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May 30, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 180) • Page Image 7

… lubrication is the use of the right grade of Wolverine Motor Oil for your engine. No one grade of oil can satisfactorily meet all conditions encountered in dif- !II WANTED-Driving to Calfiornia at- close of…

… grade of Wolverine Motor Oil for every engine. Free crankcase service at all of our stations. MICHIGAMME OIL COMPANY N. ,niv. and Twelfth St. H aad Packard Sts. First St. an'd4 A A. It…

May 30, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

… regarding the Norwegian's trip to - - the North Pole. "The explorer's stay I may have been actuated by any one WOLVERINE TRACK TEAM KEEPS UNBROKEN of numerous reasons. He would have I STRING OF VICTORIES…

… afternoon on Ferry field when the Wolverine track team defeated Wisconsin 81-54. by this decisive defeat of the Badgers, the claim of Tom Jones and his team to the indoor Conference title was for once and all…

… mile that the Wolverines looked like the overwhelming victors that they later turned out to be. Both teams scored slams in two events, the Badgers placing three men in both the mile and the two mile. De…

May 30, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 180) • Page Image 6

… be played until June competiotrs, Phi Sigma Kappa, who I and Krieger, Wisconsin, tied for first; 12, on which date the Wolverine links- I placed second with 943 points. Phi Huff, Mlch~igan, and Schmidt…

…. Chanmpiouship Michigan will be represented by a water polo team in the Conference JEROME ENDS PLAY next season. This is the first time that the Wolverines have entered this With the Western Conferenec sport. All…

… develop at two atlFkrry fer ability in this department of the courts at, Ferry field. game. As this will be the first year Since the Wolverines have won five for water polo in the Big Ten Mich- out of six…

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