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February 02, 1975 (vol. 85, iss. 103) • Page Image 8

… in his arsenal that would have been better off left at home. For the first time this year, his Michigan Wolverines opened with a zone defense. The Wolverines also unleashed a three-guard lineup con…

…- sisting of Steve Grote, Dave Baxter and Joe Johnson at the end of yesterday's first half. The Wolverines, who have had to overcome a height dis- advantage all year, went right to a zone in the first minutes…

…, blistered the Wolverine defenses with excellent perimeter bombing. The junior guard, subpar in the last few games, explained' the drastic' changes he's made to crack his slump. "I've tried a lot of things to…

… their counterparts 33-16. Lack of height and rebounding strength has plagued the Wolverines all season, proving fatal against Indiana, Minne- sota, and now Purdue. If Michigan is to have any chance for a…

… LAFAYETTE - Bruce Parkinson broke a season-long scoring slump and sophomore forward Gerald Thomas came off the bench to dominate the boards, as the Purdue Boiler- makers sped past the Michigan Wolverines 75…

… mononucleosis, grab- bed a game high nine rebounds and chipped in 12 points. Hoping to contain their tall- er foes, the Wolverines opened the game in a 1-2-2 zone de- fense. But in the early go- ing, the caroms…

…-63. With the momentum flowing to Mich- With five mnutes gone, the strategy would enable the Boil- igan, Purdue wisely called Wolverines held a 14-11 lead, ers to blow Michigan out of time out. but in the…

… thought we The Wolverines could not igan rebounded, and on the re- played better in the second half match Purdue's 50 per cent first turn Johnson again drove the except for the first five min- half shooting…

…-rebounded M .*.. ... .. ...:............... Michigan 21-10, with Thomas, center John Garrett, and for- i wards W a l t e r Jordan and 1 der IWayne Walls decisively out- m ling their Wolverine coun- terparts. n…

…. ne other split this weekend as Minnesota-Duluth defeated tor d ae three-guard fese. Coach Dan Farrell's dekers last night 3-2. The Wolverines Orr said he made the move to add quickness, since the best…

February 02, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 103) • Page Image 7

… Bulldogs started their on- third period, when Pat Hughes slaught early, when Merv Kiryliuk and Randy Trudeau each scored and Lyman Haakstad each banged to bring the Wolverines back to home a rebound to give…

… that alty. The period ended 3-2. case you were worried, rest assured I goal, Wolverines will have to get Unfortunately, the Wolverines some help from their despised did not play well at all in the mid…

… match when Don Holm, a surprise entry at 167-lbs. against Wolverine John Ryan, was disqualified at the end of the period for using profanity. Ryan, who had just put together his best two min- utes; of the…

… th ,sixallandtheOver 50,000 students aided each at six all and the possibility of year. For FREE information on Wolverine defeat in the following student assistance program send two matches…

Wolverines by virtue of his own efforts after Hubbard's triumph. Dan Brink put everything he had ie IF Of9 into his match at 158 with Hawk- fUW W eye Chuck Yagla, but it was sim-f- ply not enough to avert a…

…-around. d would have placed second nd Gagnon with a 50.7, but e Schutt of Indiana finished nd with 49.15 as a result of d's eliminationsand Keeshin 3with 48.05 points. the rings, the Wolverines [y outscored…

February 02, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 102) • Page Image 11

… Vincent. And while he doesn't shoot often, he cashes in on the ones he takes. Donnelly's shooting percentage is better than all but Joel Thompson of the Wolverines starting five. But Donnelly hasn't caused…

… UPI, the Spartan's surely pose a problem for the up and down Wolverines. In fact, Orr and Assistant Coach Bill Frieder have yet to decide how the Wolverines will check up man for man against the…

February 02, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 102) • Page Image 7

… Wilmore is on, Campy is off. When the Wolverines shoot well, as they did against Indiana, they don't hustle. When they hustle, as they did against Iowa, they don't shoot well. They have winning ballplayers…

… Sands, Minnesota's Ron Behagen and against Wolverine Greg Syphax. Jmou Beper contesbriand arw tie Sands will also test the Big Ten for fourth in the Big Ten in tiat champion in the 440, Kim Rowe…

…. rdepartment. Ann Arbor Huron's state half- Wolverine Campy Russell is miler, Bob Mills, made a tre- ninth in rebounding with an 8.6 mendous breakthrough in t h e average. Michigan Relays ,clipping three Bob Nix…

…." The Wolverine field events are heavily dominated by the class of '76. The frosh will have to. supply the fireworks for victory. Using the freshmen in four out of the five field events last weekend, the…

…-mile with the Penn State speedsters.j In the other distance event, te mile, Wolverine cross-country har- riers Bill Bolsters, 4:07.8 and Fred Gault, 4:25.9, will need to improve. their best times to keep up…

… return engagement at the same time tomorrow in the Michigan Coliseum. After last weekend's double loss to the former cellar dweller Colorado College (an eight point series), Wolverine playoff hopes look…

… woefully dim. Two wins this weekend are an absolute must as Michigan is drawing very near mathematical elimi- nation. Captain Rick Mallette still leads the Wolverines in scoring with 6 goals and 18 assists…

February 02, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 103) • Page Image 11

… without any time left on .the clock, no new idols in Michigan basketball folklore to pay homage to. Instead, Indiana took advantage of numerous missed opportunities by the Wolverines, to win its twelfth…

Wolverines shot a pitiful 34.4 percent from the field in the first half, managing to stay barely afloat thanks to Alan Hardy's hot hand. Hardy was four of five in the first half and Michigan trailed the…

… two fine grap- plers; Wolverine Steve Bennett and the Hawkeyes' John Bowlsby.d n Saturday's match could be even more important to Michigan. Minnesota and Michigan are very equal. "If each team wins the…

February 02, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 102) • Page Image 10

… great schedule-maker. At a point in the seasons when the oft- injiured grapplers are at their season health apex, the Wolverines must wrestle against the number one and two schools in the nation, Iowa…

… standard by a mere 9/10ths of a second, two more Wolverines - James Grace and no one in the Wolverine camp in the 440 and Jim Stokes in the pole seems to think that their potentials vault - for the NCAA…

… Harvey. The Wolverine scoring power from all areas more than justifies the coach- ing staff's confidence in the squad. Even though the Michigan one-two punch in the mile was broken up by some outstanding…

… Valley State last night, 75-61. "It was closer than the score indicated," commented a spokeswoman for the team. Scoring for the Wolverines was center Abby Currier, high with 24 points. Freshwoman guard…

February 02, 1972 (vol. 82, iss. 95) • Page Image 6

… period to give the Wolverines the nod after 45 min- utes of intensely fought basketball. After Russell's shot, the Wolver- ines still trailed 96-95, but Johnson then hit two foul shots and fired a perfect…

… fouled Means attempting to get the re- bound. Although Russell and Johnson dominated the scoring with 40 and 27 points respectively, Wolverine coach Dick Honig termed the win an example of "a great team ef…

…- bucket to give the Wolverines their fort," crediing all seven of his winning margin. Doug Ashworth players who saw action. Honig e - - also had great praise for the Chip- pewa squad, which played Mich…

Wolverines also were both- ered considerably by a Central Michigan man-to-man press and committed numerous turnovers, helping the Chippewas' cause. For the Wolverines Russell and Johnson were backed up in…

February 02, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 101) • Page Image 7

… success to ear- E yh a chie ver By DON MAC LACHLAN R THE PAST two days the Michigan Wolverines have been practicing hard in preparation for the Indiana Hoosiers who in- vade Crisler Arena tomorrow night…

… trip. And the Wolverines are going to have to be prepared from now on as they embark on the toughest part of their schedule. The Hoosiers come into town knowing they cannot affordj another conference…

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