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March 02, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY s __ MOWN" Miehigan Cagers Overpower Northwestern in 53-41 Win Mandler Is H igh Scorer for Wolverines As Michigan Wins Final Cage Contest Three Conference Meets…

… Doyle, and Mel Comin, playing in their last college game, led the Wolverine at- tack that gave its greatest display of offensive power. Mandler poured 16 points through the hoop before being put out on…

… fouls midway in the sec- ond half to- lead the Wolverine scor- ers. Michigan took the lead at the start on a basket by Doyle and were never headed thereafter. Every one of the seven players took part in…

… the scor- ing as the Wolverines rolled up their second highest score in Big Ten com- petition this year. The game was especially rough, with 34 fouls being called, 21 of them against Michigan. Besides…

…. Good tunity. Follett's Michigan store. 322 S. State. LOST and FOUND typist. 2935. handle oppor- Book- Wolverines Favored for Track Title Michigan rules as favorite to cop the 1943 indoor Conference…

… crushing defeat of Qhio State's defending Big Ten champions in a dual meet here last week, 751/2 to 2812. Despite the Buckeyes' poor showing against the Wolverines Coach Doh- erty declared that the 1942…

… of the Wolverines appears to be in top physical condition, hav- ing come through the dual meet last week unscathed. Coach Doherty plans to take a squad of twenty men to Chicago. Fif- teen men who will…

… three matches and lost one in Big Ten competition. The only loss, a 25 to 3 drubbing at the hands of a fighting Illini squad, indicated just who the Wolverines will have to watch. Last year the Varsity…

… made a field goal and Mandler. had retaliated with, a pivot shot, Russ Wendland put the Wildcats within one point of the Wolverines with a one-handed sliot from far out. Then Michigan took the situation…

March 02, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

… FOOD Excellent Service ; 6 to 7:30 o'clock MAIN DINING ROOM j MICHIGANI UNION Marks Topple As Wolverines Triumph, 62-421 Puckmen, Cagers Lose; Wres tlers Defeat Navy Ufer Sets 440 OSU's, Wright 11…

Wolverines will be nothing but cinches to handily capture the Con- ference title next weekend in Lafay- ette. Don't bring the old records of past performances to the Double's headquarters and begin pointing…

… needs iexrie"Kautz Ties Record Running a fine race, Kautz equaled Dye Hogan's meet mark of last year in the 880, winning from Wolverine Jack Dobson by about five yards in the fast time of 1:56. . The…

… Michi- gan junior took the lead on the last lap and won going away. Sophomore Dave Matthews finished third to give the Wolverines a sweep and nine points in the event. In the grueling two-mile run lanky…

…:45.2. The quartet of field event winners was headed by big Bob Hook, veteran shot-putter, who turned in a fine heave of 47 feet 8%12 inches, bettering Buckeye George Simmons by almost two feet. Wolverine

March 02, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

… enough to match the Wolverine balance. Tommy Powell, the diver, is one that the Michigan lads will have to conquer in the Big Ten meet next week, and tonight's outcome will give Matt Mann a clear idea of…

…, 44-26, which had beaten Purdue and trampled over Michigan. Gil Mickelson, who was benched the night of the first battle with the Wolverines, has been pacing Ohio in its victory run. He is tenth in the…

… and promises to provide the Wolverines' toughest competition to date. Coach Keen's matmen left yester- day noon for their last dual encount- er before the Conference Meet, March 8 and 9. The strong…

…. Jordan came out of the recent Ohio State fracas with an injured neck and may not wrestle, gridder Jack Butler making the trip as a 'likely substitute. The remaining Wolverine lineup will be the same that…

…- lege (Iowa), Ohio, and Illinois, the Wolverines' other stumbling block. Indiana has lost several men due to injuries, including Lazarra, 155 pound Big Ten champ. Joe Roman, 145, has been weak- ened by…

…- night as he leads the Wolverines against a fast and colorful Paris, On- tario Athletic Club in the season's last game at the Coliseum. "With a good, fast, clean playing team on the ice, it should be about…

…- ation of defenseman Larry Calvert. White-washed in their last four games against Michigan Tech and Minnesota, the Wolverines will have another tough goalie to face in the person of Larry England, Paris…

…........... Delta Theta Pi'........... Phi Chi ....... .......... Independents Robert Owen House...... Hillbilly A.C............... Wolverines............. Forestry Club.. ........ Hiawatha Club…

March 02, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 103) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SU Thinclads Down Wolverines, 62-52 in Final Indoor l Traek Meets Rescheduled Thinelads To Miss Annual Penn Relays Coach Ken Doherty revealed a re-shuffling of the balance of…

… tragedy in the Boilermaker Field House was abolished yesterday when the Wolverines received a telegram from Purdue officials stating def- initely that the meet would be held as usual. YOUi CALL 'EM…

Wolverine grappler who has seen considerable varsity experi- ence during the current campaign. West Tebeau lost a tightly con- tested decision to Jerry Breutar of MSC, 4-1. Tebeau scored an 8-6 victory over…

… maintain quite an im- pressive winning streak. The meet closed with two heavy- weight exhibition matches in which Don Goldman, of MSC, de- feated Dave Gomberg and Spartan Bob Schardly downed Wolverine Den…

… outfielder-De- troit's regular right fielder-and the club's leading hitter. CHUCK BIRDSALL . . Michi- gan distance star who paced the Wolverines to two firsts against O.S.U. in the mile and two-mile events…

March 02, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

… considered favorites to win the Western Con- ference track and Field championship held at Champaign this week- end.. . By no stretch of the imaginations can the Sophomore-laden Wolverines be figured on paper…

… seven. That's a real concentration of strength. Their total of 45 points will put them well in front of their near- est rivals which should be Illinois and Michigan in that order. Thee Wolverines and the…

… weight divisions. The 50-yd. free style figures to All men interested in participat- be a battle between Wolverine ing may sign up at either Water- Dick Weinberg and Keith Carter man Gym or the I…

… has been able to demonstrate his abilityaonly against the shorter teams. NOW IN HIS LAST season for the Wolverines Mik feels that it's his best. This conclusion is due mainly to his performance in the…

March 02, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 103) • Page Image 7

…, the Wolverine natator has set the following new records: 1S-yard individual medley- 1:32.9 (New American record). 150-meter individual medley Special to The Daily WINDSOR, Ont., March 1 - --1:47. (New…

… already lowered them in practice trials. Michigan's hockey team dropped a 6-5 decision to the Wind:or Hockey Club here tonight w:th two Wolverines sitting in the penalty box as Spitfire Louis Tallatto…

…. slow minutes, Ted Greer started off the evening's festivities when Bob Marshall in- tercepted a Spitfire pass in the corner, passed to Greer in front of the nets, and the Wolverine put it in the nroat9 8…

… ries and break a seas'on- long road game jinx. The Wolverines, controlling both baekboards from the open- inmg whistle, were in command throughout the game, despite a Spirtan surge that moved the scere…

…-6 lead. Wierda tied it with a free throw and Pete Elliott put Michigan out in front and the Spartans never regained the lead. The Wolverines opened a comfortable 21-12 :rardan andl thcn went into a scoin…

…. Subject: "How's Your Cocoon?" Student Discussion Group, 7:30 p.m., Reading Rooms. Noonday Prayer services daily (except Thursdays) through Lent at 12:10. Visitors are welcome. inine corner at vU 01E riWolverines

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