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March 28, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

… strong teams entered and should press the Wolverines for first honors. Strong Breaststroke Entries. Ted Moles, Princeton ace and in- tercollegiate record holder, will have to outswim a fast field in order…

Wolverine Wrestlers BaseallCanidaes ontnueWaterman gymnasium available courts will also be demanded be-; Indoor Batting Sessions; for this sport. Today a large per- yond their capacity. Handball ap- to…

… combine while the last of the trio is a mat- are high among the Wolverine dia- time. pleasure, keen competition, and an who has been showing grea mond clan for play early next week The regulations which are…

Wolverine mentor. Deprived of !IC L high school basketball team at a and Blue gained last season in fin- the services of two promising soph- 1meeting of the lettermen held Wed- ishing the meet as runners up…

… ficient promise to bear considera- sibilities of developing a team time another captain will be elect- of the Wolverine entries, Hewitt, tion, but when play begins in ear- to wear the Maize and Blue against…

…- fending, Wolverines. +sions. of New York or Chicago. i nial champions. In the outfield Captain Harvey --- --- - (Continued on P'age 9) Associated Press Photo - Garnet Ault (left) of Michigan, George Kojac…

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