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March 06, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

… and Satur- day with Coach Newt Law's Illini grapplers as hosts for the occasion. The Wolverines end their season with a record of four wins and a trio of defeats in dual competition. Ac- cording to…

… of Michigan teams in the past years, as well as a large number of individual stars. The Illini have so far taken the measure of every op- ponent, including the Wolverines in a thrilling meet held in…

… the dual meet held here both Bob Mathis and Jack Pierce finished ahead of Wolverine Bob Swain. In the hurdles Bill Cooley will support the Illinois cause with Walker. In the quarter-mile Coach Leol…

… proof of this team balance is proven by not only their two thirds of a point victory over the Wolverines. Just last week the Illini completed their pre conference meet schedule by completely overshadowing…

… bettered the Wolverine's 3:06 winning time for the event in 1945. The Ohio State trio has the year's best effort, a fast 2:56. Michigan's 3:44.2 by its best 400- yard freestyle relay quartet of Mert Church…

March 06, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

… game seen here this season, Michigan took an easy 7-4 victory over Michigan tTech last night at the Coliseum. Jack McDonald, Wolverine net- minder, played one of the finest games of his career as he…

… kicked out 35 Tech shots. u Three men entered the penalty box before four and a half min- utes had gone by; Abbie Maki, 'Tech defenseman, , for hooking, Connie Hill, Wolverine Defense- ,man, for cross…

… score. Then came the prettiest play of the evening. With Ross Smith in the box for board checking, the Wolverines stole the puck during a Tech rush, and McMillan and Renfrew came in on a lone Engi- neer…

… the Wolverine net to center Paul Kar- iniemi, who whipped the puck by McDonald. Grant Ends Souring Grant concluded the Mize and Blue scoring at 13:23 on a peculiar play. Gacek's shot was blocked and…

… Michigan State in the Bt'tzig Wiis final basketball game of the sea- Captain Bob Betzig took revenge son tonight at Yost Field House. on his first conqueror of the sea- Coach Ozzie Cowles's Wolverines will…

March 06, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…-unanimous opinion that Ohio State will grab the title with a margin over the Wolverines of from four to 20 points. This done-sheet, however-like most paper predictions-has a quali- fication, an IF clause, neatly…

… heartening indications that he has, although there is only one place where it will be concretely proven or disproven-the Wolverines have a chance in our book. AS ALWAYS, the intangible factors, the…

… indoor campaign. Watch a third Wolverine ace, sophomore Len Alkon, for a dark horse spot. 440-Yard Dash-1. Ufer (Michigan); 2. Rehberg (Illinois); 3. Owen (Ohio); 4. Collins (Ohio); 5. Price (Indiana). A…

Wolverines AtChicago Michigan's Strength May Aid Team To (Continued from Page 1) In Sprints, Upset Win Middle Distances Over Buckeyes angles as far as the Wolverines are concerned. The high-scoring thin…

… like his form of last season when he ran rough-shod over all competition and if the Hoosier ace is not in top con- dition by tonight, there is every pos- sibility that Wolverine Dave Mat- thews might…

Wolverines are weak in the distance runs, but a crop of newcomers, es- pecially Ernie Leonardi, John Inger- soll, and Willis Glas, are possible point winners, along with veterans Will Ackerman and John Mc…

March 06, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

… some of that "do or die" stuff in the Conference champion- ships this weekend. DOUBLE DRIBBLES: In reply to many queries, the Wolverine spring grid practice will begin the week after next with the early…

… his family to Arizona for a rest-cure . . Wife, son and Bennie left Ann Arbor yes terday .. Congrats to Bill Cartmill, the new cage captain ... Incidentally, for the first time in Wolverine history…

… also played here last year and reports1 have it that he is one of the most im- proved players on the team. Dependable Center Experts Like Indiana Trackmen, But Wolverines MayUpset Dope By IIAL WILSON…

… The experts have decreed that Michigan will fail to win its eighth consecutive Big Ten Indoor track title tomorro w and Saturday a u due-but they still have to convince a determined crew of Wolverine

… unanimously conceded that the mighty Crimson squad, led by its trio of versatile aces, Roy Cochranz Campbell Kane and Archie Harris, pack too much individual brilliance for the Wolverines' all-around bal- ance…

March 06, 1945 (vol. 54, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

… 11-2 Friday night against at University of Western Ontario sex-t tet and dropped Saturday's game, 6-3, with the more powerful London1 outfit. The Wolverine pucksters jumped to an early lead in the…

… the assistance of Sullentich and Jens- wold; in scoring the second one Greer had the aid of Henderson and Upton. J The Wolverines' other tally was made by Francis Allman, assisted by Paul Groth. For the…

…. strong field of powerful contenders, which includes a potent Ohio State team, and a once-beaten Purdue squad. The Wolverine team, which so far this season has amassed victories over Northwestern, Purdue…

… the Wolverine ace from the amateur ranks,,-was based on" the contention that he was cashing in on his athletic abilities by coa- ching. Yet, other famous cinder- path stars have been combining coaching…

… WAR BONDS An Optical Service for the Student.« GLASSES IN 24 HOURS CONTACT LENSES "°the invisible eye glasses" 410 Wolverine Building Phone 6019 EAST LANSING, March 5-(,P)- Robin Roberts, one of…

March 06, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

… i a : ... _ ,".* .r ..r.i irr, . ... . ...-........ . .-.4..... . Thinclads Lead Qualifiers; Swimmers Trail OSU, 42-29 Two Wolverine Grapplers Place in WrestlingFinals Holiday, Medley…

… wrest- ling crown faded tonight as Purdue the defending champion, and Indiana each quarified four men for the finals tomorrow night, while the Wolverines could place only Captain Manley Johnson and Dick…

… Illinois' star 175- pounder, 5-1. Green then was thrown in 5:43 by Hoosier Harry Traster, who now must be regarded as the man to beat in his division. In the 165-pound slot, Wolverine Hugh Mack drew a bye in…

… freestyle record was broken, then rebroken, as the Buck- eyes upset the Wolverines. The final was won by Ohio State's brown- skinned Keo Nakama, a native of Hawaii, in 2:11.2. In his wake came Captain John…

Wolverines tonight at eight in the Coliseum they will be crowned Big Ten Champions. Coach Vic Heyliger told The Daily yesterday that Big Ten officials had reversed its decision regarding the two Illinois…

…, Minnesota hockey games that were forfeited by the Illini in Champaign six weeks ago, Heyliger's charges were unable to go on the ice because they only had seven men. Wolverines Show No Power In changing its…

… decision, the Con- ference spokesman said that the war was responsible for the shortage of players, and that Illinois could do nothing about the matter. The Wolverines showed no offen- sive power to speak of…

March 06, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

… torrent of pre- meet publicity and predicting which has practically figured them out of the picture, the Wolverine thinclads are pinning their hopes on tradi- tional team balance and power to overcome the…

…, the long elusive title might finally fall into the Bucks' outstretched hands. But the Wolverines cannot be counted out so easily. Also unde- feated in dual meet competition this season, the Michigan…

… squad has dem- onstrated strength aplenty, and with a few breaks in the right direction, the Wolverines might very well sweep to an -upset win over the favored Buckeyes and a powerful crew from Illinois…

…, the first time since they re-treaded the rib- bons on the typewriters up here in the Daily last December. True, the Wolverines didn't win last night against the visiting Miners, but the tie in overtime…

…, who turned in some 34 spark- ling saves to hold down the Wolverine score. Three Michigan men played princi- pal roles in garnering the two mark- ers. Bill Dance was credited with a counter and an assist…

…, Johnny Cor- son pounded in, another, while Bob Collins cleared the puck for Dance's score. Captain Bob Petaia and Art Dorffi scored for the Tech cause. - The Wolverines, playing without their lanky captain…

March 06, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 108) • Page Image 7

… welcome. Modern Hebrew: Beginning class in Modern Hebrew will meet at the second. Wolverine Herb Barten, who has been handicapped all sea- snby a foot injury incurred in last summer's European tour, was…

… the 60-yard dash. Omer's winning time of :06.3 bettered Peters' last ,year's time by one-tenth of a second. Northwestern placed two men in the sprint, Ed. _Tun-f nicliff and Jim Holland. Wolverine Art…

… leading Ioa by tw1O points, but the Wolverines: who hlst anchor man Bill Kogen clue to) an oversightf in the entry list:;, couldn't k eep up with the awk eyes. Needing a seconad toy finish sec- ond the…

Wolverines ,tr ied valiant-- ly but the trio of Be rnie Kian, Bob Sohl and Tom Coate's ('0(11(- n't quite ma ke it. Coates dove wtvith a-slight leadc over Ohio's Ha:lo Hirose but he was no match for' the…

March 06, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

… Big Ten'game tonight when it takes the ice at the Coliseum to face a truly great Illinois outfit. The game will start at 8 u.m. The Wolverines have lost four straight in Western Conference competi- tion…

… -. Wolverines take one victory, the Go- phers will wind up in a deadlock with the Illini. Likewise, if Michigan winsk one, it wll cause great joy and no little surprise in the ranks of local fans. -i No Change In…

…-1 victory.{ Hank Loud will once again don the pads and carry his big stick into the fray to defend the Wolverine goal. Hank is in for a busy evening since Illinois has the reputation of being one of the best…

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