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January 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

… will find it for you.-Adv. . ........... Wolverine Swimming Hopes Are" Brightened By The Propect Of Securing Service Of Ilait tann r 1 mu~Lh I Fr TUXEDO SUITS } j…

… Pittsburgh Athletic club pool for the meet. In the event 4hat they are successful the' encounter will be staged on March 10 as planned. Open at M. A. C. The Wolverines are hard at work for the first meet on…

… in and Rea, Ely and Cappon going well Mather should start the next lap of the Conference race with a team which should make all the Big Ten fives sit upland take notice. While the Wolverines are…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 5

…, Lansing, fourth. Height 5 feet 8 1-2 inches. CONFERENCE MEET NEXT FOR WOLVERINE RUNNERS MICHIGAN AND WISCONSIN WILL FIGHT FOR SECOND PLACE; ILLINOIS FRST Having won the last dual meet of the year from…

… Chicago on May 20, the Wolverine track team is looking for- ward to the outdoor Conference meet which will be held at Des Moines, Ia., June 2 and 3. Illinois is conceded to have the best chances for first…

… slightly superior but the difference is not enough to war- rant a bet either way. Steve Farrell thinks, though, that the Wolverines have a slight shade over the Badgers and that they should come through in…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 5

… Saturday night. - At Erie the score was 4-20 and at Cleveland the defeat was 59 to 12. The lack' of coaching was apparent at all times in the swimming of the Wolverines and w undoubtedly the cause of the…

… decided defeats.' Against the Erie swimmers' the Wolverines were able to garner three second places, six- third$ and, one first, the only one made by Michigan in either meet. This first was male' by Aldrich…

March 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 130) • Page Image 5

… yesterday's practice to battery men alone. The Michigan, mentor is of the opinion that the Wolverines' chances this year depend largely upon the ability of the pitching staff to be in the best of condition…

…M the full route of a nine inning game, a feat they will be called upon to do before the Southern trip ends. With a schedule of nine gimes to be play- ed within the short space of 10 days the Wolverines

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…. Kelly, '24L, events and Wolverine supporters are assistant chairman, last night an- hoping that they will be able to give nounced that merchants and towns- all their- competitors a real battle people had…

… FISHER'S MEN, NULBERI TRIP; WILL PLAY T CONTESTS MEET'CHICAGO TO WISCONSIN SATE .Llverance Will Start Againsi With Dixon Slated for Badgers Coach Ray Fisher and 14 of the Wolverine Varsity team' left last…

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