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April 02, 2012 (vol. 122, iss. 120) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - April 2, 2012 -3B Wolverines finish first, second, fourth at Georgia Tech By DYLAN MCKENZIE While the team felt like the For the Daily winning times could…

… them. Invitational, the small group of "The object of the sport is to Wolverines had a strong show- beat people," McGuire said. "And ing. we certainly did today." After sending the entire team Added…

… meet was for the Wolverine trio, it was a not goingto have a Michigan fla- success, but the three have their vor to it. sights on improving and get- The 1,500-meter race clearly ting ready for bigger…

… ALEJANDRO ZUNIGA For the Daily The Michigan women's row- ing team adopted a more rigorous training program over the win- ter, and it paid off on Saturday as the third-ranked Wolverines won nine events at…

… Griggs Reservoir in Columbus. A week after defeating Princ- eton and defending national champion Brown, both of the Wolverines' varsity-eight squads went unbeaten, sweeping No. 12 Michigan State and No. 9…

… a new practice reg- "Her hard work is paying off." imen implemented by the coaches The Wolverines also won the this year. Borrowing tactics first varsity-four against Michi- from other elite programs…

… stressed that the Wolverines are not competing at the level he expects. He noted several techni- cal issues that he hopes his new training program will alleviate quickly. "It was a good day, but all of our…

… only home event of the season on April 14th, as the Wolverines continue their prepa- ration for the Big Ten Champion- ships. "We have a lot of seniors, and this is their last chance to win a Big Ten…

Wolverines tried to forget about Wednes- day's .unfortu- nate game and ught a focus solely on playing well ys really in the Big Ten opener. d up. "I don't think the loss to Eastern really had that much to do…

…-goal lead for the fourth time in the game. The Wolverines would not score after that, though, as Indi- ana scored twice in the final three min- Fournier added yet another tally to her record- breaking sea…

April 02, 2012 (vol. 122, iss. 120) • Page Image 9

… and only struck out one Gold- end in the en Gopher. Wolverines' MICHIGAN 3 "That came out of nowhere," favor, as MINN. 6 Maloney said. "You can't, against they lost all good pitching, end up giving up…

… Michigan (0-3 Big Ten, 12-16 But Minnesota's quick lead was overall) on Friday. He pitched the too much for the Wolverines to first six innings but was taken out overcome. after giving up nine hits and six…

… allowing Friday. This was the fifth-consec- four hits and three runs. utive game in which he got more "Our starting pitching has been hits than any other Wolverine. outstanding throughout the year," But…

…. After splitting the dou- bleheader with Indiana on Saturday, the 20th-ranked Wolverines (5-1 Big MICHIGAN 3 Ten, INDIANA 2 24-10 overall) MICHIGAN 2 came INDIANA 7 back with a 7-2 win MICHIGAN 7 on Sun…

… (Sunday), we came with a fresh look and we got the job done." The Wolverines got on the board early in Sunday's match- up with an RBI single by Lane in the first inning. And in the third, the Escondido…

…, and Doyle said Chidester and Lane were integral in the Wolverine offense in the third game of the weekend. "I think this weekend, both of them together, they just did awesome," Doyle said. "Any time we…

April 02, 2012 (vol. 122, iss. 120) • Page Image 12

…4B -April 2, 2012 The Michigan Daily - T 'M' places 10th at LSU PAUL SHERMAN/Daily Senior defenseman Rob Healy and the Wolverines made a second-half comeback but couldn't topple…

… quarter, and producing his own three- goal run in the third. The seven-goal performance by Cohen was something that the Wolverines had yet to see before this season, but they know they will have to learn…

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