Editor Phil Douglis flyin to Houghton, Mich., where he ar rived last night to bring Wolverin hockey…

… thoroughly confused train ticket agent had mistakenly issued him a one-way ticket to the t (left) and Michigan Tech's Ray Motor City. he sidelines in a personal duel thisL ex-pupil of the Wolverine coach, is 1…

…Lodged at Northshore At present the Wolverine contin- gent, aong with the other eight visiting conference squads, is lodg- ed in the Northshore Hotel, here in the heart of the city. Two miles to the north…

…- nastic scene. This year Illinois could be de- throned by the Wolverines. Loken's crew displayed greater strength during the dual meet season by de- feating the Illini 57-55. On the merits of this victory…

… and the fact that the Wolverines have been gathering greater perfection all during the year, a Michigan vic- tory prediction looks like a good bet. However, there are certain fac- tors which mar such a…

… Michigan's Brendan O'Reilly. The Hawks' depth doesn't end here. Their mile-relay quartet was recently clocked in 3:19.9, second to the Wolverines' 3:17.4. Their broadjumpers - Earl Smith and Phil Leahy…

… Michigan's squad has done. Why, then, are the Wolverines favored? Overall balance and depth prob- ably account for giving the Blue the nod. A quick rundown of its entrants reveals this solidarity. In' the…

… Irishman to make the event a formidable one for the Wolverines. % The Michigan mile-relay team should once again prove its class. Bob Rudesill, George Gluppe, Bob Brown and Robin Varian function well as a…

March 02, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

… dual meet com- petition. Kaul is a junior letterman and hails from Saint Mary's, Penn- sylvania. He graduated from y Hill prep school, which also fos- tered Wolverine wrestlers Dick O'Shaughnessy, Joe…

… successive undefeated season. He now holds a string of 18 straight victories. How- ever, he will meet some very tough competition in his attempt Wolverines Illini Cindermen Again TI TpPuru To Beat in Big Ten…

… as Ed Casalicchio of Michigan State and Len Vyskos- cil of Northwestern, a team which handed the Wolverines their lone defeat this season. At Last! PURDUE G I Sexson, f..........4 Dunn, f...........5…

… final 10 minutes. But the winners cooled off considerably and had enough trouble hanging on to a part of their once sizable margin. * .* * ONLY A BIG difference in foul shooting prevented the Wolverines

… outdoor meet, as well as in the indoor title event, Coach Don Can- ham's Wolverines havebinvar- iably finished a hair's breadth behind the Illini. While their main object will be simply to derail the…

… week at Colorado Springs. The Wolverines swept past the front-running Gopher sextet 6-3, and 5-2, to wind up their West- ern Hockey League schedule on a triumphant note. Combined with the victory over…

… the Maize and Blue three out of four times during the regular schedule but were unable to stop the fired-up Wolverines when the chips were down. While the Wolverines may be a little more confident of…

March 02, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… finish line in that order for Michigan. The time was a medi- ocre 4:22.5. In the 880 the Wolverines also snared all honors. John Ross es- tablished a new dual meet record with a 1:54 performance, finishing…

… side horse and Lee Krumbholz spoiled a beautiful performance on the parallel bars ry slipping off, Harry Luchs and Duncan Er- ley provided the only bright spots in the Wolverine attack. Luchs, showing…

… and fourth behind him. This and the parallel bars were the only events in which the Wolverines outscored the Spartans; Mary Johnson and Krumbholz taking fourth and fifth places behind Luchs on the bars…

… on ice for the Wolverines. His goal came after John McKennell got the draw on a face-off in the Spartan zone and passed over to Keyes who blasted the puck past Reid from the edge of the face-off circle…

…. Konno set a meet record of 4:31.8 for the 440 and swam a 2:06.6 220-yard race which broke the Ohio State pool record for the distance, against the Wolverines. s * . JONES should give the Buckeye…

…Lachlan, winner of both the 220 and 440 last year, was beaten decisively by Jones in both distances two weeks ago. The Wolverines' Jeffries, who placed fourth in the 440 and fifth in the 220 in 1951, can be…

… race. The Wolverines' best' opportun- ity for a victory in the free-style events will come in the 400-yard free-style relay, where the Michi- gan depth should prove to be a decisive factor. Michigan beat…

March 02, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…, but not too much is known about Pieper, except that he has run under 4:17 and has possibilities of doing much better. The two mile race will be an- other crowd thriller, mainly on the basis of Wolverine

…. Just behind are Dick Kilty of Minnesota and Michigan's cap- tain, Jus Williams, both of whom have top performances of 9:26. Also grouped close in a bunch are Walt Jewsberry of Illinois, Wolverine Aaron…

Wolverines for a two-game series with the Hough- ton club. Three Wolverines, Wally Grant, Tigers.Be in Drills; Await PitchingAces By The Associated Press LAKELAND, Fla.-Detroit Tiger pitchers Hal Newhouser and…

… G A Pts. By HUGH QUINN "But I never can be as scared as I was when I was 16 years old." This is, what Wolverine swim- mer Dave Neisch tells himself be- fore the start of any big race. * * * AND THIS…

… one of the workhorses for the Wolverine squad, swimming three centuries. Dave swam the free style leg on the medley relay team that equalled the Big Ten record of 2:51.8. Neisch lays a good bit of his…

… to steady his stroke, which used to be jerky and wasteful. IN FACT, Neisch's stroke was so unsteady that ex-Wolverine breaststroker Bob Sohl once said, "I can watch Neisch swim and see a whole swimming…

March 02, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 102) • Page Image 3


… phenomenal unofficial time somewhere between 1:47.6 and 1:48.2. On Relay Team He was also a member of the Wolverine two mile relay team that set the 1954 indoor mark of 7:39.3 at the 14th annual Knights of…

… infiurnce of high school track coach Knuth. Knuth, a Western Michigan graduate, Wolverine track coach Don Can- ham. "Knuth made me a track man, and now Canham is polish- ing me up*" said Gray is summing up…

… hopes, so bright a few weeks ago, have tar- nished greatly in the interim period. At the half-way mark in the Big Ten race the Wolverines held down a first division slot with four victories in eight…

…. The Iowa contest last Saturday, which was no contest at all, seems to give the best indication as to why the Wolverines have not been up to par lately. Coach Buddy O'Connor's aggregation displayed a…

March 02, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…. wolverine Cindermen Top Buckeyes, 72-69 By JIM BENAGH Glenn Davis beat everything Michigan had to offer last night but he-couldn't overcome "lady luck," as the. Wolverines nipped the Buckeye trackmen in the…

…. margin. Falter in Relay Twice this season, Ohio had bet- tered the Wolverine quartet in meets, and had recorded the best mile relay time in the Big Ten- until Michigan State opened up with a 3…

…. When he came to the end of the lane he had to pull up quickly. Trying to get back to the running track, he jostled with Simpson and dropped his baton. "Every other team in the Big See WOLVERINES, page 3…

March 02, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…." -Daily-Dean Morton DON EADDY (33) TRIES TO PICK UP TWO POINTS FOR THE WOLVERINES. Cer Ni PdueTo Leave Big Ten Cellar By WARREN WERTHEIMER The Wolverine cage team put on a red-hot shooting exhibition last…

… Michigan State. The Boilermakers finished their Western Con- ference schedule with a 3-11 rec- ord. The Wolverines final contest ' will be at East Lansing Saturday R_ _AD__ E'_ night. * * * StrasO er THE…

… snapping out os" beginning its five-day run to- of his scoring slump, exhibited day at 8 p.m. in Lydia Mendels- the type of play he showed last sohn Theater. year when he led the Wolverine Praised by critic…

… Tickets are priced at $1.75, $1.40, up 19 points. $1.00 with a special student rate See WOLVERINES, Page 3 of 75 cents for opening night only. taken into custody. Four of the would-be assasins were…

March 02, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

… and Iowa as pos- sible dark horses. BOTH THE WOLVERINES and the Buckeyes are undefeated, but tied each other in one of the most thrilling matches ever seen in mamouth Yost Field House. Be- cause of…

… at 177 is also expected to contribute 7 valuable points to the Wolverine cause in his division. * * * ART DUNNE HAS shown con- siderable improvement during the I_ season despite a not too impres- sive…

… Sandura, Wolverine regu- U.S. Rallies In American Cinder Meet BUENOS AIRES-(A)-The Uni- ted States, trailing Argentina for team honors, reared back strongly yesterday to score a grand slam w in the 800…

… meet performances. * * * THIS YEAR the same situation exists for Michigan, which has the top Big Ten dual meet squad. The Wolverines have the balance that wins the dual competition, but not enough…

… perpetrated by the Wolverines who had previously been a lack- lustre quintet. Big League Nines Open .Workouts NEW YORK - P) - The "flu" bug and some 30 persistent hold- outs plagued major league base- ball…

March 02, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…, Gus Stager and Bob Wagener. The Wolverines' chief competitors in this race will be the aggregation from Ohio State. The Buckeyes are expected to enter Jack Taylor, Mike Stephanos and Bunny Nakama…

… retain their number one spot with the Wolverines in the dark horse position. Second place Iowa, weakened by the loss of their free style ace Wally Ris may still have a few things to say about the outcome…

…'s power- ful natators in their bid for a second straight Big Ten swimming championship with Matt Mann III, Wolverine captain and son of the coach. The three-day meet will get under way tonight in the I…

… from four great backstrokers, Taylor, Bill Sonner, Gordon Leaf or Joe Prata. The Wolverines will be on a more equal footing in the 200-yard breast stroke where Matt Mann can choose from among Olympic…

March 02, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 100) • Page Image 6

… O'Reil- ly swam the event i nthe fastest time of his career to cop third place honors for the Wolverines. He finished just four seconds be- hind ther Buckeye's Jerry McNa- mee, although at one point…

…. Gus Stager's Wolverines have garnered only four points giving them a third. The remainder of the list includes Iowa with two and Michi- gan State with a single point, fol- lowed by the other four squads…

March 02, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

… successful" flight. Israeli T- To Pa Itrol Vacated Aa TRACK wolverine Title Hopes Look Dim By ROBERT BOLTON Special to The Daily COLUMBUS, O. - Barring the unexpectetd, Indiana should be crowned the new…

… get some fantastic perform- ances today, all Indiana will have to do to win the title is show up for the meet. The Wolverines figured to score heavily in the shot put and high jump and will probably get…

… competition since 1941. A serious blow was dealt to Wolverine title hopes when sopho-i more Milt Robinson pulled up lame in his heat of the 600-yd. dash. Robinson Out Robinson was slated to run in today's mile…

… relay and his absence could cause Michigan upwards of 10 points. The Wolverines and the sur-; prising Northwestern team, figured; as no more than another entry in1 the meet, tied for the most first places…

March 02, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

… diver and BOOK SALE OVERBECK BOOKSTORE 1216S. University trampolinist. These two plus the Wolverines' Dick Kimball and Ed Cole will be competing in two var- sity meets this afternoon. The swimming meet…

… Schollenbarger in five of the seven events, and will join Wolverine Nick Wiese in the fly- ing rings for his sixth attempt to gain points for the 'M' squad. Nary Leads Pack By One 'In Golf Open BATON ROUGE, La…

… ... double duty JIM PACE .. . qualified in 60-yd. dash of :50.2 was almost a full second off MSU's Dave, Lean's winning time of :49.3 in his heat. Another first place Wolverine finish, but in second best…

… bowed to the Wolverines in an overtime duel, 2-1, in the semi- Moore Plans To Quit Ring SAN DIEGO, Calif. (R) - Light heavyweight champion Archie Moore said Friday he planned to retire from the ring after…

March 02, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 101) • Page Image 6

… Berry and Jan Eckfeld, a member of the Secretariat, wonder how they will ever wade through the piles of SL correspondence. The wolverine is patiently waiting his turn to be put in the mails, in answer to…

… requested a live wolverine. ANOTHER ODD request was recently received from a Univer- sity of Oklahoma student song writer who wants SL to help put his new song on the hit parade. The Secretariat does not…

March 02, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

… TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION: MIAMI - Fly round trip! Wolverine Special $79.61 plus tax. Will leave on April 5 and return Sunday, April 14. Call RICH- ARD'S TRAVEL AGENCY, NO 2-7414. )G29 FOR SALE DIAMOND RINGS…

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