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May 05, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 154) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MAY 5,1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE E # I SUNDAY, MAY 5,1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGF~ ~ r " as aw w: .;a u . v. . Diamondmen Sm Hard-Hitting Wolverines Clout Wildcats, Take Lead in…

…-3, 12-5, double vic- tory over Northwestern. The sweep coupled with sec- ond game losses by Minnesota to Illinois and Iowa to Purdue gave the Wolverines undisputed pos- session of first place in the Big…

… Ten. The Wolverine pitching staff added fine relief work by Glenn Girardin and Jim Clark to secure the victory. John Herrnstein started the first game for Michigan master- fully, allowing three hits in…

… seventh allowing one more hit. He retired the side in the' last two innings to give the Wolverines the win. Michigan went ahead 4-0 in the second inning. Steve Boros lead off with a single. After Ralph…

… Vukovich and Ernie Myers fol- lowed with a single scoring Sig- man and Dickey. The Wolverines increased their lead to 6-0 in the fifth when Bruce Fox got to first on an er- ror by the Wildcat shortstop…

… .333 1 2 .333 Special to The Daily CHICAGO-Wolverine Ed Gag- nier, captain-elect of next winter's 'M' gym team, placed sixth in the parallel bar finals of the National AAU Gytnnastics Meet here last…

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