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May 05, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 148) • Page Image 3

…SATUiWAY, MAY 5, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Indiana Nine Blanks Wolverines " - * * * * * 4> Track Team OpensHome SlateToday By BYRLE ABBIN Many question marks will face the Wolverines this…

… their wins is an impres sive 15-12 victory over the Uni- versity of Detroit Titans, the same team which had earlier this year defeated the Wolverines by the same score. The University of Illinois is still…

Wolverine pair the Indiana batsmen accomplished. t. cut it short to fashion an early In the second inning with two men in. out and nobody on base, John In the second doubles contest Phillips, the Hoosier…

…-Curran dropped Over- fielder Jim Platis and when Gil holster and Dick MacDonald by Sabuco was unable to handle 6-2, the wayside 6-3, 6-0. Arnold Bowman's infield hit the T o d a y the Wolverines will Phillips…

… attempted to a hit ing when he was hit in the face score after the catch. iants by a grounder. He retired to the The Wolverines will try to even clubhouse for ice pack treatments up the series tomorrow when…

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