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October 27, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

… THIRD PARTY BLUES See Page 4 dlw 43attu FAIR AND MILD Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS IFC Asks Special AlumniMeeting Controversial 2.4 Fraternity Grade Requirement To Be Discussed The Inter-Fraternity Council took action on the controversial 2.4 fraternity grade requirement last night in a motion requesting a spe- cial meeting of the Interfraternity Alumni Con...…

October 27, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…_s _r Sra wvsn it a yra rr® i s rr ,u_- :=.-t-2 s: - - .,.:e.-:.... ....®.-... ..m .. " J L 41LJL &TJL N"A 1'.LJL V.CJ..L I 1.11'.1 JU x .. .. r .. .... :.. s'. : " ... ac . . i t. ,_ . . . . what's Up in the Dorms I (Editor's note: Contributors to What's Up in the Dorms should contact Do- lores Palanker at The Daily or 105 Betsy Barbour.) Chicago House, West Quad, is holding a political forum in their lounge at 7 p.m. today. Harry Lus...…

October 27, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…WENEDA . GPEI"7.198 TTT W A V . A £ A rM .THE 1ICIIItAN.-DAII.Y r . . . . .. .. . . ... _. .. . a-a . ~ l . L A R . A _ ._. LINEMAN OF THE WEEK: Stellar Defensive Work Earns McNeill Award Wolverines Again L ee c in A P Pol n. By BOB VOKAC Ed "Scotty" McNeil, nemesis of Gopher punters, proved his claim to fame as "Lineman of the Week" as he turned in a stellar perform- ance in last week's tilt with Min- nesota. McNeill, though, ...…

October 27, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…r eQtr6dt I Third Party Blues "Waleli It, Budi". (Editor's Note is written by Managing Editor- Harriett Friedman.) THE 'LOFTY sure-to-be-elected attitude of the Republicans has taken on a slightly pleading tone. In Republican papers throughout the country I have been reading actual pleas for the election of Republican senators. With Gov. Dewey's election assured, according to these papers, the United States can't afford to have a Senate d...…

October 27, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 32) • Page Image 5

… i t;1 i. A F11 -. - s a. r.r r au va.i i vaaa .af S.i I 1 '. _. Coeds Pledge Six Sororities As Informal Rushing C loses Results of informal rushing have been announced by Christine Blair, rushing secretary of Pan- hellenic Association. The pledges of Alpha Delta Pi are Anne Billinghurst, Patricia Cousins, Jo Ann Green, Barbara Hurlbut, Portia Prettie and Elaine Rittmeyer. Collegiate Sorosis pledged Joan Aschenbrenner, Rosalie Brown, Dol...…

October 27, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 32) • Page Image 6

… TTfTI 1WTCTTTITAN IbAITY WEDNR~DAY. OCTOBER 27, 1941 U Law School Announces New Requirement for Admission The University Law School has announced its decision to require all applicants for admission to take the "Law School Admission Test." Sponsored by a substantial number of the nation's leading law schools, the test determines legal aptitude lnd intelligence, and is now required by the ma- jority of highly accredited schools as a cond...…

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