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March 28, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 152) • Page Image 11

… Three New Marks; Robie Only 'M' Winner in National Meet Iowa State Wins NCAA by One Point; Wolverines Come in Fifth in Team Race Special To The Daily AMES, Iowa-Despite Indiana's one-two-three sweep in…

… place effort helped the Wolverines to a respectable fifth place finish in the national championships. Iowa State, using an unexpected 177 pound victory, upset powerful Oklahoma State 87 to 86 for the…

…, lost to Buz Hayes of Arizona State, but came back to beat Jim Crider of Colorado State 6-4 for the fifth place crown. Wolverine Chris Stowell lost both his matches and had to settie for sixth place. He…

…-The final nine holes of the Miami Invitational golf tourn- ament proved disastrous for the Michigan Wolverines here yester- day as they soared to 310 and had to settle for a disappointing sixth place finish…

Wolverines only two behind Miami with 1219. "It hurts terribly - especially with OSU up there" said a dis- heartened Bert Katzenmeyer after the tournament. "But they played superbly, and we just couldn't have…

… been worse on that back nine. We kicked away a possible third place finish." Friday the Wolverines had put together four strong rounds, card- ing an impressive 295 and after nine holes here yesterday…

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