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October 23, 2015 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

Apple employees for failing to properly set up the demo computer. The camera circles around the two characters, and we see the fear on the other employees’ faces and sense the dread instilled by Jobs…

… made by students at the seventh annual UMMA Late Night on Thursday. UMM A L ATE NIGHT FOLLOW US ON T WIT TE R Sorkin studies myth of Apple’s Jobs By JAMIE BIRCOLL Senior Arts Editor I proudly…

… admit that most of the technology I own was made by Apple. I can’t thank Steve Jobs and Apple enough for them: they’re elegant yet simple enough for my technologically challenged brain to comprehend…

… himself in the character and balances the forcefulness of the character with subtlety, but no less drive, in his quieter, more earnest scenes. And Jeff Daniels (HBO’s “The Newsroom”) as former Apple

… CEO John Sculley demonstrates incredible charisma, representing a formidable opponent to Fassbender. The climactic, tense confrontation between the two after Jobs’ dismissal from Apple proves…

… diametrically opposed in their desires — Jobs demands control over Wozniak and his ingenuity, where Wozniak yearns for some kind of recognition for his success and role in transforming computing, if not from…

…” was Apple’s slogan back in 1997, and, at the very least, “Steve Jobs” does. FILM @MICHIGANDAILY Lerner, chair of the College Democrats. “Despite some technical difficulties, it all worked out…

October 23, 2015 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

… Sacrifice”), an original Macintosh developer, in front of several other Apple employees for failing to properly set up the demo computer. The camera circles around the two characters, and we see the…

… Writer I proudly admit that most of the technology I own was made by Apple. I can’t thank Steve Jobs and Apple enough for them: they’re elegant yet sim- ple enough for my technologi- cally…

… earnest scenes. And Jeff Daniels (HBO’s “The News- room”) as former Apple CEO John Sculley demonstrates incredible charisma, representing a formi- dable opponent to Fassbender. The climactic, tense…

… confrontation between the two after Jobs’ dis- missal from Apple proves electri- fying, the film’s finest moment. Seth Rogen (“The Interview”) as Steve Wozniak displays con- siderable range and heart. We get…

… recognition for his success and role in trans- forming computing, if not from the public then at least from Jobs — that their dynamic will eventu- ally crumble beneath them. It’s a deeply interesting…

…- tures into deeper waters than any standard biopic could. “Think dif- ferent” was Apple’s slogan back in 1997, and, at the very least, “Steve Jobs” does. CAROLINE FILIPS B Steve Jobs Universal…

October 23, 2015 (vol. 124, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

… since come to my senses and, after extensive listening, can confidently conclude that I prefer OK Computer to Kid A – because it really does say a lot about a person – and yet still can’t articulate…

… projects, I quite literally felt like I was trans- lating code from a computer (see Kid A). But with In Rainbows, I didn’t have to think. I could just listen. The experience became purely visceral, a…

… the methods for which we now listen to music: Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, etc. Or maybe just because that “Nude”-“Weird Fishes / Arpeggi”- “All I Need” segment of the album is some of the most…

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