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May 07, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

… the fifth. The five- onds in Michigan's 8-0 drubbing of Illi- run fifth began like the first with the nois yesterday, has won all five a line single to right field by Si of the Wolverines conference…

… six and Spicer, but Simonds was hits in the game, and received thrown out in an attempt to take plenty of help from his team- third.X mates as the Wolverines clouted Right-fielder Bara advanced to 14…

… inning when ed with a sacrifice fly by pitcher Dick Schryer, who had singled and Reed to bring Sygar home. advanced to second on a walk to The remaining two Wolverine Scalp huml, 8-0 were scored in the…

… third and, th. In the third Tanona walk- and was driven home on sin- by Spicer and Simonds. Sim- s, like Bara, had two RBI's for day. monds crossed the plate with final Wolverine run in the eighth frame…

… and all three of the doubles contests. The only Wolverine to lose in singles was Ed Waits, who lost the number four singles match to Wildcat Dave Crook, 6-3, 6-2. The other Michigan singles players all…

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