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March 02, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 103) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SU Thinclads Down Wolverines, 62-52 in Final Indoor l Traek Meets Rescheduled Thinelads To Miss Annual Penn Relays Coach Ken Doherty revealed a re-shuffling of the balance of…

… tragedy in the Boilermaker Field House was abolished yesterday when the Wolverines received a telegram from Purdue officials stating def- initely that the meet would be held as usual. YOUi CALL 'EM…

Wolverine grappler who has seen considerable varsity experi- ence during the current campaign. West Tebeau lost a tightly con- tested decision to Jerry Breutar of MSC, 4-1. Tebeau scored an 8-6 victory over…

… maintain quite an im- pressive winning streak. The meet closed with two heavy- weight exhibition matches in which Don Goldman, of MSC, de- feated Dave Gomberg and Spartan Bob Schardly downed Wolverine Den…

… outfielder-De- troit's regular right fielder-and the club's leading hitter. CHUCK BIRDSALL . . Michi- gan distance star who paced the Wolverines to two firsts against O.S.U. in the mile and two-mile events…

March 02, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 103) • Page Image 7

…, the Wolverine natator has set the following new records: 1S-yard individual medley- 1:32.9 (New American record). 150-meter individual medley Special to The Daily WINDSOR, Ont., March 1 - --1:47. (New…

… already lowered them in practice trials. Michigan's hockey team dropped a 6-5 decision to the Wind:or Hockey Club here tonight w:th two Wolverines sitting in the penalty box as Spitfire Louis Tallatto…

…. slow minutes, Ted Greer started off the evening's festivities when Bob Marshall in- tercepted a Spitfire pass in the corner, passed to Greer in front of the nets, and the Wolverine put it in the nroat9 8…

… ries and break a seas'on- long road game jinx. The Wolverines, controlling both baekboards from the open- inmg whistle, were in command throughout the game, despite a Spirtan surge that moved the scere…

…-6 lead. Wierda tied it with a free throw and Pete Elliott put Michigan out in front and the Spartans never regained the lead. The Wolverines opened a comfortable 21-12 :rardan andl thcn went into a scoin…

…. Subject: "How's Your Cocoon?" Student Discussion Group, 7:30 p.m., Reading Rooms. Noonday Prayer services daily (except Thursdays) through Lent at 12:10. Visitors are welcome. inine corner at vU 01E riWolverines

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