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January 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

… and Saturday Night, Woodman Hall, Cor. Main and Washington. Music by the University Syncopated Novelties * - RUN i WOLVERINE SWIMMERS ANGLING 'FOR iMEETS WIHESRNUNIVERSITIES . , _ , a o P i…

… Bab- cock. .. A. C. First Opponent Michigan Agricultural college will furnish the first opposition on Feb. 18 the Wolverine splashers journey- ing to Lansing for their initial ap- pearance. Cleveland…

… latter teams appeared on the Michigan schedule last year, Cleveland winning 39 to 29, anq Erie's crack aggregation tieing, the Wolverines, 34 all. The meet with Syracuse, originally slated for Feb. 10, has…

… card the University of Pitts1 burgh for a meet later in March. The1 Smoky City team had been definitely scheduled to meet the Wolverines at Pittsburgh on Feb. 24, but the naming of that day as the date…

Wolverine tank squad. Both of the Eastern aggregations are of the strongest, and it will take a team of remarkable power to down them. That Michigan, .without a coach and with poor facilities for pratcice…

January 07, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 72) • Page Image 6

…VWW~WWWW y - -~ - - ~ WV -Y ~ V _. 'rTT7 1RTr"T(f'ATT n A TT V WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1931 -0- A /W T.t NT<T PAGE IX 1i mr. 1V1'J7.. r SU A N 1 L-1 1 L z -I ___._ Wolverines Defeat am ion…

… practice ses- swimming titles will be among the en invasion Michigan's pukinen sian last night the Wolverine wrest- galaxy of stars who will compete came home to swamp a crack ice lers showed more condition…

… letic Association. These records were Monday night. In overwhelming from West Virginia at the top of set by flye swimmers recently grad- the Aggies the Wolverines combin- their form. Coach Keen has put…

… Wildcat tank aggregations. an almost impenetrable defense. well as staying power in his crew Caacd tratt Mann of theAbedfe. of matmen. IScringAcOt. cofCMatan. h Wolverine natators, who have Keith Crossman…

Wolverine n- --_will have on their schedule. As an difficult task i matching the puckmen will have no great diffi- - opener the battle will be tougher speed of another former Purple culty in besting their…

Wolverine hopes ror first honors p E N C I L S n At the same time, the commission recognition in the United States, Heim lead the 165 division and Jor- in the diving events are rather low, n announced it…

January 07, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 83) • Page Image 6

… verdict on the Wolverines. "Besides us, there are five or six other teams that have a good shot at succeed- ing Michigan," he qualified. ... and Cocky Northwestern's three losses in its last four games…

… ripped Tulane but was knocked off by Vandy. Going into today's encounter, the 'Cats boast only a run-of-the-mill 4-4 mark compared to the Wolverines' 6-4 standard. Northwestern's other loss was an…

January 07, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 79) • Page Image 11

… Baxter added Six Wolverines scored in 11 each. 1I By DON MacLACHLAN SINCE ITS DOUBLE-OVERTIME LOSS at the hands of Providence eight days ago the Michigan basketball team has a few new looks. The…

Wolverines are no longer top-ranked in the country and Joel Thompson has emerged as the new starting forward opposite co-captain John Robinson. The, junior jumping jack from Flint replaced the aggres- sive Tom…

… Lakers applied their press, closing the gap to 66-60, while Sims languished on the bench with four fouls. With Michigan still leading by six and 6:27 remaining in the game, Wolverine coach Carmel Borders…

… re-inserted Sims. But a mere two seconds later the senior from Detroit picked up her fifth foul. Fueled by Wolverine turn- overs, the Lakers overtook Michigan with two-and-a-half minutes remaining…

January 07, 1968 (vol. 78, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…, Carlin uCI* stole the ball out of Wolverine (Cari guard Rick Bloodworth's hands misses and broke downcourt with the then F winning layup. Jim Pitts caught on the dge Wolverines 77 -75 Drop Carlin in…

… time to foul, him ot in time to prevent the t. in missed his chance to put; ane on ice with a 3-pointI but forward Joe Franklin, esis for the Wolverines all oon, made the Badger lead Id as the -5 degree…

… stressed, for us, Ane Badge cal aft could team, ball ai last-se the ne and go Cont The biggest lead the Wolverines could hold in the second half was four points, but it was leveled to zero with two minutes…

… was named this this problem personally." mostly a game of catch-up for sent a June ballot consisting of week by President Johnson to the Wagman said that the most Michigan. The Wolverines were school…

… on financial and Minnesota Law School, was estab- it is is that it is furtive. There is The Wolverines also helped them- here, dooming the Spartans' dark- enrollment data which is as reli- lished last…

…. Ob- i served. The Wolverines managed to Around the conference, Michi- building markets. We also peel j scenity had certainly not im- ,In regard to the General Lib- catch up to within three points gan…

January 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 71) • Page Image 1


… summer on tour of the Orient vith Michigan. Asbeck was a three-year veteran: in the Wolverine baseball teams of1 927-28-29. The lanky pitcher cap-! gainecd the team his senior year vhich won the undisputed…

… Western, ',onfereic championship. Along 1 with Bill McAfee, '29, of Chicago, ,he Wolverine diamond contingent' )oasted one of the strongest moundj ~ores in college baseball. Abseck takes rank with Jablon…

…- vunity to break into thec major leagues, and the Wolverine hurler; should make good with his fast bal and accurate curves. COUNCIL WILL AID U N ION, MER IT PLANI Commnittee Will Meet Toni ,!) to Discuss…

… Uiniversity of Mlichig ar basket ball teamt last 1nfght rouated Alinnecsota here bay a 3 to 17 score. Thie Wolverine v'ictory ca"mw after they had fought anI uphill battle a' ainist a bitter (C;oijiir rally…

….; The box score follows: lepartinent, an(i\Valenmtine Windt, ebr.Rea, assistant to the dean of stu-p mebes Michigan, 3 llrector ofC Play Prodution. A de-> Wolverine Sextette I The details of the system…

…, Coach Eddie Union. T'he petitions must c~oma- location of storage. 4 ~c..~. i23 wvinninig plays for the purpose of Lowrey's Wolverine puck eoiiibiw- I t aiii at least 200 signatures before i "While there…

January 07, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 54) • Page Image 11

… field teams as they begin their seasons this weekend. They host the Wolverine Invitational on Saturday, with events beginning at 9:30 a.m. and running all day. Thursday January 7, 1999 11 E 1 . F n i…

… Communication Studies (764-0420) for more information. Michigan wrestlers recognized nationally By Chris Grandstaff y Sports Writer The early season success of the Michigan wrestling team has the Wolverine

… the guys who we expect to lead the team," Michigan assistant coach Kirk Trost said. "They're all doing a great job, both wrestling and bring the others guys along." The Wolverines as a team have b no…

January 07, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 52) • Page Image 8

… Greer and Johnny Jens- wold counted three goals each for the Wolverines. Coach Bennie Ooster- baan's basketballers saved r the day, however, by com- ing through on successive }- nights, edging Indiana 54…

…- 53 in a thrilling encounter in Yost Field House Friday night and coming back Saturday to trounce Illi- nois, 43-38 at Champaign. The Wolverines were forc- ed to come from behind against Indiana, after…

January 07, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

… be the Admiral of the whole Wolverine fleet. When Johnny was elected captain of the team last spring, everyone was in agreement. They nodded their heads and said, "I told you so!" when just a week…

… of last year found Johnny plugging away again for more points for the Wolverines. Four times he unofficially broke the Conference 220-yard record of 2:13.8, his best time for the event being a 2…

… turn in aremarkable 51.6 effort to aid the Wolverines in re- versing the count on the Eli's. Michi- gan fell one-tenth of a second short of tieing the still-wet mark of 3:27.7. Small wonder it is that…

January 07, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 72) • Page Image 7

… the 100- yard breast stroke event in 1929. s ______________. I . 11 Iantrarnural News II I A two out of three. Both teams were able to ring up 10 floor shots, but the Wolverines R C M N R S M…

… will be 24 games. Each player, before he will be ALUMNI FENCERS TO MEETVARSITY Regulars to Face First Severe Test of Season Saturday. Now that the holidays are over the Wolverine Varsity fencing squad1…

… gets his team into top form to meet the alumni fencers of the University at 2:30 Saturday after- 10on. This meet will surely task theI Wolverines to put forth their best and should be about the most…

January 07, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… backcourts. Playing in all 12 games of the Wolverines non- conference schedule, he has averaged 9.8 points per game while providing Michigan with an explosive scoring threat. He had led the Wolverines in three…

… the winter term classes. Former president returns to familiar territory, new issues Wolverine cagers skin 'Cats, 92-69 By STEVE KNOPPER It was business as usual yesterday for the University community…

… healthy Terry Mills, but one would never have guessed that by the outcome of last night's game against Northwestern at Walsh-Ryan Arena. The Wolverines (12-1) routed the Wildcats, 92-69, winning. their…

January 07, 2016 (vol. 124, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

… from beyond the 3-point line, the Boilermakers’ size from top to bottom will likely create a space crunch for the Wolverines. Michigan is shooting 42.8 percent from beyond the arc as a team, but…

… » INSIDE best of Interested in joining the Daily? Attend a mass meeting in our newsroom on January 13th. Trotter site prompts mixed responses Wolverines set for conference test at Purdue…

January 07, 2009 (vol. 119, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

… S. Africa Tango boot camp WHAT: An intensive boot camp for students interested in learning the Tango WHO: M Tango WHEN: Tonight from 7 p.m. to midnight WHERE: Wolverine ABC, Michigan Union Swing…

… will be inaugurated on Easter Sun- day. During fundraising efforts, the Univer- sity sometimes receives donations that officials deem inappropriate. One such inappropriate gift: a taxider- my wolverine

January 07, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS i Wolverine Rallies Fail As Hoosiers Win Opener, 33-27I i AAA Death Supreme Court Blasts New Deal Complicates 1937 Budget With Decision Invalidating…

… Offense; Wolverines Falter Near Finish By RAYMOND A. GOODMAN With memories of a fumbled foot- ball lingering in his mind's eye Ver- non Huffman, Indiana quarterback and guard, turned in a sterling defen…

… 7,500 per- sons, the largest since the title win- ning days of '29, last night at Yost Field House. It was the Wolverines' first loss in eight starts this season. After staging two thrilling rallies…

… in the second half to overtake the Indiana five and coming to within two points of the Dean-coached team, the Wolverines l6st the serv- ices of John Townsend, whose pass- ing and defense work had kept…

… from Coach Tony Hinkle and his Butler quintet, checked Michigan in the back court and kept the Wolverines from coming down the floor and working any set plays around John Town- send. Follpwing out this…

…. Not only did they play an untiring defensive game but they counted for half of Indiana's points and were always on the backboards. Chelso Tamagno, the Wolverine captain who suffered an injured leg…

January 07, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

… Osterhout WOLVERINE CAPTAIN Bill MacFarland takes a shot at Michiigan State goalie Ed Schiller in last night's action at Demonstration Hall in East Lansing. Michigan won, 5-2, in the first of the two- game…

… that. Michigan completely dominated last night's contest before 2,130 fans until the third period when the Spartans were finally able to tally twice. The Wolverines had jumped off to a 4-0 lead in the…

… game. Wolverine coach Vic Heyliger credited goalie Ed Sch- iller of Michigan State with pre- venting the sluggish Spartans from being "entirely routed." Sch- iller had 26 saves for the evening. Michigan…

…. Rendall Scores Less than two minutes later, Rendall converted a 25-foot solo shot from the left side of the net for the Wolverines' second goal. The Spartan defense was com- pletely outmaneuvered with no…

… one, except Schiller, between Ren- dall and the goal. The Wolverines controlled the puck for the rest of the period and See DUNNIGAN, Page 4 U.S. Asks Reparation Of Russians Charges for Plane Shot Down…

January 07, 2004 (vol. 113, iss. 71) • Page Image 7

… Mars, released today by NASA. WEBSITES Continued from Page 1 Yet many students who tried to connect to Wolverine Access just wanted to know where to go for class. LSA junior Madison Moore said his…

… schedule (through Wolverine Access) for the past 6 hours," Moore said. Madison said he was only able to access and find his classes since he entered his schedule into his planner before Wolverine Access…

January 07, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 79) • Page Image 6

… Wildcats showed ex- ceptional shooting ability, as they downed a good Michigan club Monday night on the Wolverines' floor. The winners had to fight for their life the same way they did in their opener…

… against Iowa. Some Panie Northwestern exhibited a bit of panic under the press, in much the same way as the Wolverines did against Purdue. The Wildcats, though, as did Michigan in its vic- tory, had enough…

…- ines b3y finishing second at the Sarasota, Fla., competition. Like four other Wolverine gym- nasts who placed high at the six- dav clinic and meet, Cole and Newman competed unattachedd No Team scores…

January 07, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 74) • Page Image 6

… stu- dents on campus, as well as the groups especially invited, Miss Minor added. Dance Classes To commence Elma Pascoe To Instruct Series At Wolverine Enollment in the new series of Arthur Murray dance…

… classes will be- gin at 7 a.m. tomorrow and Tuesday at the Wolverine, Elva Pascoe, in- structor in the classes, announced yes- terday. Beginning at 8 p.m. tomorrow, the classes in basic fox trot and La Con…

January 07, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 79) • Page Image 16

… was finally going to fill the pivot position with a bonafide big man. At 6-11, Tim McCormick looked to give the Wolverines something at center which they lacked with Phil Hubbard and Paul Heuerman in…

… big- man who could cause Person trouble. "It's brutal some of the guys he'll have to go against," said Wolverine head coach Bill Frieder. "He's got to guard a guy like (6-10 Purdue forward…

January 07, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…, singing Wolverines in a way to cheer the heart for a twelve- month. The boys didn't have a dull moment while they were here. They werere- ceived and lunched and feted and din- ed and carried over town in…

… manager of the Wolverine, for the 1915 summer school, will be filled sometime during the present month by the board in control of Stu- dent publications. Applications will be received by Prof. F. N. Scott…

January 07, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

… night before nearly 3500 fans at the Coliseum. The Wolverines played the Frenchmen on better - than - even terms the first two sessions and were leading at the second inter- mission, 2-1, but bogged down…

…:33 for the only penalty of the contest, but the Wolverines could not capitalize on the advantage. It wasn't until 11:45 of the mid- dle period that the Wolverines fin- ally broke through the tight Cara…

January 07, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

… time in two years by gaining a total of five first, five second, and three third place berths to amass 44 points to the Wolverines' 40. Big Ten champ Heini Kessler, lost his breaststroke event to Ray…

… Mondro, Navy speedster. The two natators were neck and neck until the last lap when Mondro kicked out with a burst of speed and surged ahead of the Wolverine star. Mondro, an alumnus of Wayne University…

…, exhibited excellent style and endurance and it is evident that this young natator will be a leading contestant for national honors. yWolverines Start Strongly Expansion of Alaska Fishing, Industry Seen Full…

… Theatre. Today MYDA party for veter- ans and servicemen, 7- 10 p. m. at WAB. Michigan drew first blood by cap- turning the 300-yard medley relay in the time of 3:03.6. Captain Mert Church, Wolverine anchor…

January 07, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

… Down' 22 Russian Planes) During Air Attack WinterParleyAnalyses Cause, Solution Of War Robert Reed To Preside Over Final Session Today; Prof. Preston W. Slosson Will Speak At Union Wolverine

…'s outplayed sextet. After carrying the game to the visitors for more than half the game, the Wolverines fell back before the upstaters as the Miners' attack gained momentum and finally produced two goals, one…

… opening game of the Conference sea- son before a capacity crowd at the Field House. The Wolverines made up for their lack of height by playing smart and wide-awake ball. Time and again they broke up Buckeye…

… as he scored 13 points to take scoring hon- ors for the evening. The 5 ft. 10 in. Wolverine guard faked and slipped through the giant forward Johny Schick, who starred on last season's title winners…

January 07, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

… however. Other weaknesses in the Wolverine lineup are injury hangovers. Capt. Beebe's taped ankle has slowed him up slightly and Danny Smick's ban- daged forehead is still in evidence Mike Sofiak, who took…

… (C) Nisbet Thomas G Wardley Referee: N. E. Kearns (DePaul); Tmpire: John Schommer (Chicago). Lead Wolverines Into Action Tonight Third Straight Win Is Sougjt Danner Is Il; Newsoni Demands Returns E…

… Samuelson and Chuck the end of November. hopes to get in condition to try out Ross will be on hand to replace any Danner, who speaks several lan- for the Olympic squad, of these Wolverine players. Ivan Reid…

… the holidays. There is little doubt as to who will start in the heavyweight class for the Wolverines, for Forrest "Butch" Jor- dan continued the pace which he has set all year by easily pinning Joe…

January 07, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 85) • Page Image 7

… show just what they'll be up against in trying for their first Big Ten championship since 1960. The Wolverines face Wisconsin today in a dual meet and will par- ticipate in the Big Ten Relays tomorrow…

… relays and a diving relay. Last year, at their home pool, the Wolverines took eight of the 11 events, outscoring power- ful Indiana 104-76. Michigan WELCOME BAC K STUDENTS! -5 Barbers to serve you- at…

January 07, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

… Meetings problem and the meetingi t th- endi of the month will be for the purpose T ONTARIO T[AM, 4- PLAN TO FINEABSENTEES ot "19"some solution. Wolverines Make Good Showing After Ways and means of assuring…

… Ontario sextet to four goals to prsent suggestions for acomplish- in the Wolverines opening ,game last ing this end. The solution will p:-oba- "The great problem in Africa today, night. The final score was…

… his first game was the Wolverine's strongest barrier facing the Ontario wings. Steve Jones, goal tender, was accredited with making 25 stops. Walkem, Kelley, and McTague were, the outstanding players on…

January 07, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

… first of a two-game set, and the Wolverines' opening wedge toward retention of the mythical state championship, which they acquired last year by beating the Houghton, Mich, contingent thrice in four meet…

… Goalie Spike James (10:30). The Wolverines' defense stiffened thereafter, but for another lapse later in the same stanza when Bud Pekkala took a pass from the busy Mr. Mc- Carthy and sliced one in from a…

… by too sur- prised to prost. A minute ,or so later, with the Wolverine second line serving, Les Hillberg and Evie Doran collaborated for another marker. Do- ran swept through Tech's defense and laid a…

January 07, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 52) • Page Image 7

…'ve worked very hard here" Rubeck said. "It's hard to leave, but I'm a Wolverine for life." Naming about a dozen graduates, Bollinger singled out the accomplish- ments of these students, saying, "Every…

… enthusiasm and excitement in the lockerroom right now." - LaVell Blanchard Michigan junior forward The Wolverines were 2-12 away m.~ -INNER …

January 07, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

… an aroused public opinion Indiana TakesI Over Michigan Quintet, 29-18 Kehrt Heads Hoosiers By Piling Up 13 Points; Wolverines Erratic BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Jan. 6-(P) - Indiana University opened its Big…

… the Brit- ish Amateur which has been set for May 20. Theloss of their star will dampen the Wolverine's championship hopes which were very bright, with Mark- ham, David and Sweet returning from last year…

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