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April 03, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

Wolverine baseball players will leave Ann Arbor at 3 p.m. today to embark on their an- nual spring swing through the sunny South for an eight-game series with Dixieland opponents. The list chosen by Coach Ray…

… Chamber- lain and Howard Greenberg. Outfielders: Captain Charlie Pink, Fred Trosko, Don Holman and Davie Nelson. Open Against Tar Heels The Wolverines, who have had but three days of outdoor practice, will…

… Michigan's links squad will join the southward trek of Wolverine athletes early Thursday morning when they head for the other side of the Mason- Dixon line on their. annual spring trip. The squad which will…

… joined by sophomores John Leidy, Dave Osler and Goodwin Clark, in addition to Ken Johnson, a senior. The Wolverines will open their season Saturday at Knoxville against the Volunteers of Tennessee. The…

… three days' competition in the South- ern Intercollegiate Meet. eet Tennessee gement Saturday This will be Michigan's first en- try in this meet, and the Wolverines will be pitted against the pick of the…

… South's college golfers. Courtright does not expect his team to run off with any honors in the meet, for while the Wolverines will have had only three days of outdoor practice behind them, the Southern…

… golfers will be benefitted by their year-round outdoor play. At the conclusion of the meet which will last from April 11 to 13, the Wolverines will pack their bags and head northward. Two days later the…

… 20. Last year, the Wolverines com- pleted their Southern tour with a record of four straight wins against no defeats. They were rained out in two of the scheduled matches. Georgia Tech fell before them…

…, guard; and Walter Fish, Fletcher Hall. ' . season, 14-4. -1 AI Mike Sofiak will again hold down the regular shortstop berth for the Wolverines as they head for the sunny South. Mike is an excellent…

… will probably be this lineup that will open for the Wolverines. r STADIUM HILLS I GOLF COURSE NOW OPEN! .. at SOUTH MAIN and CUT-OFF ROAD I U S MAY N FESTIVAL Tigers Trim Washington, 4-2, In…

May 03, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 153) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FR"DAY.x, MY.ux 7, Practice Bouts Reveal Campus BoxingTalent Coach Larson Makes Find In Flake, Golden Gloves Champion;_Reiger Stars Wolverine Basketball Hopes Raised But…

… sixth place showing of the past year are Jack Barry, ace Wolverines pitcher (left), and Freddy Trosko, hard-hitting outfielder, are two of the promising graduating Michigan athletes who are considering…

… will be open because of ed the state championships, and the graduation of Capt. Jim Rae, one went to the quarter-finals. of the greatest all-around courtmen Vaughan, Hall Win the Wolverines have ever had…

March 03, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

….5. Williams, timed at :54.0, regained the lead for the Wolverines and gave Sharemet a two foot advantage at the start of the last century. Gus eased along as he pleased and pulled 10 yards in front of the…

… Wildcat an- chor man. The diving almost proved fatal to Mtt Mann's squad. Tom Powell, the long and lanky Northwestern ace, led the Wolverine entries through the first nine dives, but lost his ad- vantage in…

… breastroke in 2:27.1 with Johnny Haigh gaining the second place hon- ors. .. Wins Water olo Just as rie a Widcats were no match for the Michigan swimming balance, so the Wolverine water poloists found it hard…

… succession. But then the outclassed Wolverines gathered under their goal, clenched hands and decided to get together on things. Gus Sharemet followed this with a sensational goal from mid-pool which made him…

… Michigan's high scorer for the Wolverines never hit pay-terri- tory again. Benham started in the Michigan goal, but when the Wildcats proved he wasn't another "Spike" James, Beebe, then Haigh and finally…

… Larry Wehrheim followed in his place. But alas, it was all in vain. Going Was Rough The Wolverines were rough and tough. They stopped at nothing ex- cept the referee's whistle as they phdughed over the…

Wolverines a chance to break fast or set up plays. After trailing by only six points at the half, Mich- igan never got closer than seven points to the Bucks. Both Michigan and Ohio flooded the floor with…

… through the Paris defense, grabbed the rolling puck and shoved it into a corner of the net. The Wolverines had been blanked in their four pre- vious games with Michigan Tech and Minnesota. Paris tied it up…

May 03, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 153) • Page Image 18

…-miler Jim Rae, half-miler Dye Hogan, milers Tommy Jester and Kirl Wis- ner, and two-miler Brad Heyl will be gone from the Wolverines. So, Ken Doherty faces a huge task when he tries to build still an- other…

… Ackerman should come through with many points for the Wolverines in the two-mile. Hurdlers Strong The best group of hurdlers the frosh team has had will come up to reinforce Jeff Hall, Ray Gau- thier, and…

… relay teams take Drake relay titles. May 3: Wolverine athletes spend today in mourning, etc. Ib Cordial Greetings To You All This Summer The Pretzel Bell 4 . o . of the Women Students while fashioning…

July 03, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

… be taken into adjustments. The "Independence Whirl," an in- formal dance sponsored by the Wol- verine Student Co-Operative will be given from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. tomor- row at the Wolverine Building…

… awarded. The re- cordings of Glen Miller and his or- chestra will be featured during the affair. Table reservations may be made in the Wolverine Lobby or by calling 2-1124. The committee in charge of the…

May 03, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

… Ten baseball pennant, Michigan's floun- dering Wolverines face a formidable Illinois nine at Champaign this af- ternoon and tomorrow. And if Capt. Charlie Pink & Co. wish to keep alive their meager titu…

…- lar hopes, it'll take a decided rever- sal of the form the Wolverines have displayed in the last three home games to turn back the Illini. Hot on the trail of Iowa's league- leaders, Coach Wallie…

July 03, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…, July 4th. The Michigan Wolverine will hold an "Independence Whirl" from 8:00- 11:00 p.m. July 4th. All summer students are cordially invited. There will be a door charge of fifteen day, July 5, from 9…

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