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November 08, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 56) • Page Image 9

… nagging ankle injury. If he Illinois against Michigan, up- does not start, his place will setting the unbeaten Wolverines. be taken by junior Tracey Unfortunately for the Illinois Campbell who has gained…

… 'FJT IS TUESDAY, November 5. The Michigan Wolverine icers are having their daiy 3:30-5:30 practice. They skate through their one-on-one drills, smiling and patting one another on the back with the…

… same Michigan hockey team that beat Wisconsin 8-1 last Saturday night. Freshman Frank Zimmerman was in the nets. The obvious questions are: 1) How did the Wolverines come back so strongly after being…

Wolverines would approach games with Zimmerman in the nets, Farrell said, "No, we don't adopt our style of play to our goaltender. Robbie is a little quicker,andrtends to roam a little more. Frank is more of a…

… for big defensive end Greg Wolverines it will have to be W i 1 1 i a m s who is a with a tough defense. doubtful starter. TRAVEL TO DENVE] Saturday, Nov. 9 8-12 p.m. GUILD HOUSE-802 Monroe COME IN…

… rolls out on an option play against Minnesota. The Wolverines will need a healthy Franklin in order to hold off the Fighting Illini this Saturday. ,, SCORES S FUN STAGE CREW Needed to Run Sets for…

… good one for us to be a con- and defense. tender." Dan Farrell's Wolverines will Freshman Ernie GlanvilleI be playing under two major has been counted on to fill the disadvantages this weekend. goalie…

…. Success is not neces- sarily vital this early in the season, but a string of victories in the coming weeks will mean a big jump for the Wolverines for a spot among the top four teams in the league. FOX…

… Campbell had ged on home ice. Last year the two goals and an assist and Wolverines played Denver in freshman Mark Falcone con- the mile-high city and lost tributed three assists. Junior . twice. winger Jim…

November 01, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 50) • Page Image 11

…- Farrell will be going with a bined goals against average of lineup that Wisconsin scouting The Michigan Wolverines be- 3.50. Johnson calls them "po- reports call "well balanced." gin their 1974 WCHA play…

… significant reduc- aggravating knee injury, but For the Wolverines it will be tion in scoring power from last who is ready to go for to- their third game this season d year, the goaltending will have night…

November 23, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

… Bowl, too. I've already got my ticket to Pasadena." Schembechler also detects the sweet smell of roses. As he took the make-shift podium surround- ed by signs proclaiming, "I love my Wolverines" and…

…-FACED Wolverine quarterback Dennis Franklin, amidst shouts of, "Speak to us, Denny" and "Let's hear it for Dennis the Menace," followed his coach to the podium,- an- nouncing simply, "We have your dedication, and…

… . . . and when we get back, you'd better be ready to party!" Brown's c o m m e n t drew hearty cheers from the assem- bled Wolverine fans, whose en- thusiasm was met by the pep- band's rendition of the…

… giving us 1,500 tickers, and spreading the Michigan fans throughout the stadium. "That may be good strategy, but I think it's going to have a reverse psychology," K i= an son said. "The Wolverine fans will…

… find each other and get it to- gether." Freshperson Don DiPalo, one of approximately 300 Wolverine disciples who sacrificed sleep in favor of the 9 a.m. pep rally, put his finger on what he feels is…

November 24, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… Minis- Yasir Arafat. ,nt t 1.Ui d t tL t1 t x Buckeyes the nationally televised victory. Stopping an Ohio State team without a touchdown for the first time in seven years, the Wolverine defense held the…

… Bucks to 253 total yards and kept them bottled up for much of the afternoon. In a pressure-packed final two minutes, the Wolverines did nearly everything right, but still came up short. Faced with a…

… fourth down and 20 deep in Michigan territory, Wolverine punter John Anderson boomed a 55-yarder to the Buckeye 25. TWO OSU rushers gained five vards and Michigan middle guard Tim Davis sacked quar…

… Brown at - the Michigan 47. U Quarterback Dennis Franklin, who had trouble cutting on his sore ankle all day, cranked up the Wolverine offense for one last charge. FRANKLIN immediately hit Jim Smith for a…

… can't hold the kid re- drawnfa sponsible who kicked the ball, they ha( We should have had the game tered. out of reach by then." Udall The way the game started nedy'sv out for the Wolverines, it didn…

November 10, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

… CHAMPAIGN - URBANA The Michigan defense rose to the occasion, stop- ping Illinois three times inside the Wolverines' 20 yard line in the fourth quarter yesterday to pre- serve a 14-6 victory. The win, coupled…

… another chance from the half yard line. Illini Jim "Chubby" Phillips tried to plunge off left tackle, but the Wolverines nailed him short of the goal. Illinois then tried an onside kick that bounced off…

November 05, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 53) • Page Image 8

… Classic held in St. Joseph. The 'world' that Wolverines Freddy De Jesus and Jerry Karzen played consisted of one of the most talented doubles teams in professional tennis, Jimmy Connors and Ilie Nas- tase…

…. Connors is currently rank- ed number one in the world, a distinction that Nastase held last year. THE EXHIBITION match be- gan on a bright note for the Wolverine duo, with Karzen win- ning his serve. The…

… the pair of Wolverines. Karzen said after it was all over, "I knew if we could still be in it when Nastase seerved we had a good chance to win. After all, Nastase was the one we broke service on earlier…

November 15, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 62) • Page Image 10

… that this year's frosh will ma-I tare fast enough to help the Wolverine tankers better their third place Big Ten finish of I974. This year's frosh group was requited largely due to the fine reputation…

… but added that he chose Michi- gan "because of Gus Stager." The Wolverine swim team al- so has a member from Puerto Rico-John Daly. He went to high school in San Juan and was the island's butterfly…

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