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February 24, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 102) • Page Image 6

… sea- s n, will encounter Coach Matt Mann's Wolverine tank squad Saturday in the 1t (Union pool. .~: 3$ I v'-.Led by Captain Manovitz, victor over Captain Samson of the Michigan team last year in a dual…

…- Wolverines had held 'ife Athletic, Council, and it is under- ' till that time. The final score was stood they will appoint both men to 3-2. Maney and Gabler scored the avoid friction. Michigan points in the…

… outfit. Indiana's star heavyweights, Wilson and Fisher, will meet the Wolverine - entries. These men are recognized as the best men in their weights in the Conference and Wilson held the 175 pound Big Ten…

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