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June 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 176) • Page Image 6

… of the Wolverines. While the Michigan thinclads were tri- umphant in the all-Conference meet at Dyche Stadium, Evanston, the Varsity netmen were downing the Maroons in the final and de- cisive meet on…

… the tennis schedule. Outstanding among the achieve- ments of the Wolverines in the field of sport this year has been thc annexation of the Western Conference outdoor track and field title by the Farrell…

…. Score at Harvard.' In addition to winning the Con- ference title, the Wolverine track- sters were represented by six men. at the I. C. A. A. A. A. meet last' week-epd at Harvard. Against thei finest…

Wolverines' NE.W YORK, June 2.--The Phila_ Babe Ruth and Hack Wilson, were at their best, but the class of Only one game was scheduled delphia Athletics, climbing the up- home run sluggers extraordinary of…

… Boston Braves. Berger and Klein are staging a event. Brooks, the Wolverine discus j by a late rally on the part of the The Athletics won seven succes- close race for third place. hurler, tossed the platter…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 176) • Page Image 7

… TILDE N WOLVERINES WIN COCHET TRIUMPHS OVER TILDEN IN TRACI, T'ENNIS TO CAPTURE HARD COURT T1TJ (Continued From Page 6) --- - -------- Erip thoghte oth drig (Continued From Pa;e G) man's dccis'on iainst…

Wolverine nin under the the women's title for the third suc- and Tilden was leading in t(e see- guidance of Coach Fisher , con- cessive year by defeating Helen ond at 5-3 before tc Fren^h ac e tinued to loso…

…. -5, but Tilden brought it all cvc n less consistency. As a result of te g sagain on his Own service. Here Mrs. Moody vion, 6-2, 6-1,. and- - ragged playing the Wolverine cli- nclusi.vely d onstrated…

… relaxed a bit That s te winning Badger nine at 'Madisonfafter .the gallery hooted a lines- to play," said Tilden. to the tune of 10-4. This unex- nected feato nf the Wolverines was i "I LASSIFIEU…

…. Dial 3916. Moe best iC the- highlight of the season. After winning 20 consecutive dual! meets in .three years of Big Ten competition the Wolverine Varsity golf team suffered a relapse to- ward the end…

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