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February 02, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 104) • Page Image 9

… night in the second game of the Michigan double- header. the Ramblers of Loyola in Chicago in sixteen games. Stadium last night. The Ramblers jumped off to The Wolverine's demise was a a 14-7 lead at 5…

…:15 in the first result of many factors, and Mich- half, puncturing the Wolverines igan Coach John Orr was par- kaleidoscope zone with pinpoint ticularly unhappy about one of passes. The passes were fed…

… intentionally fouled M and awarded the Loyola fo two free throws. He converte of the two shots to put L ahead by four. The Wolverines came back the score 89-89 in the next seconds as Dennis Stewart 15 foot jumper…

… unprotected middle of Michigan's zone. Fuller finished with 35 points, high for the game, while Moody had 22. Sullivan led the Wolverines in Loyola frequently caught t h e scoring with 31 points, his best…

Wolverines off guard with its fast break, and made motions of run- ning away with the game. They extended their lead to 16, points with about half the period over. The Wolverines cane back to a 41-31 deficit…

… surprise challenge from Michigan State at East Lan- sing yesterday afternoon to win 66-57. Then last night at Matt Mann Pool, the Wolverine squad humiliated Illinois 82-32. When Michigan Coach Gus Stager…

… Michigan's Coach Gus Stager did a lot of favors for the Illinois swim team during the match at Matt Mann Pool last night. But the Wolverines still managed to obliterate the Illini by 50 points. Illinois…

February 02, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 104) • Page Image 8

… Fieldhouse, 8:00 Gymnasts, Wrestlers Wolverines outscore Gophers, but final score is 'disappointing' pulverize opposition Grapplers demoli three foes; capture double Bier Ten victory I FLIGHTS TO EUROPE…

… sweeping two events, rings and high bar. But the margin of victory did not satisfy the Wolverines. Coach Newt Loken admitted, "The team was disappointed. We should have, improved over our last meet (189…

…, -Missouri's ,Steve Cava- naugh stunned Wolverine follow- ers by gaining a 4-4 draw with Tim Cech. "Cavanaugh was an unknown quantity, just like the rest of the Missouri team," Assistant Coach Rick Bay said…

… commented graciously on theI The Buckeyes caught Purdue at decision: "It was not a good call." 79 all with 4:38 to play when Steve All the other Wolverines beat their Tiger cohorts. Sophomores Howell scored…

… on a lay-up. Then 167-pounder Tom Quinn and 177- Sorenson scored to make it 81-79 3ounder Jesse Rawls, the o n1y with 3:45 to go. pudrJseRws h Wolverines to wrestle and win in Jary Johnson's and…

… weights. In their final meet, against Ohio State, the Wolverines had to compete for attention with a gymnastics meet, and seemed to come out second best. In .between the intermittent yawns of the…

… Buckeyenaudience, the Wolverines ran up a 14-0 ad- vantage on the strength of deci- sions by Cech, Geoff Henson, and Mike Rubin, and a pin by Lou Hudson. By the time the curtain rang down on the final act, the…

Wolverines found themselves on the long end of a cumulative 86-11 score. STATISTICS MICHIGAN 24, MISSOURI 6 123-Cech (M), drew Cavanaugh 4-4 130-Hudson (M) dec. Barrett, 9-4 137-Henson (M) dec. Shepard, 3…

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