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June 02, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 150) • Page Image 16

…GE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine Cagers Only Sport To Fail in Quest of Big Ten Cr By BILL MULLENDOIIE 1943-44 was just another year as far as Michigan basketball was con- cerned as Coach…

… was estab- lished as one of the Big Ten favorites in pre-season dope. However, the Wolverines got off to a bad start and by the time they straightened out, any chance for a championship was lost. The…

…, 46-44. With a perfect record of three wins in as many outings, the Wolverines went confidently into a two-game series with a powerful Western Michigan quintet and were humbled in both tilts, 48-38 and…

… played his first game as regular center in this tilt and brought much acclaim .for his aggressive backboard tactics. The following night the Wolverines played host to Illinois, Conference champs of the…

… worked for a lost cause. The next week-end, the Wolverines entrained for Purdue and another two-game duel. The first contest went into overtime before the Boiler- makers eked out a 46-44 triumph. Strack…

… 27 points .as the Buckeyes won the first 53-49, and was effectively stopped in the second which Ohio State took 51-37. Wolverines Win Two from Indiana Against Indiana the following week-end, the Maize…

… the second. The hapless Chicago Maroons were the Michigan victims in the next game as the Wolverines poured on a 71-34 drubbing. Oosterbaan's charges closed the season with a surprise 50-45 upset of…

… tally the first points fory Purdue. Chip Warrick then registered three more points to the Wolverine total as he decisioned Bob Armstrong. However, the Boilermakers had a lot at stake in this meet and they…

June 02, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 150) • Page Image 18

… overtake Jens- wold's commanding lead: Marcellus Is Runner-Up Phil Marcellus, Wolverine captain all year and only civilian player, was runner-up for individual honors as he carded a 155, including a 79 on…

… round, carding an 84, but came back to knock nine strokes off his morning score. Paul O'Hara was the fifth Wolverine player and shot a 79 and 81 for 160, but although his score was lower than several…

… workouts that the Wolverines ob- tained the fine coordination they displayed at the conference meet. The Wolverines opened the season with an overwhelming 18-0 victory over the University of Detroit Titans…

…-6 setback. Broncos Swamped For the second week in a row the Wolverines were on the road and following a 25-2 victory over West- ern Michigan traveled to South Bend and received their second and last defeat of…

… Conference tennis race, that in a few words sums up the success of the' Wolverine netters for the past sea- son under the guidance of Coach Le- roy Weir. The Maize and Blue concluded the recent campaign with a…

…- tle for the championship settled itself into a two-way fight between Michi- gan and Ohio State. Michigan Wins Four Titles Individual Wolverine champion- ships were racked up in three singles flights…

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